Just back from Jamica


Active Member
Well the trip was awesome, weather was perfect and we were treated like gods the whole time me and the wife were there. I know u all want to know about the ganj, well everyone the shit in the states is much better than anything I may have tried while on vacation. This was my first trip to Jamica and I was expecting some killer shit, how disapointing. I tried smoke from 4 different sources trying to find that elusive killer ganj. NO LUCK! Oh well we still loved this wonderful country and can't wait to go back. The old fatman did do the cliff dive at Rick's Cafe. If u have been to Jamica u know what I'm talking about. Did it once and never doing it again - LOL:mrgreen:

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Yeah, most of the locals just sell some dirt shit, especially in the more tourist areas. It does kinda bum you out except you can get like an ounce for $5 american. Thank god I found a friend out there, he took my friend and I to the ghetto to get this skunk and some Natural Mystic. The skunk was wild but the mystic was better. Not too mention $100 for a pound. It's hard to smoke that much, we were just smoking everyone down and still ended up giving away like an ounce when we had to leave. My favorite thing about Jamaica is just the culture and music, you can hear some good reggae just about anywhere


Well-Known Member
$100 a pound? That's music to my ears :)

What is the cliff dive at Rick's Cafe? Something tells me you didn't do any sort of jumping......


Well-Known Member
when i went to jamaica i bought this giant bud like the size of my hand down my wrist a little for $15 dollars...i left what we didnt smoke in the drawer of a table at the hotel when we left and i came home with like a million pipes...i used to love wooden pipes....lol did you see all the penis pipes??? but yeah the weed was very much dirt weed...crazy place when walk down the street everyone is literally want some coke, want some smoke, come look at my crafts, want some smoke, want some coke...
I loved jamaica!!!