Just An Idea?


Well-Known Member
Ok, well i was jus tokin off a bowl and though. Is it possible to grow pot of the Lumens of fire? I know this would be difficult. My idea was Diamond adjustable grow box. Mabye somethign else seethrough that wouldnt combust? And have the fire come up through and illuminate through it. And set up some sort of super coolant system? I dunno. Im high. just thinkin about Shit. What do you all think about this?


Well-Known Member
or with ultra strong ultraviolet light?
there will be no end to tree of life experimentation...


Well-Known Member
Really?. Lol, thats funny, wether its true or not. I wonder if u could change the light spectrum of fire by burning different things?


Well-Known Member
i have something here....I think its magnesium and it burns like white as white can be and i think it burns at like 1200*. you need a tourch to light it. I think cobalt burns blue, copper burns green, iron burns magenta(red), sulfur burns yellow.

What they used to do is make a pentagram on the floor in candles and put a pot plant in the middle, then put a big hood over top to reflect the light all onto the plant. Weed was asumed to be evil so by putting it in the middle of a pentagram would make it more evil and channel the evilness(potency) into the plant better. You should really try this! if nothing else it should look fucking awesome