Jihad, Inc. Not a Religion


Well-Known Member
You are enjoying the fruits of western civilization yet you don't want to preserve it?
sorry for being familiar with all the cute little euphemisms that white power types use.


We believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and European identity must be defended. Today, our glorious Western civilization is under assault from many directions. Three such threats will be discussed at this conference. First, the massive influx to the United States and Europe of Third-World immigrants who do not share our fundamental political and cultural values. Second, the threat from Islam, a militant ideology that is hostile to our society and, in principle, committed to destroying it. Third, because of the persistent disappointing performance of blacks (which many whites mistakenly blame on themselves) many whites have guilt feelings that undermine Western morale and deter us from dealing sensibly with the other threats.

whaddya know?

"preserving western civilization" is just a group of white supremacists.


Well-Known Member
And I didn't say get rid of mosques, I said stop building them.
will you be so kind as to allow muslims to restore and maintain their existing mosques, hitler?

or is that not the type of freedom of religion you want?

edit: you also said to "outlaw" islam. in that case, it would be stupid to get rid of the mosques. just convert them to judeo-christian centers of worship instead.


Well-Known Member
sorry for being familiar with all the cute little euphemisms that white power types use.
You really don't get it do you... Are you seriously that retarded that you think anyone who wants to preserve the very society and values that allow you to be you is "white power"? Again, you're such a cliche and you'd be laughed out of any debate here on any level. Heck, you'd probably get punched the fuck out for calling someone a racist.

Read my previous posts for a more extensive reply as it covers pretty much everything you got to say already.

I'll keep it very simple for you: people in western society who don't want islamic influence in their society are not the same thing as white people killing jews, white people having black slaves or wanting to keep the whites white. It's not about a race being inferior....


Well-Known Member
You really don't get it do you... Are you seriously that retarded that you think anyone who wants to preserve the very society and values that allow you to be you is "white power"? Again, you're such a cliche and you'd be laughed out of any debate here on any level. Heck, you'd probably get punched the fuck out for calling someone a racist.

Read my previous posts for a more extensive reply as it covers pretty much everything you got to say already.

I'll keep it very simple for you: people in western society who don't want islamic influence in their society are not the same thing as white people killing jews, white people having black slaves or wanting to keep the whites white. It's not about a race being inferior....
so much hostility when all i did was google "preserving western civilization" and check out the first result.

there is nothing incompatible about the vast and overwhelming majority of muslims and "western society", whatever the fuck you want that cute little euphemism to mean.

your racism is more incompatible with polite, advanced society than muslims are.

you sure do spend a lot of time trying to demonize them and paint them all with abroad brush though.

you are an intolerant, hateful, bigoted piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
will you be so kind as to allow muslims to restore and maintain their existing mosques
Good thinking, they can keep them, but not restore and maintain.

Classic. Even the lefties got tired of that here, thanks to people like you pulling the hitler card when it's really not appropriate. Can you be anymore.... you?

or is that not the type of freedom of religion you want?

edit: you also said to "outlaw" islam. in that case, it would be stupid to get rid of the mosques. just convert them to judeo-christian centers of worship instead.
Yes, in the part where I said "I'm against religion by itself", ideally everyone would realize it's about time to knock it off with the religious nonsense. My type of freedom of religion does not exist. I propose a simple change, just one word, and change it to "freedom from religion".


Well-Known Member
Good thinking, they can keep them, but not restore and maintain.

Classic. Even the lefties got tired of that here, thanks to people like you pulling the hitler card when it's really not appropriate. Can you be anymore.... you?

Yes, in the part where I said "I'm against religion by itself", ideally everyone would realize it's about time to knock it off with the religious nonsense. My type of freedom of religion does not exist. I propose a simple change, just one word, and change it to "freedom from religion".
nice try.

you praised judeo-christian society and want to outlaw islam. but you're totally against all religion.

i buy that.

but you're totally not hitler, hitler wanted to exterminate a religion, not simply outlaw it.

i buy that.

you are an intolerant, hateful, bigoted, and now transparent piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
so much hostility


you are an intolerant, hateful, bigoted piece of shit.
Meltdown much? You so desperately try to put me into one of your two boxes yet accuse me of "much hostility".

I'm only intolerant against those who are intolerant of what I think should be tolerated. Like bare-breasted women rising up out of the sea.

Hateful? Too stupid... there's zero hate involved.

The "bigoted" is just too stupid...


Well-Known Member
Meltdown much? You so desperately try to put me into one of your two boxes yet accuse me of "much hostility".

I'm only intolerant against those who are intolerant of what I think should be tolerated. Like bare-breasted women rising up out of the sea.

Hateful? Too stupid... there's zero hate involved.

The "bigoted" is just too stupid...
so you literally want to outlaw islam, deny muslims the right to maintain their mosques, ban any muslims from entering the country, but you are not hateful or bigoted?

do you really think anyone is gonna buy that?


i'm just gonna go ahead and repost this, since for whatever reason it made you uncomfortable enough to delete it from your quoted post.

there is nothing incompatible about the vast and overwhelming majority of muslims and "western society", whatever the fuck you want that cute little euphemism to mean.

your racism is more incompatible with polite, advanced society than muslims are.

you sure do spend a lot of time trying to demonize them and paint them all with abroad brush though.


Well-Known Member
nice try.

you praised judeo-christian society and want to outlaw islam. but you're totally against all religion.

i buy that.

but you're totally not hitler, hitler wanted to exterminate a religion, not simply outlaw it.

i buy that.
Ah you can be anymore you... your stupid comparison is what prevents a normal debate in europe.

you are an intolerant, hateful, bigoted, and now transparent piece of shit.
Maybe you should try chanting or singing or praying and it will become true. I'm the transparent one... :lol:


Well-Known Member

Yeah just some uneducated kids as a result from bad parenting. That's what we were supposed to say and think too for a decade or so, it's just a small group of kids that make the rest look bad, saying anything else would result in the typical labeling and nonsense from people programmed to respond in a certain manner.
I'm not saying "it's just a small group of kids". What they get programmed with at home from religion indubitably has an effect on their interactions outside. However, I don't believe it's just that. Kids will grow up with a certain degree of 'fear' (for lack of a better term) towards homosexuality because it goes against their intuition of what sex is "supposed" to be. I at least see it in kids around here when they're insulting each other, calling others 'faggots' in a derogatory way, etc. Usually they grow out of it, though. Granted, if they're still clinging onto their religion, then it may hang around with them later, continuing to poison their perception.

Same party, total nutjobs. Most of the voters are the typical dumb racists, "stupid farmers" as we tend to call them.., but the ignorance of the left that ruled for decades is pushing more voters towards them. People that are fed up with the far left crying racisme as soon as someone points out the huge fucking dinosaur in the room. They are the largest in the polls though. Which means something different here with 15+ parties, no other party will give them an actual ruling majority, as in forming a cabinet in which they rule. If it were up to Wilders, he'd actually deport people. He's a populist with some hitler-like tendencies. We may need Canada again to liberate us again in a few decades, Wilders is making friends in Europe, even more extreme right parties he used to refuse to talk to.
15+ parties?!? Are these all elected? That seems a little excessive. There must be some fine hair-splitting between them (hence the coalitions).

I doubt you'll be able to count on us to liberate anything, except your weed stash, I'm afraid. And maybe those sticky waffle cookies you make. Those are dangerous stoner munchies. We may need to liberate you from those, too, for the safety of Dutch waistlines. Don't worry, we'll incarcerate them with swift justice! :D
We aren't the machine of war we once were. After all, we have a death cult just to the south of us. It sort of precludes the necessity to really make our own, anymore. But we do have some shitty airplanes and helicopters. I think we have some guns and fishing boats, too. I believe after our screw-up as "peacekeepers" in Somalia (1994) and the disillusionment people felt after operations in Afghanistan has quelled our desires to be global warriors. Unless, of course, World War breaks out again (let's hope not).


Well-Known Member
Ah you can be anymore you... your stupid comparison is what prevents a normal debate in europe.

Maybe you should try chanting or singing or praying and it will become true. I'm the transparent one... :lol:
are you part of the english defense league or the BNP? which one is it?

only one of those intolerant, hateful, bigots would say that "outlawing islam" completely should be part of a "normal debate".


Well-Known Member
i'm just gonna go ahead and repost this, since for whatever reason it made you uncomfortable enough to delete it from your quoted post.

there is nothing incompatible about the vast and overwhelming majority of muslims and "western society", whatever the fuck you want that cute little euphemism to mean.

your racism is more incompatible with polite, advanced society than muslims are.

you sure do spend a lot of time trying to demonize them and paint them all with abroad brush though.
:lol: YOU are reposting what you posted because I missed something? Wow... just wow...

It's just a load of stupid false statements, how would your ignorance make me "uncomfortable".

so you literally want to outlaw islam, deny muslims the right to maintain their mosques, ban any muslims from entering the country, but you are not hateful or bigoted?

do you really think anyone is gonna buy that?

Outlawing christianity is a tough one, but it's bad enough already. Adding islam is just stupid. Deny rights to their mosques... lol desperate... but yes, ban them from entering the country, at least limit it drastically, or debrainwash them or something. It has nothing to do with being hateful or bigoted, well, except for wanting to keep exactly those two things across the border... you just don't fucking get it. Like I said before, we moved beyond your level of debating here, you're stuck in the last century thinking everything can be related to nazis and hitler. It's dumb.

Calling people racists, bigots or w/e for wanting to address the problems with muslim immigration is something only the extreme left nutjobs still do here. Except for a few muslims extremists and extreme lefties, even calling Wilders hitler is generally considered going a bit too far. You talk walk and label just like an extremist yet you accuse me of being one.

Oh and who are you trying so hard to convince? I don't need anyone to buy anything yet you seem so desperate to convince others I'm hitler. It's just stupid, I do get better replies trolling a LED thread... I like the double posts thing though, keeps it going.


Well-Known Member
It has nothing to do with being hateful or bigoted, well, except for wanting to keep exactly those two things across the border... you just don't fucking get it.
yeah, nothing hateful or bigoted about trying to outlaw an entire class of people.

i just don't get it.

good thing you are here to preach "the truth".


Well-Known Member
15+ parties?!? Are these all elected? That seems a little excessive. There must be some fine hair-splitting between them (hence the coalitions).
It's more like 20 by now. Occasionally 1 or 2 people in the house split off. If the coalition still has enough seats left they continue without new elections. Sometimes those grow out in larger parties. Like Geert Wilders, which was a member of the VVD (liberal democrats). Currently the coalition consists of two parties (basically liberal and labor). I think 5 was the largest, sometimes a couple of small ones (christian parties or animal party..) are added merely to gain a majority, which then get to do a few things they promised their voters.

I'm not saying it's better though, it has downsides too. But, it does allow for more than two opposing polarizing parties. Nutjob lefties like buck can vote on one extreme, the racists can vote on the other extreme, and as long as the majority of the sane people don't join the polarization and vote more towards the center neither will rule.


Well-Known Member
It's more like 20 by now. Occasionally 1 or 2 people in the house split off. If the coalition still has enough seats left they continue without new elections. Sometimes those grow out in larger parties. Like Geert Wilders, which was a member of the VVD (liberal democrats). Currently the coalition consists of two parties (basically liberal and labor). I think 5 was the largest, sometimes a couple of small ones (christian parties or animal party..) are added merely to gain a majority, which then get to do a few things they promised their voters.

Right...I've seen that happen in Italian elections, too. I remember one where Berlusconi's gang had to make a deal with the North-eastern party (I can't remember the name right now...Padania Nord?) who were rather nationalist and would not have been considered a logical ally to the PdL. Nevertheless, they brokered a deal and Berlu was able to get his control...which of course, blew up in his face after the scandals started coming out :lol: But still...20 parties?!!? That's just mind boggling to me...I doubt we'll ever see that in Canada.

And I think this thread is now officially derailed. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Meltdown much? You so desperately try to put me into one of your two boxes yet accuse me of "much hostility".

I'm only intolerant against those who are intolerant of what I think should be tolerated. Like bare-breasted women rising up out of the sea.

Hateful? Too stupid... there's zero hate involved.

The "bigoted" is just too stupid...
You sounds like hate speech


Well-Known Member
Right...I've seen that happen in Italian elections, too. I remember one where Berlusconi's gang had to make a deal with the North-eastern party (I can't remember the name right now...Padania Nord?) who were rather nationalist and would not have been considered a logical ally to the PdL. Nevertheless, they brokered a deal and Berlu was able to get his control...which of course, blew up in his face after the scandals started coming out :lol: But still...20 parties?!!? That's just mind boggling to me...I doubt we'll ever see that in Canada.
Some of them get zero votes and are just attempts to start a political party. Anyone can do that. Just need enough votes for one seat, 90K. About 12 or so in the house now. Something for everyone, keep the illusion of democracy alive.

You sounds like hate speech
Really, that quote in particular or.... Perhaps there's something wrong with your eyes, or you confuse emotions such as hate with logic and common sense, or you got brainwashed from reading too many of Unclebuck's polarizing nonsense... It's dislike-speech at most. I have no hate, that's really an absurd statement. While you and Ubuck pretend to know shit, they are my friends, my neighbors, my clients, amongst many other nationalities. Multiculti isn't a just a concept here... I, like all of them, am intolerant of the haters but you don't seem to get who those are.

It's inappropriate accussations like that that killed the discussion so long that too many people end up at extreme right parties who only point out problems and don't offer solutions. The worst thing of that is that some of those problems are real, and once named and pointed out by extreme right, can no longer be named and addressed by less extreme parties without being called racists by the left and socialists.

Just like Ubuck is doing... like I said, it is really is cliche here. A well known problem. The result of those left socialistic mutliculti fans killing every discussion crying racism and hitler is that the real problems remain unaddressed. Which in turn leads to more voters for the extreme right.


Well-Known Member
For some additional irony... That last part about how crying racism only enables extreme right to gain more votes is something both sides here, and everyone in between, is well aware of. Geert Wilders abuses that fact constantly doing what is essentially a sort of reverse race-baiting...