Jordan of the islands?????


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if anyone is familiar with growing his strains outdoors. I am relatively new to growing outdoors and would appreciate any feedback on his genetics. Having not so good of luck with the strains I have now in north north central us. Just want something dank that will finish around these parts and keep me supplied till the next go round. I know they were bred for Canadian climate a lot of his strains jw if anyone has personal finish times, yield and what strain. Again any info appreciated. Indoor reviews also encouraged


Active Member
Hey. I'm using Jordan's Blue God at 45' Latitude. These ladies are all cloned from indoor stock. The Blue God done right, (mostly cloudy with few amber) is a potent yet energetic high. Most of my friends have really enjoyed it while still being mobile though a few get couch-lock. It's a hardy Indica dominant strain and can be branchy. This is my first season doing guerrilla with these ladies and so far have been successful at avoiding pests and mold (knock on wood). These pics were taken about a week ago (Sept 15) and they'll likely be done mid October. We had a cold snap and they're starting to show a little purple. I used Advanced Nutes out in the swamp and followed tips from browndirt Warrior. Plants are ranging from 5 to 7 feet tall. Going to dry outdoors in a tent. have 20 plants out there, will let you know the yield when done.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks bud I appreciate the info I couldn't find much online about them. I take it ur in Canada but just wondering where u purchased them from and if they ship to U.S. can't wait to get my hands on some of his strains. Hear ya bro on the cold spell my crimea blues are tinting purple. It's like nothing I've ever seen. This is also my first go at growing and it's a sense of accomplishment like no other. No one to trust tho to talk about it and I get so stoked about it it's hard not to share. If u could help me with uploading pics from an iPhone too that'd be cool. Ill show u the ten ladies I got going as well. Tried uploading they just seemed to big and didn't appear on the thread. Look forward to keeping in touch and seeing how it turns out for you. Like I said I kno no one who grows and don't trust to many around me so I appreciate ur input have a good one and burn one for me I've been out for awhile now lol.


Active Member
Hey Blitz. good to meet ya. Ya, it's tricky to trust in this game for sure. I don't mind sharing my experience with you tho and will do what I can to help you out. I got my seeds from Vancouver seed bank, and yes I'm a canuck. They're an awesome company to deal with but I don't think they ship to the states. I'll do a bit of searching this week to see how you can get your hands on some Jordan of the islands stock. I've heard that nukem is another great strain for outdoor northern climates but I don't have any experience with that strain yet. Your girls looks great and what a nice spot too, hauling water doesn't look like a problem. Not sure how to upload from an iphone as I use an android, be sure to make a copy of your pics and strip any gps and personal data from the pics before U upload. time to hit the sack. will be in touch. keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
I called the seed bank before I made this post and they said they do. Just nervous I only ordered once before but that was from the attitude. They just don't have the early finishing strains I need. Jordan of the islands can probably solve that for me.


Active Member
Ah cool. Vancouver seed bank ships in a brown envelope, express post if I remember. very low key. I used Blue God, because I read that it finishes in time, late Sept to early Oct, and it seems to be spot on. Like I mentioned, they also told me about Nukem which is another one that finishes on time. out of the 10 seeds they sent me. 9 of them germed and 7 of those were female giving me good choices for mothering. I think pretty much anything that Jordan sells is made for finishing up outdoors in the Canadian climate, which will be good for ya. They respond quickly to emails too if you have any questions. I'll definitely use them again when I want to try out another strain.


Well-Known Member
That's good to hear my friend how did u purchase, did U have to send money order or do they accept cc? Again thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
Check green santas thread in led section. He crossed some joi strains with tga and his older enduroxx threads he grew the joi strains


Active Member
Hey Blitz. I paid with a CC, but they do take MO's. drop them an email and let them know how U wanna do it. They'll work with you.


Well-Known Member
Thanks hyroot ill def check that out. And yeah, I will probably only go the cc route so that's good to kno wasn't sure they accepted those.