Just switched to hydro, leaves look overwatered...


Active Member
I really need some fast help with this one cause my plants are starting to decline rapdly.

I built a an aeroflo type system modeled after the one on uk420. (search diy aeroflo and it's one of the first links.) Anyway, mid build I decided that using sprayers was pointless because I didn't plan on going through problems of clogging actual aerponic sprayers that atomize the water. The sprayers used in the diy guide served no purpose in my opinion as they are just a complicated method of delivering fresh water from the rez to the chambers.

So I decided to just have some pvc run from the pump and down to the end of the chambers and recirculate fresh oxygenated water. Pump runs 1 min on 7 min off.

The plants were started in rapid rooters in a floating seed tray. They stayed in the tray for two weeks and flourished. I keep a small 1/4" line with holes poked in it on a small air pump to keep the water in the tray oxygenated and I use pool shock to keep a dead rez. I was only using maybe 40 - 50 watts of cfl's on the girls at this point.

Three days ago I transplanted into my system and everything seemed ok at first.As the days progressed the girls have been showing more and more signs of what I call overwatering. Leaf curling/cupping. Not on the sides of the leaves but from the tip inward. Limp. Wilting. One looks worse than all the others but I'm not happy about the rest either. When I was doing soil these symptoms cam from overwatering but I am having a hard time understanding how they are overwatered when I see ppl with there roots completely submerged all the time.

I'm stressed out and kinda all over the place with this so I just sum it up and try to get some replys in before my plants die on me.

1. aeroflo type system converted into recirculating nft/dwc? type system. (which an aeroflo is a misleading gimmiky name that should be changed too nftflow...)

2. 25 gallon rez. Tap @ 200 ppm. Clorine allowed to evaporate (because I suspect the levels straight out the faucet are too high)

3. I allow ph to naturally creep from 5.7 - 6.5 before adjusting.

4. I run a dead rez using 1 oz. of diy "clear rez" (pool shock) per 5 gallons of water reapplied every 2 - 3 days. Any longer and you get alge.

5. I use the entire GH Flora series minus anything with bennies in it like teas and such.

6. I am using the GH feeding schedule at 3/4 strenth due to high temps. Even so, I think the girls need food as I type this.

7. Humidity is around a constant 30 - 35% lately.

8. PPMs have not gone over 800 so far with a starting ppm of 200.

9. I just put a little hydroton on the bottom of the net pot and then stick the rapidrooter on top and surround it with more hydroton for stability.

10. The plants are in a 4 x 4 tent with SIX 240 watt blackstar leds. (TOO MUCH LIGHT????)

BTW don't fall for the led hype stating they are cooler than everything else. NOT TRUE. 1000w of leds will turn your room into a furnace. Sure you get more useable light but trust me, I've spent thousands on leds and tried all different wavelengths and such. You have to use more led than you think because they cannot penetrate the canopy. Great colas... Horrible, underlit mid and lower plant. The more you add the closer you get to the same heat problem you get with hps..... Did I mention they cost thousands????? They fans go out before the leds.... power supplies fail..... you will find yourself taking apart broken lights to get powersupplies for another broken light. If you live in a friendly state, sure no problme... just return it.... if you live in an unfriendly state you get stuck with expensive scrap electronics.

11. Temps are reching a max of 91.5F

Now I'm assuming I'll get alot of replys telling me my temps are too high but I would like to debate about that. If the temps are the problem, by all means someone please explain too me how.

Greenhouses reach tempatures well above 91.5F. Even just in the open outdoors tempatures can easily reach 91.5F

Anyway I gotta jet outta here. Hope someone can help me out. Peace

WAIT! I left out an important part.

I'm confused about how high to keep the water level in the chambers. Like, is it ok for only 1/2 or 3/4 of the roots be submerged in water or do every square inch of the roots need to be in the water?

I ask because I have the water level high right now completely submerging the roots. Should I lower the water level?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The plantroots need time to breath gasses as well as take up moisture. Without both balanced properly the plant will die.


Well-Known Member
The plantroots need time to breath gasses as well as take up moisture. Without both balanced properly the plant will die.
Not true.
If the water is oxygenated at all you're fine. That's how I've grown for 3 years now.

What is in the 'pool shock' sounds like you're adding chlorine back into the system. Try h202 to keep a 'dead res' as you call it. When peroxide breaks down it adds extra oxygen to your water, and won't hurt plants.


Active Member
Not true.
If the water is oxygenated at all you're fine. That's how I've grown for 3 years now.

What is in the 'pool shock' sounds like you're adding chlorine back into the system. Try h202 to keep a 'dead res' as you call it. When peroxide breaks down it adds extra oxygen to your water, and won't hurt plants.
Pool shock contains the same ingredient (when mixed with water) as "Clear Rez" sold by ez clone but with a 1000% markup allegedly, (I haven't done the math.), It's Hypochlorous Acid and yes it replenishes the chlorine levels to keep the baddies away.

I am using 3 6 inch air stones with ample bubbles.

Cowell, I was under the impression if you don't use h2o2 from seed or clone that it will bleach/kill your plants. Could I use it safley now since I didn't use it from the start. The hydro guy said he used it and it killed his plants. Of course the hydro guy wants to make money though.


Well-Known Member
I'd double check tht pool shock man. You leave your water out to let the chlorine dissipate -right.. Then turn around and add it back into your res... If it's cool with plants then cool, I'm just unfamiliar with it to know if it's ok or not.

Killed his plants with H202?? Like did he not dilute it? I use 10ml in a 5 gal mix of nutes. I used to use only 1 ml/gal, and upped it to 2ml per gal this grow. I started adding H202 in the middle I a grow I was having issues with root rot. I wouldn't worry about that. Just make sure you aren't adding a bottle per res kinda thing... A little goes a long way. I use food grade stuff though (35%) - so the over the counter stuff I don't know how much you'd add, but a quick search should turn that up.