Just ordered a PPM meter. Info on PPM


Well-Known Member
That's a very good meter. I've been using it for quite awhile.

Absoultely it can help with soil. The key is writing down what strength you are watering at and see how the plants react. Also, you can flush your plant with plain tap water and then test the runoff to get an idea of how much nutrients are still remaining in the container.

BTW. Now that you have a ppm meter you might as well grow in coco and perlite. Better aeration and performance than straight uup soil...or so I have been told by the experienced dirt farmers I know


Well-Known Member
In soil,Once you know what the suggested doses of you brand of nutrients are in ppms> no. You know what each tsp or TSP normally adds and soil gives you some leeway. But for optinum production and to run certain strains on the edge In any kind of Medium it is a necessity. I used mine just to see what it was for my soil and now just measure in ass needed.

Sure do need it for my DWC buckets though.:leaf: