Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012

Everybody!!! Lookup BILDERBERG!!!!! Also I would go with Alex Jones or William Cooper & prisonplanet.com for any type of conspiracy theory. I'm not hateing on anybodys theory or source I'm just putting it out there.
Also, look up the effects that genetically modified seeds would have on the worlds food supply. Companys are placeing patents on seeds now days, some companys have came up with the "terminator gene" where they genetically modify plant DNA, causeing the second generation of seeds to become sterile. This is NOT a conspiracy theory, its a FACT!


Well-Known Member
there is a theory that spawns from the end of the aztec calender that the world will end in 2012. but i think they just got tired of making calenders


Well-Known Member
there is a theory that spawns from the end of the aztec calender that the world will end in 2012. but i think they just got tired of making calenders
The mayans calender was based on the earths position in the milky way.

Just because a clock goes past 12 doesnt mean it stops ticking.
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Active Member
there is a theory that spawns from the end of the aztec calender that the world will end in 2012. but i think they just got tired of making calenders
It's the Mayans.

But hell yeah, man, they're making calendars for over 1000 years (at least). I bet they just said "fuck this, 2012 is almost 3000, right?" and stopped right there.


Well-Known Member
LOL i wish but it doesnt seen to be like that lol
The mayans calender was based on the earths position in are galaxy
and sciences have been saying that in 2012 we will be passing though the DARK RIFT (as the mayans say)


Well-Known Member
LOL i wish but it doesnt seen to be like that lol
The mayans calender was based on the earths position in are galaxy
and sciences have been saying that in 2012 we will be passing though the DARK RIFT (as the mayans say)

But its Not like this hasnt happened Before!!! Or many times for that matter.

Just cause the hand of clock goes past twelve Doesnt mean it stops ticking!


Well-Known Member
Precession is the movement of the rotational axis of a body....

The dark rift is a feature caused by interstellar dust that runs along the Milky Way from the Galactic Center

Two different things
no shit - have you been reading these posts?

this is in reference to your 26,000 year post.


Active Member
Holy shit! This is the twelfth page of the thread! 2012!! Resemblance? HOLY SHIT FUCK! End of the world.

See? That's about as logical as every other theory of the 2012 apocalypse or whatever it is.

I mean, come on, Y2K made more sense than this, and look what happened.


Active Member
You know as soon as December 2012 comes, there'll be people placing bets and shit. The funny thing is, whoever bets on it's not gonna happen have nothing to lose, because if it does happen, no fucking money needed when you're dead. And if it doesn't, you win your cash.

But yeah, I don't see it happening, sorry.


Well-Known Member
You know as soon as December 2012 comes, there'll be people placing bets and shit. The funny thing is, whoever bets on it's not gonna happen have nothing to lose, because if it does happen, no fucking money needed when you're dead. And if it doesn't, you win your cash.

But yeah, I don't see it happening, sorry.

hahahahah GOOD POINT!!!!!!! Any takers on my bet its not gonna happen???

$100,000 Cash???