Just learned some stuff from a NARC about mailing weed.


Well-Known Member
Hey Stoners,
I had a conversation with a narcotics officer at a family social function this last weekend,
He is getting out of the business because he knows it's crap, plus his wife likes to burn and she's giving him too much shit for it.
When the topic of Marijuana came up, he told me how they check packages for Fed Ex and UPS,
He said they "look for boxes that are glued shut to keep the smell in" he said they simply pull the lid corners up a bit ,and if they're glued, they get set aside for the dogs.
He also said that nearly every package he or his partners had found were glued.
He said most of the time it's over a pound, he mostly nabs 5-25 lbs.
Also he said that when they nab a package, they put a little wire transmitter in it, then dress up like a UPS/FedEx driver and deliver it, if the package is opened and isn't reported in a "reasonable amount of time" they come knockin'
Remeber you are not responsible for what you recieve in the mail, but if you claim ownership of it, you are.
Vacuum sealed with other items such as foods, gifts, clothing and the like is a good way to do it.
Just don't glue it shut! Make it look as normal as possible.
Never the less it was an interesting conversation.
hope this helps
Word, CB