jus got f ing rip off attitude seedbank


New Member
i stay in the usa ga and i got rip off i put 300 dollar on a visa card oder a lot of seeds and didnt get a complete transaction or any thing it said failed so i ordera again an again i check my card and it had 50cent on it wat the fuck i and fucking broke i paid my rent and bout all this equilpment for my grow wit my last 2000 dollar and now im seedless

grennman seedbank udate fucking suckkssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
if this happen to u let the world know

i have no job got layed off and was expecting my harvest to suport me till i get one wat should i do nobody sell weed where i stay so i cant get bag seeds

i jus dont know wat to do any advice i know the money there cause as soon as it was deposit i order the seeds


Well-Known Member
Did you try calling them or sending an email?...You may very well end up with 300 dollars worth of seeds in about 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Have you contacted Attitude? Thats how you take care of it, because putting Attitude on blast is only going to make you look bad, the last guy that started a thread about attitude sucking got flamed to death. Your money has to be somewhere, have you called the card carrier or seed bank?


Active Member
i had a credit card problem there once..if you send a very nice polite email to RACHEL @ attitude, i bet she will straighten everything right out for you..she's very nice..BE POLITE TO HER.. she will help you..good luck


New Member
i copy they email adress that was on the page i think it was info@ATTUIDE or something like that i was nice waiting for a reply hope i get a reply sorry for u attuitude seedbank lover this was my first time ordering and was happy about it and it went bad

do u have rachel email adress


New Member
[i stay in the usa and i broke so i cant buy a calling card good thing i paaid my rent and save money for food i might not eat in two week buy ima get some killer buds lol if i dont get my money i was piss but now im come hope they cum i need help on venting check my other thread out and how do u posted pic up that are to large to get upload


Well-Known Member
Rachel is super nice had one bean left off last order called her and she sent it out. can't beat the tude. good luck to you. it take's time for them to arrive to you.


Well-Known Member
Rachel is good at getting back to people. Be polite and do a charge back to your card if you have too. I bet she will straighten it out if you approach he the right way.

man if your that broke now its going to be awhile before your harvest will be of any help financially. Hate to point out the obvious, but that sucks. Feel bad for ya.

Brick Top

New Member
How long ago did you order? Did you check the tracking information to see if your order has been shipped?
Were you claiming that you were double charged, as in somehow your order was doubled? If so I would think you could politely explain what happened and be able to return the doubled order and get a refund.
I may be wrong but it appears as if you have jumped to a conclusion before you really know what happened and took the time to find out what will be done to rectify things if there was some error. Of course I do not know what happened but I do know that there can be electronic errors when buying online and there can be multiple orders placed due to electronic glitches, sometimes because it appears to the buyer that an order did not go through so they hit send/place order again, and if something like that happens any business will then process what to them appears to be valid orders.
I highly doubt that Attitude intentionally double charged you and if there was only a single order placed I doubt they overcharged you or billed your credit card the correct price and then did not ship. Attitude is a reputable business so if there was some mixup it had to be an error and not intentional.
As for Greenman’s Seedbank rating site, I have relied on it since it was started and it has never let me down yet. It is the oldest seedbank rating site and the most accurate online seedbank rating site.


Active Member
i just went to attitude's site and emailed from there..she'll answer you..really bro she's very kool and very nice..keep good vibes and all will be well...peace


New Member
thank you bro i check my card it pending and i cant cancel it but havent recive a email

no they didnt double charge me just didnt recive a notification i have a login acount but now where on the page to login didnt recive a tracking number nothing does it mean i have to wait till it threw pending

and i do have money till last till harvest just not for seed thank every wonder u help me alot will update you all and posted pic of my setup as soon as i learn how to upload big pictures


Well-Known Member
dude if they fucked u over! fuck them over! report fruad! call ur card company and tell them u dont know anything about that purchase!
you'll get ur money back!!!


New Member
if u just now reading this i was real mad and jump the gun i place a order it was charge to my card but it pending but i havent recive a email to tell me did my order go threw i read alot of people who love attitude and i know now that it was a missudering standing havent receive anything from the site but this was only 18 hr ago i do have money left i payed all of my bills i am a old man and i was layed off so in three month all my money will run out so im in need of seeds hope fully all end well u can email at [email protected] if u want to talk private i stay in ga usa hard till in the usa for real been working for 20 years to get laid off i worked for delta and when the gas prices rasie last year delta lost money so here cum layout i paid my bills up for three month and save a 1,000
cant wait to grow not for the money but to bring me and my grandkid closer together how cool it is when your grand pa let u see his stash lol hope they dont tell they help me set up the 1000watts light and the ventalition all i need is seeds i been growing tomatoes to test it out but the temp in da closet is at 100 i have a cooltube hook up just got to set sum vent up to exhast the hot air in the room but i Will do this when they come see me this weekend they are 17 16 19 and pretty good kid i let them smoke weed only wit me cause it free your mind but told them dont let but told them dont let the weed get u high get high wit the weed one of my joke lol i know it not funny lol it means dont let it control u peace and love to all


New Member
i dont think the fraud me im waiting to see wat happen maybe the order went threw but no email was sent dont no


New Member
well i oder it didnt recive a email they have the right email because i change my password to c if it would send it and i got that check my balnce and it 0 and i say -300 auttide
pending i guess i got to wait maybe it failed but it take a while to cancel dont know but i still love attuitde seed bank because noe im hearing good stuff about it maybe im rushing ima wait it out and stay in good spirt


Well-Known Member
well i oder it didnt recive a email they have the right email because i change my password to c if it would send it and i got that check my balnce and it 0 and i say -300 auttide
pending i guess i got to wait maybe it failed but it take a while to cancel dont know but i still love attuitde seed bank because noe im hearing good stuff about it maybe im rushing ima wait it out and stay in good spirt
Be patient. It will go through. The initial order confirmation is automatic and usually always ends up in your spam folder. Almost always ends up there for me. You'll get another email when it ships. The process takes a day or so depending. I would be more worried about customs finding it, than attitude ripping me off.

Its a bitch economy out there.

I'm in manufacturing and we are starting to see orders pick up big time. We feed the cable tv and cell phone industry with hardline connectors and such. When we start picking up others usually aren't too far behind. Looks like a little hope is on the horizon for now.

Brick Top

New Member
Maybe I am confused about something here but you said Attitude did not double charge you or over charge you but you were complaining about not having any money to pay your bills. If you made a purchase that drained your account and left you without adequate funds cover your needs how would that be Attitude’s fault?
I know you said that you were going to rely on profits from your crop to get you through until you found employment again but if you drained your funds buying seeds and equipment and it takes months to harvest how did you expect to live in the mean time? If you drained your account and would have to wit months to see any return for your investment how did you plan to survive until profits began to roll in?
I can most definitely understand your frustration over the thought of possibly being charged but your order not being shipped but even if it was or will be that would not change your money situation that you caused yourself and that would not change regardless of shipment being made or not being made so I really do not see where that is something that should be seen by you as being a valid complaint about Attitude.
Attitude did not make you place your order and even if Attitude shipped your order within minutes and gave you special express shipping that would still leave you without adequate funds to survive on for a good number of months. It is not as if even if they could beam your order to you ala' Star Trek that you would now be in a better monetary situation.
Possibly you should have thought out your purchase a little better and maybe not gone so heavily into your plans to grow for profit since it is not a fast track to a quick influx of cash.
I really hope that things work out for the best for you but I do have to question what you yourself chose to do more than I have to question Attitude. Then again as I said possibly I misunderstood something you wrote and I may very well be wrong.


New Member
i have money to last me for three mabye four mothn i was mad because i didnt get a email to tell me did my order go threw instead i call my card and it was 0 empty that y i was made i order seed to grow wit my family not to make a living i know a lot of youngin who smoke and was gonna spend money on weed to help me in this rough time i did nt get a email that all i dont know if my order went threw or not it say proceessing when u have 300 and then u have 0 u and not no if ur order went threw u start to panic that wat halp to me

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I've always got a good service from attitude will just have to wait and see. I usually speak to keith at attitude he's always been friendly and helpfull.

Just out of curiosity what strains of seeds did u order?
