Joker52's DMT Extraction Log

Shpongle Spores

Active Member
Sounds like a lot of work when its available online for pretty cheep. At least thats what I do now. I used to do the a/b extract and got really good at it, but its cleaner and easier to order it. I would extract from 100grams powdered rootbark.
you're not ordering schedule 1 substances online. 5-meo-dmt, yeah. N,N, dimethyltryptamine no.


Well-Known Member
Good idea. I will do that. As soon as im done DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to stop Joker52 but shoving a turkey baster up his ass to extract the DMT out of his pineal glands. THEN I will get off the internet. For you. Lamer.

lol that was pretty funny, i mean i understand that your tring to do but you need to respect the fact that what he chooses or the people who choose to read and follow this are makin there own decisions, and you kinda have no right to try and tell some one what to do with there life, its there problem so why worry about it? you already tried, if they dont listen its on them, you've done all you can, leave it at that,:leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
I can't blame Bill from stressing over the potential for precursors to get banned by people over exposing them in a "snub your nose at the system" way. You don't think someone might take that personal and make it's his/her personal agenda to outlaw MHRB. That would suck if that happened. Luckily the bark stays good for a lonnnnnnng time. I would buy now, and buy large. Extract, put in a vacuumtainer and bury somewhere with GPS.



Well-Known Member
Well i ordered it online. I'm not sure how long it takes to get to the east coast of the USA. If people want to know if it works i'll post it up. I just think it's cool since i read up on the subject. But, you can't be growing weed on a forum and get mad at someone who is also cultivating illegal substances.

**EDIT** When i heard salvia was gonna be banned in my state i thought of buying tons of it from te mall to sell after. Well i didn't, but if i did i could have made like 2 houndred bucks easy. If i ever hear mimosa is being banned, i'll buy a forest.


Well-Known Member
Well, i did a quick timeline to make sure i have the general idea down.

DAY 1: Converting Alkaloids to Salts
I'll grind up about 30G of bark in a food processor and i'll cover it in the acidic water. Probably simmering for 24hrs.

DAY 2 : Filtering the bark. Starting another acid pool.

Day 3: Second extraction and filtration. Starting last acid pool.

Day 4: Last extraction and filtration. Take the added liquid from all 3 extractions and add the naphtha. (waiting 24hrs)

Day 5: Remove naphtha and start second defatting process.

Day 6: Remove naphtha from second defatting and start third defatting process.

Day 7: Remove final naptha Then, Basify by adding warm naphtha and shaking for 5 minutes. Then, using lye, change ph to 10. Shaking and venting after.

Day 9: Supposedly takes 2 days, Then, remove the naphtha again with that turkey baster. Start second naphtha bath.

Day 11: Remove second naphtha bath and start third.

Day 13: Remove third naptha bath.pour resulting stuff on a glass pan and maybe add some water and let it evaporate.

1. Do the acid baths need 24 hours? Can i speed this up and maybe to 2 bigger pulls? Or will i lose a lot of dmt?
2. Also, can i speed up adding the naphtha after filtration and after changing ph to 10?
3. Does this timeline seem to long? All i hear about is crystals in 8 or 12 hours. Am i going about this the right way?

My Hope is>>>



Well-Known Member
Dmt danger danger!!! Haha fun stuff though i have smoked it! Google dmt joe rogan he is really into it.

I have heard of gvmt crackdown on this trippy new fad (i know its not a new compound). Just be careful ! Even more careful than with your weed grows . I mean we are all pretty dumb for posting our illeagal activites but ahhhh wtf.


Well-Known Member
This is the way I did it.

Mix Solution: 4 oz. of White(5%)Vinegar to 1 quart of Distilled Water.
Grind 100g MHRB to fine powder using a good blender or coffee grinder.
Place the ground MHRB in small Crockpot & add 1/2 the above solution till MHRB is completly submerged.
Use the rest of the solution for your Second extraction.
2 extractions / each for 2 hrs. (afterwards clean crockpot for Hot Water Bath). When the 2nd extraction is done, press the plant fiber to get the last of the red liquid out.
Strain both extractions in to plastic container & place in freezer for an hour.(this is called Cold Filtering)
At the bottom of the cold plastic container you'll see gummy Brown sediment, throw that gummy crap AWAY.
Once both extractions are cold filtered, strain the red fluid into a 750ml Clear booze bottle. the reason for a clear bottle is too see layered seperation.
Preheat your crockpot with Hot water & place your 750ml bottle in the crockpot & turn it on.
Next, to Basify put 1 Tbsp of Lye in a small bottle & slowly add 100ml warm water, swirl to mix thoroughly.
Now slowly add it to your 750ml bottle & upend till it's all "BLACK" in color.
(turn cap to release pressure after upending) Leave about an inch of space at the Neck of your 750ml bottle for 30ml of Hot Naptha.
As for the naptha extraction, place a small bottle filled with approx. 100ml Naptha in Hot water bath, get it good & Hot. leave cap slighty loose to release pressure. Once the naptha is good & hot add 30ml of hot naptha to the 750ml bottle neck & upend it for about 3 minutes. (release pressure each time) then Place your 750ml bottle back in the Hot water bath & wait for it to seperate,
I've seen it seperate in under 10 minutes when it's Hot. Once seperated use a turkey baster, pipette or eye dropper to extract the hot Naptha containing your spice alkoloids. Do Three of these 30ml Hot naptha extractions, Put all 3 naptha extractions in small sealed mason jar. (Use a small glass to catch any black specs that might get in, that way you can remove it before adding to your mason jar)
Put sealed jar in freezer, white flakes will form in an hour but wait overnite till flakes have completely fallen out of solvent. Thoroughly dry flakes on coffee filter.
End Results; "the 100g of MHRB will produced appox. 570mg

Have fun


Well-Known Member
i've seen the crockpot thing. But i won't be able to have the stuff out the whole time. I'll only be checking the stuff 1-2 hours a day. So i'll probably do the first naphtha and acid baths as planned but instead of repeating twice, i may just repeat once but add extra.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea how much is in that vial but I bought a half gram out of that vial. It was sent to me from an online vendor that owns that vial. The half gram+shipping($5) set me back $130. It was easier than messing around with solvents and doesnt hurt my lungs like the other 1/2g I have that I got from a friend that did an extract recently.


Active Member
I have no idea how much is in that vial but I bought a half gram out of that vial. It was sent to me from an online vendor that owns that vial. The half gram+shipping($5) set me back $130. It was easier than messing around with solvents and doesnt hurt my lungs like the other 1/2g I have that I got from a friend that did an extract recently.
You sure its DMT and not 5-MeO-DMT.


Well-Known Member
THis method should only take 4-5 days.

Required Items
- Any amount of
[URL=""]MHRB [/URL](preferrably 100+g)
- Roebic Drain Cleaner (Basic Lye)
- VM&P Naptha (Non-Polar Solvent)
- Distilled Water
- Turkey Baster
- Stainless Steel Utensil
- Glass Pie Dish
- Quart Jars with Lids
Note: You will need one quart jar for each cup of
[URL=""]MHRB [/URL]powder (100g of [URL=""]MHRB [/URL]is about 1 cup powder).

Step 1 Prepare Bark:
1) Break and twist up the
[URL=""]MHRB [/URL]by hand into as small pieces as possible,
no need to hurt your hands. Use plyers if the bark is tough.
2) Put a handful of the broken up
[URL=""]MHRB [/URL]into the blender to turn it to
3) Empty the powder from the blender into a bowl or large measuring cup
and repeat blending until all of the powder is ready.

Step 2 Mix Jars:
4) First, add two cups of distilled water to each empty quart jar.
Note: Put on goggles and rubber gloves for this part...
5) Add three tablespoons of Lye to each jar.
[All of the jars should be about half full of black liquid now.]
6) Stir the liquid gently with the stainless steel utensil.
7) Slowly and gently add 1 cup of
[URL=""]MHRB [/URL]powder to each jar.
Be careful not to splatter or spill.
8) Stir the powder gently until it is absorbed into the black liquid.
9) Add around 150ml+ of Naptha , but make sure there is room to shake contents.
10) Wipe the tops of the jars and put the lids on, then shake thoroughly.

Let the jars sit overnight, shake every now and then....

Step 4 Syphen Naptha
1) Syphen the Naptha off the top using the Turkey Baster and squirt it into the glass Pie Dish, being extremely careful to get only the clear Naptha and no black gunk (lye).
2) Add about 150ml more Naptha to the jar, shake and let sit overnight for a second (and then third) pull.

Step 5 Evaporate Naptha
Put a fan next to, or a Dehydrator over the pie dish filled with Naptha . When it is dried out there will be white crystals everywhere. Continue to dry until no Naptha is smelled. There will be an oily residue, which is probably just plant oils and are safe.

I don't think you need to clean/defat the crystals further unless you plan on storing them. I would like to see someone post a SIMPLE and precise method for doing that to to add to this tek.

You think i'll get enough with 58g of mhrb? This way seems pretty easy and quick.