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Well-Known Member
come on, you hire convicted felons because they work for nothing because nobody else will take them. the sprinkler fitter trade was built on the backs of convicted felons. you can get a union job with a felony.

brainwashed my ass. i have worked as a unorganized worker my whole life. i only been in the union for 4 years. i am not even turned out yet. i have paid off all the debit i racked up working for non union employers for 15 years in 4 years of union pay. my kids can actually think about going to college. my wife can actually work a job that she wants to and be home with the kids. instead of dumping my kids at a sitter to go make $10 a hour and pay out 5 of it to the sitter.

o yea i leave for work when i want, i go to break when i want, i go home when i want. its all about 40 for 40, nothing less and only more when asked not told. union is respect for the worker which leads to respect for the job. end of story.

i pay my guys good wages, basic labor starts @ 17.50. and in chicago you cant get a union gig with a felony.

whatever, its xmas. im happy some of you have great jobs and can provide so well for you families.


Well-Known Member
why did you win the unjust firing case.

my union contract only allows testing when hired into the union. unless you cause $1000 worth of damage, show up to work under the influence. or get hurt. the job site can test randomly, but i can refuse. i wont be able to work there but i have that choice. this is a small company so they will tell us well in advance if that job is coming up. if you get caught with drug while at work you are out of the union not just a job. if you have a problem they pay for rehab and give you a second chance, and a third before you will be kicked out of the union.

beside who the hell wants some stoned or drunk out of there mind employee working in a fucking refinery or power plant? i think 3 mile island happened because dude was off smoking a joint? lol
what if i want to smoke pot on the weekends? :-|


Well-Known Member
that's why i am careful. you don't see me running around on a 4x4 lift 40 ft in the air with no harness. why i wear all PPE (personal protection equipment, and don't attempt a task that i am not trained to do with out a journeyman who knows what he is doing.

and silkwill13 i agree its xmas, no need this type of discussion today. i will say that you sound like one of the few non union company's i have ran into who do care about there employees. as far as no felons working union in chicago that's bullshit. i guess they need all the felons for the city and state government.

the rest of us in Illinois wonder how they get away with the all the bullshit there in the state of Chicago. blowmebitch (Blagojevich) can rot in jail with ryan IMO. in a union built prison of course. LOL


New Member
in the refinary,dude alot of poeple were fucked up drunk stoned,stoned on just about every thing and mostly straight normal family poeple,dont worry about a few poeple stoned on weed and never heard of somebody smoking a joint causing any serious accidents the power co.killed alot more poeple in thier accidents because of neglect cutting corners back up your bs with facts my man


Well-Known Member
in the refinary,dude alot of poeple were fucked up drunk stoned,stoned on just about every thing and mostly straight normal family poeple,dont worry about a few poeple stoned on weed and never heard of somebody smoking a joint causing any serious accidents the power co.killed alot more poeple in thier accidents because of neglect cutting corners back up your bs with facts my man
its was a joke man!! couldn't you tell by the tone of sarcasm in my voice. i dont talk shit. rather not talk at all. most is my opinion from experience in my own life, the rest is me sitting here watching it all go on in front of me and forming a opinion with research and comon sence.

how much respect for your job or the people you are builing for, could you possiably have by going to work stoned. its a lack of self control followed by a attitude of "i just dont and care fuck you ill do what i want" would you want your doctor puffing up before surgery, or your mechanic for that matter.

your fact are BS you got busted but everybody else is getting high on the job at a refinery. thats a BIG BULLSHIT statment if i ever heard one.


Well-Known Member
thats all bullshit. i dont even know if i believe your union talking shit like that. give so little. you make 35 dollars a hour that's little.

my package is $53 on a hour. on the check its $36.15. the 16.85 they "steal" breaks down like this. $3.50 for sis fund a retirement fund, $3.40 for another pension fund, $8.90 for health insurance, $.30 education of our apprentices and mufti million dollar hall they train in, $.20 for IP (marketing)?, and $.50 for industrial advancement funds. (something the car unions should have invested in) and this is not your money, this is what the company pays the union on your behalf so they can have qualified American employees. thats a whole lot of nothing for 16.85 a hour. the money i pay to the union is $260 a year and 1 hour of wages for every week i work, out of my pocket. hell i will give another hours wages every week just to train the educated non union employees what unions are all about.

now for the comment about us uneducated hicks with a union job, that have no idea where the off the check money goes. well for being a idiot i make more money than any friend from my high school that wasted daddy's union money to go drink for 4 years then come out a trainee. while they where off becoming a educated trainee, i was working hands on in a 5 years apprenticeship program from a college university, that paid me 50% of the journeyman's wages while i learned. learned from OJT not from a text book while i was hung over.

over time. whats over time? i work 8 hours a day unless i chose otherwise. i have never been told i have to work mandatory over time. now the boss has come to me and asked us to bail them out of a job with the overtime. its cheaper to pay overtime for a union company than to pay the off the check beni's also. overtime ruined my life, bullshit. $54 a hour has not ruined my life in anyway, as a matter of fact when i come home from overtime the wife treats me like a king. she knows who will steal that money. HER!!!!!

i have no problem with non union workers. i have a problem with no-union company who pay half of what the job should pay. i have a problem with non union company that hire illegal immigrants that steal jobs from Americans. i have a problem with a non-union workers who have to work 50+ hours a week just to feed the kids and pay the bill, while the boss rolls up in the $80,000 trucks to crack a whip.
Im not really putting the union down per say, but they basically do fuck you in your ass but who are we to stand up for ourselves? if we do what happens? we loose that job. Off we go to some bull shit location father away from my house or w.e .

The union does a good job of taking care of its works Ill give them that but its all in favor of the end product. They only give you just enough. My union (local 602) uses one net insurance. Its ok but our dental blows. 1500 a year max paid. and they dont even pay for everything. they make you pay half or less while they pick up the other bit and subtract it from the 1500. What if i have to have my wisdom teeth removed and get a crown? or a filling? psssh more money out of my pocket. So yeah the 800+ dollars they steal from me for insurance goes where? to pay my insurance? hahah PLEASEEEEEE

Oh and to only back my thoughts of them stealing our money: Recently MILLIONS of dollars where stolen out of our medical fund. at the time our medical was 343 million? I cant remember how much they stole but bottom line is they havent found it yet so hmmmm what does that say about union?

I can get the best blue cross blue shield health insurance for 200 a month, With the best dental! But no into a medical fund so some idiot with 10 kids can keep his family healthy. Thats who labor jobs really are for. They are for those who do not have a college education, and need to provide for their family. And the union takes full advantage of this. ...You might not see it but unions are a joke. But than again So are non-union, But ive always made more on scale jobs so i wouldnt know what its like to not be on a scale job.

Im stuck in the middle when it comes to union. Sure they offer some security for your job, and health but all in all there are people behind the scenes making millions off the millions that we give them. But that also relates to big business and corporations... So what do you expect from a multi-million dollar corporation :rolleyes:

....Oh and your saying what would make you happy then? Nothing would. Even if I was to get the whole 51 on my check the gov't would still steal most of it anyway. a 4000 check would end up being 2200 in a heart beat. Its all bullshit.... Hense why im going with my own business (even in a shit poor enconmy)


New Member
its was a joke man!! couldn't you tell by the tone of sarcasm in my voice. i dont talk shit. rather not talk at all. most is my opinion from experience in my own life, the rest is me sitting here watching it all go on in front of me and forming a opinion with research and comon sence.

how much respect for your job or the people you are builing for, could you possiably have by going to work stoned. its a lack of self control followed by a attitude of "i just dont and care fuck you ill do what i want" would you want your doctor puffing up before surgery, or your mechanic for that matter.

your fact are BS you got busted but everybody else is getting high on the job at a refinery. thats a BIG BULLSHIT statment if i ever heard one.
dude u need 2 go sit in the corner ya i got busted who the fuck said every body else is getting high i said alot of poeple were fucked up and a lot of straight hard working family men now take a time out 5 min 2 the corner no talking


Well-Known Member
dude u need 2 go sit in the corner ya i got busted who the fuck said every body else is getting high i said alot of poeple were fucked up and a lot of straight hard working family men now take a time out 5 min 2 the corner no talking
your quote cut and pasted.

"in the refinary,dude alot of poeple were fucked up drunk stoned,stoned on just about every thing"

straight hard working family men. they are not straight if they are getting high. thats like saying "i am not gay, i only sucked dick once".

i will go to the corner now thats where the bong is kept. LOL 5 min wont be enough though, fucking street weed, i am between harvest ATM.


New Member
your quote cut and pasted.

"in the refinary,dude alot of poeple were fucked up drunk stoned,stoned on just about every thing"

straight hard working family men. they are not straight if they are getting high. thats like saying "i am not gay, i only sucked dick once".

i will go to the corner now thats where the bong is kept. LOL 5 min wont be enough though, fucking street weed, i am between harvest ATM.

sorry my bad i should of said thier r also straight/sober hard working family men,mostly sober guys working but alot of bad seeds and a couple stoners,sorry bout the street weed good luck


Well-Known Member
its was a joke man!! couldn't you tell by the tone of sarcasm in my voice. i dont talk shit. rather not talk at all. most is my opinion from experience in my own life, the rest is me sitting here watching it all go on in front of me and forming a opinion with research and comon sence.

how much respect for your job or the people you are builing for, could you possiably have by going to work stoned. its a lack of self control followed by a attitude of "i just dont and care fuck you ill do what i want" would you want your doctor puffing up before surgery, or your mechanic for that matter.

your fact are BS you got busted but everybody else is getting high on the job at a refinery. thats a BIG BULLSHIT statment if i ever heard one.
when i work, i get high alllllll day long. all my bosses have know. several of them encouraged it. i was a machinist and a welder. learned CNC coding blazed off my gourd. couldn't have done it straight. i don't have the patience. :weed: :hump:

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I have been unemployed since dec 19 2006.I was fired after having a heart attack while carrying a 32 ft ladder up the side of a moutain.They fired me for not doing my job.
Now no one will hire me because no one will insure me.I have had 3 heart attacks since i was 38,and the gov will not give me social security.I quess i'm screwed till i'm 65,i'm 52 now.OPH


New Member
when i work, i get high alllllll day long. all my bosses have know. several of them encouraged it. i was a machinist and a welder. learned CNC coding blazed off my gourd. couldn't have done it straight. i don't have the patience. :weed: :hump:
i can relate im 40 ive been high since i was 16 most of my bosses iether blazed with me or knew i did.i didnt enjoy the refinery work but the cash and benifits were good.i do every thing better stoned


Well-Known Member
I have been unemployed since dec 19 2006.I was fired after having a heart attack while carrying a 32 ft ladder up the side of a moutain.They fired me for not doing my job.
Now no one will hire me because no one will insure me.I have had 3 heart attacks since i was 38,and the gov will not give me social security.I quess i'm screwed till i'm 65,i'm 52 now.OPH

You sue'd the shit outta your employer at the time though right?? They can't Fire you for you havn a Heart attack while at work!! Come on I slip and fall outside of a mall while at work and sued for money and I hope that I dont have to EVER work again.... I havnt worked for almost 3 years and im only 24...


Well-Known Member
all of my past jobs i smoked when i worked after being there for while. like i said though it was because i didnt give a fuck about the job. or it was mindless repetitive work which involved no skill. i couldn't do it now at this job. maybe after i am more confident in my skills and done with training.

i guess i tend to project my own beliefs and limitation onto others. its a bad habit. i wish i could go to work high and produce like i do when i am sober. more power to ya if you can.


Well-Known Member
Not layed off but got my hours cut in half so now I'm just barely making the bills. it's shitty since this is the first time in my adult life that our governments economy has taken a major shit or atleast enough of one where I have to watch my ass.


Active Member
union electrician... laid off aint no thang. And as far as the union haters go. who do u think determines the area rate of pay for state or federal funded projects? the unions thats who, thank a union memeber[/quoe]
unions suck big time,the only thing they do is steal money out of your hard earned pay check and call it unions dues....................and when they need more money they raise your can not opt out of the union and keep your job,which is is a short story of teamster local....?we went on strike and was to get strike benifits which never happen.................the local said they did not have the money(bull sht)............i will never take a job that requires me to give my money up to a criminal enterprise.


Well-Known Member
My uncle who got layed off in the 1980's resorted to organized theft with a group of what he described as "professional theives" (aka freinds). He made a rather large some of money from it, and started up his own business and now he is a multi millionaire with a wife and kids.

I guess that goes to show karma doesn't get to everyone.


Well-Known Member
god please grant me a few good harvests so that i can start my own small business. and be the Man, rather than working for the Man, who is sending my job to China and/or Mexico.


Last time i got layed off i took a job at Salvation Army making 6.50 an hour for like 6 months... i really can't afford to do that again.