just bought some nutes, will this work? (picture)


Brand: Osmocote Plus "multi-purpose plant food (Sounds like little pebbles)

-Formulated for all plant varieties, delivers 12 essential nutrients for hearty, vigouros plants.
-Guaranteed not to burn.
-Nitrogen (N)+..... 15%
8.0% Ammoniacl nitrogen 7.0% Nitrate Nitrgoen
-Avaible phosphate ...9%
-Soluible Potash..12%
-Calcium 1.9%
-Magnesium 1.4%
-Sulfur.... 4.0%
-Boron.. .02%
-Copper ... .05%
- Iron .45%
Maganese .. .06%
-Molybdenum .. .2%
Zinc .05%
Their also is another column with other info on ingredients. Did i get the correct one? Also i got gift paper to use the back metal like part as a reflector, but sadly is WAS WHITE. But the front part is rather shiny, will it work? i included a picture of it also. It has stars on it.

Edit: i also bought a big bag of Scotts soil. it was only 2 bucks, im pretty sure it has nothing added :D i wnated fox farm ocean but home depot didnt have it. gayyy


actually plain white is one of your best bets, thats what i use, because not using the right thing can actually reflect heat as well as burn your plant, in my opinion go with plain white
Brand: Osmocote Plus "multi-purpose plant food (Sounds like little pebbles)

-Formulated for all plant varieties, delivers 12 essential nutrients for hearty, vigouros plants.
-Guaranteed not to burn.
-Nitrogen (N)+..... 15%
8.0% Ammoniacl nitrogen 7.0% Nitrate Nitrgoen
-Avaible phosphate ...9%
-Soluible Potash..12%
-Calcium 1.9%
-Magnesium 1.4%
-Sulfur.... 4.0%
-Boron.. .02%
-Copper ... .05%
- Iron .45%
Maganese .. .06%
-Molybdenum .. .2%
Zinc .05%
Their also is another column with other info on ingredients. Did i get the correct one? Also i got gift paper to use the back metal like part as a reflector, but sadly is WAS WHITE. But the front part is rather shiny, will it work? i included a picture of it also. It has stars on it.
about the nutes though, sounds like it should be fine, just be careful


about the nutes though, sounds like it should be fine, just be careful
Really plain white? that's aweosme then! i was ment to mess up :D haha awesome!! so far aprroved, nebody else got an opinion? Did i get the correct nutes? And the 3rd week i give nutes right?

CoS Med MJ

Nutes look good. I'm not familiar though, so you may want to watch out for any salt buildup. We can all recommend different nutes, but use it and learn. Trial and error *sadly* is the best teacher. yeah, just watch for salt.

And yes. White will work great. It's not as "energy reflective" as mylar, but it's up there, and some might argue that it's safer b/c the light is distributed more evenly. I use both. cheers and luck