Just about to harvest my G13 plants and one of them has loads of seeds


Active Member
Im just about to harvest my G13 (Bag seed) plants and I have just noticed one of the plants has loads of seeds to-wards the bottom of the plant. I have been growing 4 plants in soil under a 400 hps.
Is the plant with the seeds still smokable?
I have a two younger plants in the same shed, will these also be affected?
Is this know as a Hermie Plant

Thanks in advance


Active Member
yes its still smokeable..i just harvested 8 g13 plants that hermied...knocks me out in 3 hits


Active Member
harvest the beans as well. and use them in a few months, you will still have to weed out males and all but might be helpful to have a stock pile of beans from something you know how it grows and what it produces. just my opion


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, smoke up!
The buds with the seeds aren't gonna have as much THC in them only because the plant focused more energy on trying to reproduce instead of focusing on being sinsemilla(spanish for seedless).. but it will no doubt be some good smoke regardless.