Just dosed L for the first time


Well-Known Member
Title says it all, dancing bear blotter, follow up later ... Wish me a safe journey.


Well-Known Member
So, it's been an hour and I have a headache, pretty sure it was bunk. Would storing LSD in a plastic bag inside a crown royal bag cause it to degrade?


Well-Known Member
So, it's been an hour and I have a headache, pretty sure it was bunk. Would storing LSD in a plastic bag inside a crown royal bag cause it to degrade?
No, unless it got wet or something. It was probably bunk, and RC or something. What did it look/ taste like?


Well-Known Member
It was blotter paper with dancing bears on it. I kept the L tied up in a plastic bag and that bag tied up in a crown royal bag, so no moisture got to it. Probably had an RC it made me jittery and my acid reflux is acting up.


Well-Known Member
It was an RC that acts alot like shrooms. The wife and I each took a hit and it took a little while to take effect. The high was alot like shrooms. We laughed alot, dilated pupils, everything had a breathing aura around it like on shrooms. My face started to hurt from all the grinning. The only thing that was missing was the super high wah wah wah feeling going through the brain.


Well-Known Member
It was an RC that acts alot like shrooms. The wife and I each took a hit and it took a little while to take effect. The high was alot like shrooms. We laughed alot, dilated pupils, everything had a breathing aura around it like on shrooms. My face started to hurt from all the grinning. The only thing that was missing was the super high wah wah wah feeling going through the brain.
Kinda sounds like a low dose of LSD...
Holy Shnike!!!!!!! I have not seen the kind L since 70s. I was lost in a tunnel of color awesome time. Sorry you got Bunk. That doesnt leave much hope for the rest of us............LOL
Take it Easy!:peace:


Active Member
iv never seen an RC on novelty blotters b4... has anyone seen a research chemical on blotter art?? just curious.

i agree wit gastanker; this sounds more like a low dose L trip than a RC trip.. i had some very strong dancing bears around a year ago, these could of been weak or somehow degraded.


Well-Known Member
iv never seen an RC on novelty blotters b4... has anyone seen a research chemical on blotter art?? just curious.

i agree wit gastanker; this sounds more like a low dose L trip than a RC trip.. i had some very strong dancing bears around a year ago, these could of been weak or somehow degraded.
Is it possible to dilute the LSD before putting it on the blotter paper? I don't see why that couldn't be possible but I'm no expert.


Well-Known Member
I guess it could have been a low dose of L. I've never taken it before so I have no basis for comparison. It just wasnt the experience I was expecting. I was expecting something like mushies x 100 and instead it was a weak experience.


Well-Known Member
Better luck next time is pretty much all anyone can say. That's not enough info to even start guessing what you had. It definitely wasn't strong L. Remember set n setting always matters. You could have a low dose of acid in you, and not even notice if the setting is wrong. Also, a low dose can seem like a high/higher dose if the setting is right.

Acid is weird......

Weird is good.......

Most of the time.......



Well-Known Member
I've had so much bunk acid, molly, and rolls that I don't even ATTEMPT to buy them anymore. Or even think about it, unless I get them from friends on RIU. I actually trust quality from friends on here.


Well-Known Member
My above post makes me very sad too. I love doing pyschadelics for special events and holidays, but ever since I moved to Charleston from Kentucky all I can find is bunk. I NEVER had any bunk when I lived in Lexington.