Jock Horror, indoor, 600w hid


I am on day 43 of my first grow. Using Jock Horror from nirvana, non femanized seeds. I had the lights on 24, switched them to 20/4 when I was having heating issues. Then last sati flipped them back to 24 as I fixed the heating and just took clones but hadn't set the space up to handle light. Yesterday I fixed that and now they are on a 18/6 schedule. I know flip flopping light schedules is bad but it's my first grow and I am still dialing things in.

A few weeks into the grow I had a root eating bug thing (looks like it is a centipillar). I uploaded a photo here but no response. I read a lot of remedies and bought Bonide off amazon. I haven't seen the critters since and the plants are doing great. I did have some high temp issues from lack of venting but finally resolved those.

Hoping to see the sex soon so I can flower. They are nearing 1ft even with lst and topping one of them.



Sorry for any grammar or other issues I am posting from my phone. I'll keep this updated as I don't want to keep photos on my phone so I have not been taking photos.

I should mention I started them all with fox farms organic soil with 3 in 1 gallon pots age 3 in 3g pots. The larger potted ones had better growth but it seems the others have caught up in no time and are equally healthy now. I started using fox fans tiger bloom about the forth week into the grow and they are liking it.


Well-Known Member
they look pretty good man, and ya obv switching em lights isnt great for it but they look healthy and decent height, just try to keep consistent from here
until you flip to the 12/12 schedule. but they should prolly be showing sex now can u get a close up photo of where the sign of sex would be?


Update: day 52 from germination. Flipping to 12/12 tomorrow.







Getting ready to clone for the 2nd time. First time failed.

#4 appears to have a tiny calyx developing. If its a female that tiny calyx will spit out two little white hairs. If its a male it will develope clusters of those calyxs, with no white hairs visible.

Also, are you sure it's not Jack Herrer you're growing?

Cause I gotta say, jock horror doesn't sound all that appetizing.

Edit: Ok, just looked it up. Jock Horror it is.. :shock:


I can't post photos right now but I believe I have two males and four females. Not to shabby.

I ran into an issue with my hps lights. For some reason they are inconsistent and do not always fire. I'm not sure if it is the ballast or bad lights. What I don't understand is the MH bulbs work fine. I ordered another hps bulb and also two 105w 2700k CFL's. I've read people still get good buds from MH so I just might be forced to try.


I ended up with four females. For the light issue I am going to do the entire grow in MH. I bought a replacement bulb for the HPS but I don't feel like changing it up this time. I managed to get a few clones and as an experiment I'll use the HPS on the clones to see what is the difference. I took a week vacation and had a buddy come over to water the plants every two days and when I came back they were (appeared to be dead). He did come over and water them but I think he just didn't water them enough.

That was two weeks ago and here are the photos today. It was sad to see them nearly dead but I am grateful that I'll still get a decent yield. They are about 5/6 weeks into flower. I'm putting them at 5 and according to Nirvana's estimated completion time of 9-11 weeks flower that places me at roughly a completion date of 8/17.




Week 9 of flower. Jock Horror is supposed to be between 9-11 weeks so I think I am on track for the latter. It's tough having patience at this point. My tall plant is yellowing all over which I understand is common but the top the leaves are turning brown. Is this okay?

Lot's of photos. These were all taken within the last week. The earlier ones last Tues. the later ones were today.

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Well-Known Member
It wont let me look at any of the pictures. I am really interested to see how they are doing since one of my first grows was Jock horror


Not sure why the photos didn't post. I'm really concerned about the one with the brown top. I know the yellow leaves are normal Out of the four it's the only one that doesn't have new white pistols coming out. Is it ready to chop, chop???
