"Just Right Xtra" potting soil


Active Member
Went to a hydro store the other day and picked up a bag of new potting soil. I guess its fairly new to the market.

Its made in NY. The clerk said it was amazing and has been getting rave reviews.

Anyone ever heard of this or used it before?



Active Member
Just Right Xtra All Organic Potting Mix
Nickel City Wholesale Garden Supply is proud to announce the release of Just Right Xtra All Organic Potting Mix. Just Right mix is Rich blend of OMRI Listed organic materials, microbes and fungi.
We know you will enjoy your "Bag of Biology™"
Items with a
are from:

Just Right Xtra Potting Mix contains:

  • Cocotek Coconut Coir: a high quality, low sodium, medium contains pith, fibers and coconut chips. This blend creates a more diverse and less compact growing medium
  • Ancient Forest Humus: has incredible microbiological diversity the ultimate natural compost
  • Large Perlite: non-toxic sterile odorless material improves drainage and aeration that promotes strong root development
  • Premium Earthworm Castings: red Earthworms are fed and an all organic diet and vermicompost generated contains a diverse and abundant microbiological community
  • Miadenwell Diatomite Silica Stone: a rich source of plant available silica which is widely documented to stimulate dramatic growth in plants thereby increasing their resistance to disease
  • Rare Earth: derived from ancient seabed deposits of prophylactic clay that are blended with fulvate ore
  • SubCulture M: a mycorhizae root inoculant that contains a wide diversity of endo and ecto mycorrhizal fungi that colonize plant roots
  • SubCulture B: a probioticinoculum of beneficial microorganisms that will help increase the vitality and yield in all plants
  • Natural Sulfate of Potash is a natural potash mineral contains 51 percent potash 18 percent sulfur. It also contains trace amounts of calcium and magnesium. Potassium is second only to nitrogen in terms of the abundance needed for plants.
  • Bone Char contains more than 16% available phosphate (P2O5) and 32% total phosphate
For Optimum growth we recommend use of de-chlorinated water the first few weeks then and any of the Flora Series Supplements such as Flora Blend Compost tea.
We know you will enjoy your "Bag of Biology™" and all the complex microscopic pores which provide the perfect "condominium" living environment for its countless microbial communities, as much as we have enjoyed rounding them all up into the bag.


Active Member
I just transplanted them two days ago with it. I added in 4 air tubes as well. So far so good. They seem to have taken the transplant very well. Im sure they love the addition of the air tubes as well.


Well-Known Member
Do you have the air tubes attached to a sponge or something to diffuse the air? Once the roots grow around the tube it will probably get clogged up
The sponge helps diffuse the air and keep from clogging, you could use something like this next time or maybe for your next transplant if you are going up at all:



Active Member
I dont use any bubbler or any sponges. I just have four tubes that are buried into the 1.5 inch layer of perlite on the bottom of the pot.

Where would I install these sponges?

Where can you purchase those sponges?

The tubes have an internal diameter of 1" I dont see how the roots could ever clog that up.


Well-Known Member
You can buy those type of sponges at lowe's or home depot probably. They are the kind used for sponging walls when painting


I am using this soil as of now, and have had decent results. I would highly suggest mixing with 40% perlite though, this soil has a hard time draining if your roots are not throughout the entire pot. I am running into a few problems, but I believe it is a PH problem, not the soil.
So no one has used this soil before?
yes is is made some were in ny it is very good potting soil . right now on the market in terms of a water feed only system this soil will give you better results than any other store bought bagged soil that goes to fox farms roots black gold and bag soil. it is true great. and you can go to mu link on you tube to prove it
part one

part two

i have lots more videos and grow logs on you tube i would like to start a thread in growing or something .
I am using this soil as of now, and have had decent results. I would highly suggest mixing with 40% perlite though, this soil has a hard time draining if your roots are not throughout the entire pot. I am running into a few problems, but I believe it is a PH problem, not the soil.
are you adding nutraints to it?