Jock Horror Auto-Flower(Nirvana Seeds) closet grow


Hey guys , this is my first grow , i have limited space so that is why i decided to do a closet grow , i basicly kept it simple , i have no ideea what the humidity and temp is , but i turn on A/C when it gets too hot ,

Soil:Biobizz all-mix
Lights:200WAT CFL from Eco-light 6400k
Light Period: 20/4

These are my Girls , the biggest one which is 1month today is Shane , and the smaller one is which is 15 days old today is Grasshoppa:)).
Here are some pics: i will update every 3-4 days with new pics , any questions , advice or anything else , please let me know , i was paranoid not to do a journal at first , but i searched most grow forums and no1 has a grow journal about Jock Horror(auto). And also , im preety bumed because shane hasn't started flowering yet , and he's 30 days today:P any ideeas why:)?



Cool bro...looks good..subd...gonna be starting my nirvana NL autoflowers as soon as they get here =]


Nice man:) , i hear NL has good yields , but from what i read/heard, auto ak47 has biggest auto yields :) , im hoping to get 50 grams per plant(1 and 2/4 ounces)


I also have an outdoor plant(keeping it on my window) , which i planted same day as Shane , and did as good as shane the first 10 days , then i left to go to the sea , and when i got back it didin't show any proggres from when i left , and it had most of it's leaves shriveled up , dunno what happened , i left my stoner older brother and my mom in charge(she knows what these plants are , but i conviced her to do this 1 time before i move out:)) not even 18 yet:P , I will show pics of it tomorow :), shes just abit larger than Grasshoppa(the plant , not my mom lolz) :))


Hey I'm about to order some Short Rider Feminized auto flowers from Nirvana. I do have a question on the auto flower. I never tried them, but do you just keep the light cycle on 18/6 or 20/4 for the whole 2 months till it flowers and its ready to harvest? Or do you need to switch to 12/12? Thanks for the help, and great pics!!


Well-Known Member
Just remember nirvana says thier autos take 3-5 weeks to start flowering. Next time I order them, I am going to try to top them.


Mrdaryl21 , i have kept 20/4 from seedling til now, for both plants :) and im going to keep this schedule until harvest , it works great , i am thinking of switching to 18/6 next week because it will be week 5 for Shane , and if she doesn't start flowering i will change :), and no , i didint top any of my plants ,i saw the process , but i just don't know what it's useful for:)


Beautiful plants you have :] I am also going to be growing fem Jock autos as well but in a pc case. Should be interesting to compare my progress to yours, though you got a head start :P If Shane doesnt end up autoflowering you may want to take this up with Nirvana, Im sure you realize that these seeds are relatively new and there have been complaints of some of the other new auto strains not autoflowering.


Well , i don't mind changing the schedule to either 18/6 or 12/12 so Shane can flower , but the problem is that Grasshoppa ain't gonna like less light :) hes still 16 days(today) compared to Shane 31(today)
And also , sorry for showing plants on older days and not from day 1 , i had all pics to start a good journal , but my windows screwed up and i had to reinstal it and by doing that , all my pics were gone:(


Here are some pictures of Jdaier , my plant who failed me and is only 1 day younger than Shane, but i think the seed was weak since they had both the same conditions and this 1 had all leaves shriveled on day 15 , and didint start growing again til day 21 , but now shes alright , i keep her on my window because i dont have space for 3 plants in my closet



Mrdaryl21 , i have kept 20/4 from seedling til now, for both plants :) and im going to keep this schedule until harvest , it works great , i am thinking of switching to 18/6 next week because it will be week 5 for Shane , and if she doesn't start flowering i will change :), and no , i didint top any of my plants ,i saw the process , but i just don't know what it's useful for:)

Hey Robymyz, what week are you on now? Have any pics? Thanks. I'm excited haha


Hey Robymyz, what week are you on now? Have any pics? Thanks. I'm excited haha
I can make pics and upload anytime friend , it's just been 1 day since i made the other pics that i posted , so it's not much of a change in the plants , i will be posting each 3 days so you can see the difference:P. I'm week 4 atm +3days , that means 31 days today for Shane and 16 for Grasshoppa:))


New Member
I am slowly learning more about CFL lights. I must say your doing a good job. I still prefear the Metal halid and Hps bulbs. even the 150 watt ones over the CFL's.


Update: I toped Grasshoppa a few minutes ago using FIM technique , after surfing this wonderful forum abit , i saw how it's done and now it's done , the bad part is that Shane started smelling around day 18 and now hes day 31 and kinda stinking and hes been atracting some pests , some extremely small flies that can go past my fly defense w/e it's called that people put on windows and doors :) mostly for masquitoes:)) , sry for bad english , i can't type after not smoking weed for 4 days:(


Hey guys , quick update, here are some new pics , grasshoppa(the 18 day old one) has been topped using FIM and now i got some pics , she hasn't grown much but will start growing rly quick once it's 100% healed, and my older plant has started flowering i think , but im not quite sure:))



Well-Known Member
Thanks Robymyz as your the first person ive found with a journal of these, im growing 5 of the same (feminzed a/f jock horror) under a 600w hps and are just over 7 weeks old.:?

They have been just showing the double hairs (pistils) the past few weeks and no flowering!!:cry:

The biggest is 18 inches and smallest 9 inches....... Had a few problems with nute burn caused by the pre-added nutes in the soil being too strong and using too small pot's to begin. Also by re-potting twice aswell!!!:evil:

By the way, the autoflowering jock horror's arent meant to flower untill their 6-7 week's of age!!!
Hey Rob,

Im growing a auto jack horror and auto blue mystic. What type of soil are you using? I personally think that hempy buckets are the best way to go. I am using 90% perlite with some hydroton rocks on the top so algae cant form. I think the fly issue is from the soil you are using. I've read that people that use soil need to bake it in the oven for a period of time because all the soils come with larvae in them. They'll eventually hatch if not killed and possibly become a problem. Best thing about the hempy is that since its passive hydro, you never have to worry about pests in your controlled environment (provided you dont take clones from someone else). Keep on going man, pulling up a chair cause i wanna see how big these girls get. I have a DR40 and am looking forward to growing the blue mystic / jack horror in there. Keep up the good work!


Hey Rob,

Im growing a auto jack horror and auto blue mystic. What type of soil are you using? I personally think that hempy buckets are the best way to go. I am using 90% perlite with some hydroton rocks on the top so algae cant form. I think the fly issue is from the soil you are using. I've read that people that use soil need to bake it in the oven for a period of time because all the soils come with larvae in them. They'll eventually hatch if not killed and possibly become a problem. Best thing about the hempy is that since its passive hydro, you never have to worry about pests in your controlled environment (provided you dont take clones from someone else). Keep on going man, pulling up a chair cause i wanna see how big these girls get. I have a DR40 and am looking forward to growing the blue mystic / jack horror in there. Keep up the good work!
Well i don't have a larva problem , i have a fly problem , some very little flies are atracted by Shane's awsome smell, and they keep bugging me:P , my problem is with all my Jock's late flowering , because theyve bearley shown some calyxes and the tiny white hairs(pistils i think they're called)after i've switched to 12/12 program , i ticketed nirvana and told them about the problem and they said to just wait and they will flower eventualy , but it took 40 days to start flowering and Shane doesn't really have that much calyxes:P only a few.will post pics in a few hours:weed: