just a quick question


Active Member
Whats up everyone! I've got a small 2'x2'x3' tent for starting and vegging my little girls in. Problem is this time of year its so f'in dry that I can't get my humidity above 30%...unless I close the tent totally, but then the temp gets up to 88F. Question is, whats better/worse. Low humidity or high temps?


Well-Known Member
High temps is far worse.
How are you lighting the tent?
low humidity can be controlled by using a tray and hood for seedlings and clones.
The moisture in medium and the warmth from the light will raise the humidity in the dome.
Get a thermometer/ hygrometer.
( measures temp and relative humidity RH)
put it in the dome, if the temp is below 80 in the dome get a warming mat.
if the warming mat creates to much heat I use a folded towel as a spacer.
I run a 95 watt T5 4 bulb fixture over my dome.
you don't even need that much wattage but it makes for vigorous growth


Active Member
the plants are about 5 inches tall, my dome isn't big enough for them. I've got four in the tent under a 150 HPS, I know MH is better, but don't have the funds to by any new lights at the moment. So for now I'll run the door open a little, temps stay 78-80 if I leave it open a bit, but my humidity will definitely be in the 20's


Well-Known Member
Humidity really isn't that big of a deal.... its only important really for clones, the humidity along with air movement directly effects transpiration levels in the plant as does heat... high moisture slows the rate water is given off and absorbed by the air... high heat speeds transpiration...all 3 of these effect the moisture flow throughout your plant...by controlling humidity temp and airflow you slow or increase water uptake in the root zone as well... a plant transpiring a lot of water needs less concentrated nute levels, this effectively negates any symptoms of root bound plants

My point being that their really isn't a specific anything your looking for whether it be temp humidity or airflow as they all act on transpiration levels. Having high heat and low humidity is better than low temps and high humidity also because it promotes trichome production, whose purpose (among other reasons) is to slow wind movement in low humidity to regulate transpiration..throughout the life you will have a frostier plant

Hope that made sense and isn't too long...smoking and typing today:)

Also if you raise your night time temps they wont stretch or foxtail as bad.. they will acclimate just fine to warmer day time temps as long as you don't exceed mid-high 80's


Well-Known Member
I don't like vegging in low RH but I'm doing it. My RH = 20%. I used to run a humidifier but with bringing in fresh air and all it got to be too much lugging fucking water back and forth so this grow I just said screw it. You just have to watch that you don't let them dry out too much or you're fucked.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Plants will survive a t80-85 degrees; What you need is air circulation/vent-a-lation , then your hummity will be ok


Active Member
tent is opened up a little more, temp is now 78-79 and humidity is 22%, plants look fine still, we'll see how it goes I geuss. thanks guys!