Just Had Surgery. Can I Medicate?


Active Member
i just had surgery in my mouth where i had a cyst cut out of my upper gum and i have dissolving sutures in, my question is am i safe to medicate with them in?


Well-Known Member
Smoking after sugery is a bad idea. This will make you heal much slower and they often recommend smokers not to smoke for the first 6 weeks after an operation.
I say - go for a vaporizer so you don't get all the toxins from combustion.
I just had a knee surgery and used the vaporizer. Only thing bad about it was the first couple of weeks the high would make me notice my knee more, so it actually hurt more after smoking - probably has something to do with faster racing blood or something.
I wouldn't smoke right now if i was you, but i'm sure will survive ;O)


Well-Known Member
I smoked tobacco after having all four wisdom out at once. I smoked tobacco and cannabis after having another tooth pulled several years later. Will it hurt? Maybe? Will it help? No. Will it kill you? No.

Go ahead I say, but your docs are gonna say no because they can't legally say yes. Brimi has a point in that tokin itself may make your mind more aware of the pain but that's a matter of personal biology and nuerochemistry imho. Still, the recommendation of a vapo isn't bad but if it's out of your league...his characterization of 'toxins' is dubious. There is no risk of poison unless your bud is moldy....which you shouldn't be tokin' anyway. Edibles vary from person to person and preparation to preparation so that's a matter of personal taste....if you will.


Well-Known Member
I smoked after getting my wisdom teeth pulled...Actually, I bought a new pipe on the way home from the dentist so it would be an easy draw, cause too much suction after oral surgery can re-open the wounds and makes you more succeptible to infection. Just get Biotene(doesn't hurt) mouthwash and rinse after you smoke to avoid infection.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
your safe to medicate. i once wondered the same thing after i had surgery due to a rough case of prison sex. took 6 hours to stitch up,and i was back medicating in no time. hope this helps.