Just got a 420$ bong! pics


Well-Known Member
note: i just cant think of a better way to get high like i want to besides takin a bong rip!

k so i have been using a buddies zong since mine broke a few months ago, well his gf wanted it back so i had to give it to her, and i cant go without a bong... so right away i went to the nearest reputable pipe shop and purchased the only one i thought was worth it, there were roor like bongs called roar... and alot of plastic... and ceramic... not much selection for bongs. i like zongs so thats what i was hopin for, but this is a piece i cound just stare at for hours, the amount of extra cane in the glass means more thickness to it. the lady didnt know who blew it at the time but i figured out that it was done by "Crush".

its a 2 foot tall bubbled tube, there are 3 bubbles along the tube and each is covered with some form of decorative design. HITS LIKE NO OTHER!



Well-Known Member
its a beauty. but 420 bux?!?! come on now

edit:actually after readin the review of it and lookin at the flix again i can understand it being worth it. the glasswork is amazing


Well-Known Member
i could have got a decent fuckin roor or something but i really didnt want to go as far as i would have had to, and it was kinda a spur of the moment thing, i kinda do regret it now because i dont have money like that to blow... but i seen this type of bong on youtube durring the bonghit contest and havnt seen one like it till this one. so whatever........ its cool. ill just have to save alot more... work more... fuck... i kinda wish i did just get like a 150$ roor or something like that...


Well-Known Member
kids listen to me DON'T DO DRUGS I DID THEM ONE TIME AND THINGS GOT TO REAL"Holy Crap im freakin out"
lol, i love family guy. my fav drug reference was when they went on vacation and the evil monkey puls out some music and rolls a j up in chris' room.bongsmilie