Just got 60 Day Lemon genetics..


Active Member
Still looking good....I wish my plants where just half way to that point lol. Mine just got above soil. Crazy thing is I made a co2 generator and as soon as it started producing I placed inside my grow area. WOW its a huge difference already. The little ones responding amazingly to just that little extra co2. Used a 1 gal milk jug and a 2L pop bottle. Ready to see your harvest.


Well-Known Member
Still looking good....I wish my plants where just half way to that point lol. Mine just got above soil. Crazy thing is I made a co2 generator and as soon as it started producing I placed inside my grow area. WOW its a huge difference already. The little ones responding amazingly to just that little extra co2. Used a 1 gal milk jug and a 2L pop bottle. Ready to see your harvest.

Nice mate

For this one since I am likely cutting it a bit early this sunday I am not expecting the bees knees of smoke. Just some good smoke to hold me till the photos get done. They seem to be taking FOREVER. In the time it took for a whole plant to show pistils, the sixty day lemon completed a flower.

So as of now, she's been flowering since very late march. I would estimate her total at 41 days flower... April 1st -> May 11th. This sounds about right for 60 days assuming 2 weeks veg, 4 weeks flower. (5.8 weeks from 41 days.). You guys think shes gonna be some good smoke?

Lemme know what you think about the plan for Sunday -- I really need the closet space lol.


Well-Known Member
You went longer than I did so be sure and post some good pics

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All this talk about hair a receding got me worried. So I went and looked closer. The calyx is growing over the hairs or whatever... so looks like I'm on part for not being too early. He'll not may be right on time I am sure the genetics are running out of juice.

To be clear though this is my second ever solo grow and the last time was 10 years ago haha..

Here are some under shot pics.20140506_150441.jpg 20140506_150428.jpg


Well-Known Member
I will just say at this point this plant will be done on day 109. Nearly DOUBLE that of the reported 60 days. That being said, I have learned never to trust the hype. Out of the six that I've germinated only one looks to be anywhere close to the 60 day mark and that one will likely end on day 70-80 or so. It doesn't grow in "any light" as DNA has reported it to, and does really require some great lighting for best results. I have grown this strain every which method possible in soil. (no Hydro, no time to mess with that).

Of the 6, three are severely stunted to the point of being less than a foot tall. One has been budding non-stop for the past 52 days, and buds are forming over buds that already formed now because its so short the side branches caught up with the cola? I've been checking it for rot, so far it looks fine. It's currently on day 112. It's sister that is also on day 112 is less than 4 inches tall and a small little tiny novelty plant that looks funny and won't yeild a bowl. It's covered in crystals with the small little bud it has on it, but at this point LOL yeah.

So outdoors early spring? No go - she simply didn't grow. She required being put under powerful MH at 200W.

Growing under CFL? Nope severely mutated and stunted. Moved to HPS under 12/12 to finish.

Growing in the spring sun? That's up in the air got one outside right now and she's looking OKAY.

So long story short -- if you are looking for a relatively quick and easy strain that will grow in your inexpensive non HID setup, this may not be the strain for you. After all is said and done with this main plant I will post smoke reports etc as there is currently only one other report online. There are also not many dried bud shots so I will try to cover that before I smoke it all.

Yes, they autoed properly, but the claim was it was a very easy going plant that could be grown in any light. That claim was kinda debunked. Trying to follow it only added 30+ days to my grow and forced me to order a secondary lamp so I could move it inside. This sunday when I chop it will be the end of a long strange journey. Yeah, I will still have some lemons going -- but they are all nearing end of term. At this point I am unable to rate if it was worth the hassle for the length of time. I will let you guys know after she's dried!!


Well-Known Member
20140508_184929.jpg 20140508_184922.jpg 20140508_184916.jpg Bah u guys suck.

Pre dark pics incoming 2 days till chop. She's ready I could chop now. Looked Un microscope to cloudy and more cloudy with a spot of amber.

1 gallon smart pot must a limited swelling. She's not getting any more water before sunday. Die of thirst bitch!!! Lol.


Well-Known Member
She still ain't ready I would give her one more week

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Always could but I am out of smoke, and been having some bad days recently I cant wait longer on this one..
Her sister can go as long as she want as long as I have some smoke..

Either way I am not sure how much bigger she can get in such the small container that she is in. Sadly the whole purpose of her life was to be a filler plant until my photos were read, and a this point with them having a month left to two months for the supreme, she is needed to fill the gap of mexican brick weed that makes me ill.


Active Member
Yea man the 1 gallon probably killed the potential of this one. If you would have tripled that size, watch out! Still looks great but could have been great + more quantity. Live and learn. Im ready to see the harvest but I do agree with IMoore. She could use another week or 2 but I understand where you are coming from. Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Yea man the 1 gallon probably killed the potential of this one. If you would have tripled that size, watch out! Still looks great but could have been great + more quantity. Live and learn. Im ready to see the harvest but I do agree with IMoore. She could use another week or 2 but I understand where you are coming from. Happy growing!
Yah. Her sister is bigger than her with more bud sites and half her age. She's in a 3 gallon. I am going to let her sister go till she has full red hairs. But I'm outta smoke and smoke medically so this one has to go. Wasted almost 1/3 of a year on it already.


Well-Known Member
The day before her big event. She's practically begging for it. I really hope she's really tasty and gives me a good amount.

Now for the moment of truth. 109 long days of caring and nurturing. It's now her turn to nurture me.
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