Just whats left


Well-Known Member
dear lord that's massive! props, and that's just what the Thieves didn't get?! wow.



Active Member
Thanks ,Cal Orange, White Widow >> It was the Thai Stick that they took that grew so high. I used mushroom, compost and fish fert. They were started in a greenhouse in May then put outside in the ground. Some were tented to force flower early but the Thaistick just refused to flower early regardless. I did get a branch off the Thai as it got pulled off when the thieves were going over the fence.


Well-Known Member
Is it smokeable? If the buds are only a few weeks old, do they contain any potency? I had a branch fall off when I was doing a quick hide of my plant. Accidently got caught in a closet door. It had buds on it, but they're only two weeks old. Are the mini-buds worth smoking?


Active Member
Actually it was ready, Stupid was going to harvest the next day then the crooks grabbed it. But in other years I have taken a little before hand and its ok not great stuff like if you waited but worth smoking . But if the plant is only 2 weeks old ity shouldn't have buds yet as no veg time.


Well-Known Member
No, my bad, I wasn't clear. She's only been flowering for two/three weeks. This plant is about 3' tall. She has buds, but they're just small. She sprouted from a flower pot, by mistake, in June or July.


Active Member
no problem , I was a little hot at first as I don't lie, ( generally anyway)but upon thinking about it I realise that there are a lot of BS going on in this site and ppl who are just goofs and full of shit so anyone might think I was full of shit too. So no hard feelings I might have said something myself if I gave a shit. Actually I was surprised no one asked if they were males as I have seen many huge useless males that someone thought was goibg to be worth a fortune. :)


Well-Known Member
very nice, very very nice... and the thieves got even more than that?!?! :(
are thoes square jars plastic? I didn't think curing worked right in plastic.


Active Member
yes it is plastic , unfortunately ran out of glass >>> it will just have to fly !
Yea this is off the smaller ones >> they were not Thaistick and were ready earlier.
Big is not always more productive. I got upset at first but figured it was my fault for not being on my toes . I have given away 2 other big jars.