Juicy Fruit aero to soil


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I have a lone Wonder Woman sprout, from Nirvana. I started it in an Aerogarden, and let it grow for about 3 weeks, but decided to switch it to soil before the roots got too big. I thought I had missed my Mark because the Aerogarden had those roots EXPLODING, but it worked out great. Transplanted is looking bold and strong and ready to do some work.

It took a month and a half to sprout, during which I had given up and kind of forgot about it. I came home from work one day and there it was. Beautiful as ever. I will post pics this evening. Hoping to have one or two of you guys on board for this adventure. :-)

Smoke up


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics I took of this sweet baby of mine. How does she look?IMAG0142.jpgIMAG0144.jpg

Sorry for camera quality, these were taken with my old cell phone. Will be getting a good camera somewhat soon though.



Well-Known Member
Another 2 nodes, she doesn't seem to be slowing due the transplant at all. Made sure to water it in real well. Seemsto have worked out.IMAG0147.jpg


Well-Known Member
Relocated this baby to an outdoor environment. Also gave her some Superthrive to help with any possible transplant shock and to keep her moving along. Doing great so far. (I also removed 3 fan leaves to allow the new branches to get adequate light unobstructed)
Check her out:
