Just a thought of mine

Just the other night i was tokein and talkin to my girlfriend.
I started thinking to myself.....What does success in life mean to me?
I began to speak out loud not knowing while on the couch with me beautiful girl. What i said is foggy to me now but what i remember is this....I said "hmm what is the perfect life?"
then i kinda went off like this "the way to a good life is not through money or posession of any sort. Its happiness to be happy with what you have is a true gift. love is one of those things. love can go anywhere. To accomplish inner happiness is a true gift being to sit and look at what you have and say "This is just fine" and truly mean it is a blessing!
if you are happy with what you have weather its a $250.000 car or a $2.000 car if your happy with it leave it be! people with money and many things are just saying "Look at what you dont have!"
But what they are trying to cover is that they arnt happy deep inside.
All of this i want to point to herb. Herb makes me look at things and say "What can i do to make my life feel this good?" this is pretty much a ramble at this point and as im writing this im a little blazed :weed::joint: but i guess most of you guys can still get what im saying as i hope you all speak stoned :P i thought if i got stoned i would remember but at this point i think ive forgotten :(
Anyways this is all a thought from a wondering mind i hope something ive said has reached you guys in some way.
OH and before i forget my girlfriend listened to my rambling and after that night we began to make plans for a future together :)
Peace,Love,And Herb!


Well-Known Member
I have friends who have money that make it appear that they don't have alot of money.
They don't buy fancy cars or live in luxurious homes, or wear trendy clothes.

Alot of people who own fancy cars, luxurious homes, or wear trendy clothes are actually broke and are living check to check.

Don't believe everything that you see.
This is one of the reasons why I enjoy getting high.
Is to be able to seperate the bullshit from the real truth, and not really give a shit about it.


Global Moderator
Staff member
If you're not happy with yourself, money/drugs/posessions/people/etc.... will not be able to change that.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Obvious but fleeting - Shit I can't think of how many times I came up with the solution to world hunger only to forget it during the next bowl.


New Member
True happiness comes from within. It cannot be bought. If you are not happy, and you win the lottery, you will, I guarantee, end up unhappy again. Money buys things, and things only.


Well-Known Member
Happiness is a choice ...

To me happiness is the accomplishment of goals. I set some simple goals for myself and methodically over the years accomplished them. A decent (not lavish) but decent house. A good reliable car that could move a few people or a few things, but not huge or too small and sporty. A wife who is not only loving and caring, but also damned good looking and a complete freak in bed (I have no clue how I pulled this one off, but I did.) A visually and auditory impressive entertainment center. I've accomplished all of the above... So next step is an enigma to me... I'm just having fun with what I've accomplished and wondering what the hell am I going to do with the next 30 years of my life.

I'm not really having any 'I want' thoughts ... I'm quite contented ...

I agree the people who obtain 'status' symbols are usually those who deserve them the least. Being born with a trust fund and access to stupid amounts of credit is not 'status' it's random. Earning what you desire and keeping those desires within the scope of reasonable and staying in your means is success. To me personal success equals happiness, not necessarily things, but completion of goals.

I chill out on my couch and play some 360 and think, "Man 13 year old me would think the 33 year old me is a god among men, and I'm good with that." That just makes me smile.



Well-Known Member
You may have inadvertently stumbled upon your own personal middle path, the perfect balance between asceticism and hedonism, the way to liberation of earthly desires and the final frontier that is Nirvana. It took Sidharta a few years to get that one, you cheated with weed though.


New Member
Even if I lost all of my worldly trappings and was on a desert island with no comforts, I'd still find the happiness in that place and hang out there.

Happiness is almost always a conditioned pattern. If you don't mind getting some lemons in life....because you have learned how to turn it into lemonade....happiness will always eke out despair.

The fun is in the adversity of life.... and is anyones best chance at success, as long as you understand that life isn't fair.
and i think i had a good point (damn you 2nd page i didnt see that there was one <.<) and happiness is what you make it EXACTLY! wow i hope i can figure the rest of this out next time i toke :P