Jury tells court to take a hike on pot charges


A Kansas defense attorney reports:
I had a jury trial this morning on level 3 possession with intent MJ, level 4 possession drug paraphernalia and level 10 no drug tax stamp. During voir dire, my almost all white, middle-class, middle-aged jury went into full rebellion against the prosecutor stating that they wouldn't convict even if the client's guilt was proven beyond a reasonable doubt -- almost all of them! They felt marijuana should be legalized, what he does with it is his own business and that the jails are already full of people for this silly charge. Then, when the potential jurors found out that the State wanted him to pay taxes on illegal drugs, they went nuts. One woman from the back said how stupid this was and why are we even here wasting our time. A "suit" from the front said this was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard. The prosecutor ended up dismissing the case. Judge gave me a dismissal with prejudice. I'm still laughing my ass off over this one. I have NEVER seen a full on mutiny by an entire jury pool before. Easiest win ever!



Well-Known Member
I wonder would the jury still have felt the same way if the defendant had been charged with cultivation of 2 or 3 plants. I've read of a few cases like these where the jurors vote to acquit someone on possession/intent to distribute but those caught with cultivation almost always get time unless the cops enter without a warrant which there have been quite a few growers get cultivation charges dropped or beat with a good defense attorney because of no-warrant forced entries by over zealous cops.