

Damnn, I'll have to check that out for sure, how much is it usually?

Well if I were coherent enough to read the stickies and read the rules on links, I'd post a direct link to where I get it from. But being the crafty soul that I am I can suggest to you to do a google search of "aromatic blends direct" without the quotes and click on the first link you may find what you are looking for.

Last time I bought it it was 35 + 10 for shipping since it comes from england, takes about a week and some change to arrive but its worth it, i recommend smoking "Spice" in blunt form, always hits me harder than bowls.

If anyone has any questions on getting pure jwh-018 send me a private message, and I'll direct you to some canadian chemical suppliers that I have used before.

On an off topic note, 4/20 is super close, and all I have is garbage mids! It's never a happy 4/20 when you don't have good bud.


Just went to the aformentioned website, figured I'd note that they are a confused bunch of brits at best. You will notice there is one Genie blend for $31 for 3g's and another that says buy one get one free, for $62 dollars, I've always used the $31 dollar one. You can order an ounce for $300 as well.

It should also be noted that your body quickly builds up a tolerance to this chemical. This stuff isn't for every day smoking either, makes you completely couch locked and off in your own world. I recommend smoking a blunt or two every other day, while smoking bud in it's stead.


CP-55940 and WIN,55 212-2 are also very promising, cp is very unstable, you should treat it like acid, brown bottle wrapped in tin foil in the freezer when your not using it, but it takes a very little, .75-5 mg smoked to get quite high, and both are reported as quite clear headed and colorful. WIN has an extra binding site on receptors that makes it more excitatory than most cannabinioids, supposed to be a nicely colorful high.


Well-Known Member
don't mess your weed up with this stuff. shepj is right, if you are going to dabble in this, you need a very accurate scale to the mili-, if not micro-, level. If you take too much, you will be having a good time.
I can't say I know anything about the "blends" of the JWH (that is to say anything that is not strictly the pure chemical).

However I find that the pure chemical of JWH-018 is 100% legit and I assure you it is excellent in every fashion. I would, of course, recommend that one be quite conservative with the initial dosing of JWH. While I would imply that you can dose without the need of a scale, a scale is a nice thing to have. Unfortunately, any scale that would be accurate in any valuable way at the low dosages we're speaking of is a bit cost prohibitive to the casual user I would think. I do not find it necessary to utilize a scale for such a purpose (myself, I have never utilized a scale once in hundreds and hundreds of doses). After your few initial uses you will come to terms with the amount you should be smoking at any given time.

The pure chemical of JWH-018 is a real pleasure and a godsend to some. I wholly endorse its existence.


Well-Known Member
I just stumbled across this thread and figured I would revive it. I discovered jwh-017 only recently and I must say, im impressed! They have several varieties at my local head shop, my favorite being the Red Light. For anyone who hasent tried any of these products lately, do it! The shit is awesome but as with all good things it's not going to last.


I make this myself, and only charge $20 for a 3.5g bag. It's way too easy to make. No need to over-charge like people online do.

your local head shop should carry it

thats shit was crazy :o
i'd say it was worth the price
if you like that type of high you will have no problem paying $30 a g


Not if you spray that gram on 50g of herb. Then your all good to go.

don't mess your weed up with this stuff. shepj is right, if you are going to dabble in this, you need a very accurate scale to the mili-, if not micro-, level. If you take too much, you will be having a good time.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I'm guessing the shit is strong? what would happen if you did a 1g toke of this shit, i am basically asking if you can OD?
It is rather strong, ~5 milligrams JWH-018 is enough to get you rather lit. I don't know if you would OD to be perfectly honest, if you didn't you would probably wish you did (during the experience) lol. I had a bit too much JWH-081 (which is far weaker than -018 ) the other day and started tripping a bit.

You would have a panic attack, and either die or pass out.
He might have a panic attack.. so long as you remember to control your breathing this can be avoided. As to dying or passing out, I am leaning towards pass out.


But couldnt it be either? We both know it can cause a panic attack. Some people have died from panic attacks. So isn't either senario possible?

It is rather strong, ~5 milligrams JWH-018 is enough to get you rather lit. I don't know if you would OD to be perfectly honest, if you didn't you would probably wish you did (during the experience) lol. I had a bit too much JWH-081 (which is far weaker than -018 ) the other day and started tripping a bit.

He might have a panic attack.. so long as you remember to control your breathing this can be avoided. As to dying or passing out, I am leaning towards pass out.


Well-Known Member
i personally did not enjoy jwh, especially the cost. it goes about the same price as weed does around here, so ya not much point in my opinion.

what actually scares me about jwh, is the fact that is not a natural compound and most teenagers out there dont realize that. it is merely a chemical that fits the same receptors in the brain as cannibinoids (namely CB1 and CB2). unlike mj and thc alike, this chemical has not been around since the dawn of man, and its effects are not fully understood. as a person who prefers to fully understand any chemical (at least mind altering types) i put in my body, the unkown in this case is a deterrent. even when i was doped out on deadly amounts of DXM and antihistimine for the better portion of a year, i didnt feel as uncomfortable as spice made me feel.

then again, i also get no pleasure from salvia either, so maybe its just a personal preference.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
But couldnt it be either? We both know it can cause a panic attack. Some people have died from panic attacks. So isn't either senario possible?
I suppose. Indeed, but I also think most people have no idea as to how to control their mind and body. I have smoked upwards of 30+ mg's of various JWH-xxx's substances in one sitting and had no anxiety problems, it's all about controlling how you breathe. Making that argument, a 100% Sativa strain of marijuana could kill you as well (as I have had more anxiety problems from sativas than I have from any synthetic cannabinoid/agonist).


Well-Known Member
Would the WIN55 that one of my vendors is offering be the same chemical as the WIN,55 212-2 mentioned earlier in this thread? If so, I am ordering right when I get a confirmation..

EDIT: After comparing chemical structures, will say they are one in the same.. Apparently you can't smoke the WIN?


Well-Known Member
I smoked this with a couple fiends of mine a couple weeks back. They all had drug tests coming ups, so it was herb for them. 5 hits later. Gone. Just gone. Then we watched The Machinist. Every time Christian bale wasnt wearing a shirt, we took 2 shots each. From what I hear, its very easy to build up a tolerance to herb, more so than weed. Since this was my first time dealing with it, It was the heaviest high I've ever had thus far.


Well-Known Member
just curious.. are you people trying to find alternatives for marijuana?? or additives to sprinkle onto marijuana??

Just curious.. because if you are?? I just want to give some advice to you young kids.. don't smoke shit that's not made for smoking.

I have a feeling that you guys are trying to find replacements for the 'K2' substance.. you guys have to be some ignorant people to want

to smoke a substance that's simply made ONLY as an incense. There's not fucking telling whats all in the mix either.. and hell, who knows..

once on fire, the smoke from these substances such as the 'K2' could be producing some sort of poisonous vapors that your inhaling into

your lungs. So, who knows the long term effects on the human lungs and respiratory system... its just not a smart idea.

Just trying to reach out to some of you younger kids around here.. marijuana? yeah.. hell yeah. all day man.. but when it comes to smoking

shit that you have no clue to whats inside it.. that's just ignorant man.

But then again, if this isn't what you ppl are talking about.. then I do apologize, as again.. I'm just trying to lend out some good advice to the

younger generations.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
Apparently you can't smoke the WIN?
You're not able to vape it?

just curious.. are you people trying to find alternatives for marijuana?? or additives to sprinkle onto marijuana??
Personally, alternative.

I just want to give some advice to you young kids.. don't smoke shit that's not made for smoking.
Don't think that because you smoke pot, it is made for smoking..

Smoking anything (especially something green and chock-full of chlorophyll) is not going to be good for you (take a look at a chemistry equation for combustion). So let me give advice to you old people, don't think that smoking a plant is better than a chemical if you can't back up your reasoning.

you guys have to be some ignorant people to want to smoke a substance that's simply made ONLY as an incense.
You have to be an ignorant person to not realize that they sell it as an incense to avoid legal trouble. Maybe you also do not realize, if they market it for human consumption the FDA and probably DEA would be up their ass quicker than they could blink.

Various JWH-xxx's and various cathinones have been marketed for "Bonsai" and "Plant fertilizers"; you put that shit in your plant and watch it die. Again, it is a legal loophole.

once on fire, the smoke from these substances such as the 'K2' could be producing some sort of poisonous vapors that your inhaling into your lungs.
You could say the same thing for weed, as there are more than 400 chemicals found in the plant.

So, who knows the long term effects on the human lungs and respiratory system... its just not a smart idea.
Do you not realize that smoking something with as much chlorophyll as marijuana has in it produces more carbon monoxide than cigarettes? Stop saying smoking one thing is okay and smoking another is bad. Yes some things are worse than others, but you are not using any factual data! Nor are you taking into consideration that all combustions are incomplete and burning marijuana may have biproducts that when burned, do long term damage to your respiratory system.

Just trying to reach out to some of you younger kids around here.. marijuana? yeah.. hell yeah. all day man..
The JWH-xxx series substances are made to hit the same receptors as marijuana, what makes you think they are dangerous? Simply because they are synthetic? Your argument sounds very uneducated.

but when it comes to smoking shit that you have no clue to whats inside it.. that's just ignorant man.
I will bet that off of the top of your head you can not tell me 10 (of the 100+) terpenes found in marijuana. I will bet further that you can't even tell me what a terpene is off of the top of your head. Can you list all the 400+ chemicals found in marijuana? How about the probable 1000+ during combustion? Can you tell me which are carcinogens? No, I bet you can't. That's just ignorant man.