Jealous's 156W CFL Rubbermaid Fem'd Bubblicious Grow


Well-Known Member
its all good about the pot size....pot size only limits how big a plant will grow, and how often you have to water the pots. you should be fine


Active Member
Thanx bro! Comments like that make it even better. I've just poked holes in the edges with paper clips and then threaded the twist-ties thru. Truth be told I'm not sure how long i'm gon veg, seeing as they double or triple in size during flower, and my girls are so short and bushy yet, they could veg for awhile still. I'm day 25 veg, and they're very bushy, so I may veg them another couple of weeks, i'm moving out of my apt in Jul, and I don't wanna start another grow when i'd have to move towards the end/middle of it, so I might as well take my time. After all letting them veg more can't hurt I figure, but then again, they might then outgrow their pots then I suppose. And I don't have the room for bigger pots in the 'maid. Damn, that is a good question (sorry for the rambling bro, been drinking) anyone with ideas on how much longer to veg?

Edit: BTW, u got a grow/journal going bro?

well personally if you ahve a decent amount of space you might wanna scorg them over that way you have a even plain of foilage for flowerin or you can just keep lst'ng them neither would be a bad decision the biggest thing is what you r combfortable with plants do stretch pretty good but with proper veg and stem training that shouldnt be a problem at all

soo if you dont have to be out till july that leaves you two or three months more to veg based on flower length.
which could give you some real nice monster when finished
lol that might be a little much but just play it by eye expect them to double when they flower even if they dont neccesairlly you would never wanna kill yourself on space

phew sorry for novel

again your doing great im gonna take another look over and see if i cant give you a better answer for the veg thing lol

nope no grow journals yet ive only had 4 grows previous to the one thats starting right now
but had no idea of this site back then sooo this will be my first grow after taking a year off to perfect and gain more knowledge after a good friend told me about this amazing site

I guess i should probably start one in a few days i just hate posten the whole seedling phase lol so i might wait a few weeks i will let you know though t
hink you might have just convinced me lol

(edit) okay just took my stoner ass back over it totally forgot you were in that box soooo
probably would on veg for a month BUTTTT if you go with SCROG you could do it for 2 months that would be my choice i think you would have such amzing results with scrog just seems right fo that size cab!!!

also what are you gonna do for lighting during flowering? your gonna need quite the jump in actuall watts which means HEAT so let me know can assist you with that as well!


Active Member
well personally if you ahve a decent amount of space you might wanna scorg them over that way you have a even plain of foilage for flowerin or you can just keep lst'ng them neither would be a bad decision the biggest thing is what you r combfortable with plants do stretch pretty good but with proper veg and stem training that shouldnt be a problem at all

soo if you dont have to be out till july that leaves you two or three months more to veg based on flower length.
which could give you some real nice monster when finished
lol that might be a little much but just play it by eye expect them to double when they flower even if they dont neccesairlly you would never wanna kill yourself on space

phew sorry for novel

again your doing great im gonna take another look over and see if i cant give you a better answer for the veg thing lol

nope no grow journals yet ive only had 4 grows previous to the one thats starting right now
but had no idea of this site back then sooo this will be my first grow after taking a year off to perfect and gain more knowledge after a good friend told me about this amazing site

I guess i should probably start one in a few days i just hate posten the whole seedling phase lol so i might wait a few weeks i will let you know though t
hink you might have just convinced me lol

(edit) okay just took my stoner ass back over it totally forgot you were in that box soooo
probably would on veg for a month BUTTTT if you go with SCROG you could do it for 2 months that would be my choice i think you would have such amzing results with scrog just seems right fo that size cab!!!

also what are you gonna do for lighting during flowering? your gonna need quite the jump in actuall watts which means HEAT so let me know can assist you with that as well!
Naw dude, i'm loving the novel, every bit of intel helps the overall effort. I was thinking of doing a SCROG, but tell u the truth, I don't think I can, cause if I scrog with the box that I have I sealed the top box to the bottom lid, If I scrog, I'll only have access to the plants from the top box, which means I wont be able to lift the bottom box's lid and peak in/check temps, cause if I do the whole top of the box'll lift up with the scrog on it. Does that make any sense? I've been drinking for awhile now na mean? The super bowl and all, can't be responsibe for what i've typed, lol. n e ways on the pix duddes



Active Member
hahaha your all good man
and i totally get what you mean by the box as well it would be quite the pain in the ass
on the other hand your plants are looking very helathy plenty of waiting bud sites ready to blow up wouldnt be suprised to see a nice multi cola plant
keep them girls tied down as much as possible every chance you get open up all the possibiltys for more light to pass through
because everyone knows more light is more weed
looking amazing though im thinkin your gonna need a trap door at the bottom to water them maybe???
i wanna see ten colas in ther minium the way your veggin should be no problem

whats your plan for flowering light???

keep it up man looks like your over coming that yellow!



Active Member
hahaha your all good man
and i totally get what you mean by the box as well it would be quite the pain in the ass
on the other hand your plants are looking very helathy plenty of waiting bud sites ready to blow up wouldnt be suprised to see a nice multi cola plant
keep them girls tied down as much as possible every chance you get open up all the possibiltys for more light to pass through
because everyone knows more light is more weed
looking amazing though im thinkin your gonna need a trap door at the bottom to water them maybe???
i wanna see ten colas in ther minium the way your veggin should be no problem

whats your plan for flowering light???

keep it up man looks like your over coming that yellow!

Yea once the wife gets back from work ima tie the plants down alot more, spread out all those damn branches, lol. I was thinking about doing that actually, just cut out three sides and glue some velcro or something to seal it all up. And I just checked on the girls, they've grown even more since yesterday! They're definatly loving all the nutes and ph'd water. O read that thead on water yesterday, i'm definatly gon start buying that RO'd water from the grocery store I think made me aware of alot of stuff I didn't know about water lol. For flower I plan on using 9 26W 27k cfls, and 3 65k 26W cfls, Though I think i might have more bulbs than that in in for flower, not sure, the heat is such a issue you know? I think I might cut out another inlet hole and have that a passive actually, what you think?


Active Member
Well I tied the girls up some more, I never realized how much taller these damn plants would be right now if they weren't leaned the hell over, I definatly need to get more light over the left plant, she's skinnier and not as bushy as the other 2. I might just run to the store after work and pic up another extension cord and socket plug in and splitter, I like using the splitters, cause even if you only have 1 bulb in it, it's held at a nice angle so the bulbs more horizontal instead of vertical. Not sure if I'll go today though, it's a damn blizzard out there, I might just do it tomorrow afternoon after work. Not sure. Anyways on with the pics.



Active Member
Yea once the wife gets back from work ima tie the plants down alot more, spread out all those damn branches, lol. I was thinking about doing that actually, just cut out three sides and glue some velcro or something to seal it all up. And I just checked on the girls, they've grown even more since yesterday! They're definatly loving all the nutes and ph'd water. O read that thead on water yesterday, i'm definatly gon start buying that RO'd water from the grocery store I think made me aware of alot of stuff I didn't know about water lol. For flower I plan on using 9 26W 27k cfls, and 3 65k 26W cfls, Though I think i might have more bulbs than that in in for flower, not sure, the heat is such a issue you know? I think I might cut out another inlet hole and have that a passive actually, what you think?

Im glad to see youve been researchin around!! and yes there are many things about water that are key elements in growing. temps of water is big too no warm or cold. room temp works best.

air circulation is great if you can find a way to provide more always do it
remeber you dont want light leaks so make sure its all nice and sealed hate to see them get disturbed during flowering!


its a major pain in the asssss im really into these 6" inline fans 8" if you got the room they help the heat a tonnn!! i also got 8 inch desk fan just to keep all the air circulating!
if you could vent hot air out the top and bring cooler air through the bottom you would be set even with all the lights your gonna want!
have you thought about co2 injection during flowering????
could get some beef on them bitches

anyways just saw my barneys lsd begin sproutin when i came home so by next week or so ill have journal up here

as always your lookin great keep them tied down all new growth should be gettin pulled over!!!



Active Member
Im glad to see youve been researchin around!! and yes there are many things about water that are key elements in growing. temps of water is big too no warm or cold. room temp works best.

air circulation is great if you can find a way to provide more always do it
remeber you dont want light leaks so make sure its all nice and sealed hate to see them get disturbed during flowering!


its a major pain in the asssss im really into these 6" inline fans 8" if you got the room they help the heat a tonnn!! i also got 8 inch desk fan just to keep all the air circulating!
if you could vent hot air out the top and bring cooler air through the bottom you would be set even with all the lights your gonna want!
have you thought about co2 injection during flowering????
could get some beef on them bitches

anyways just saw my barneys lsd begin sproutin when i came home so by next week or so ill have journal up here

as always your lookin great keep them tied down all new growth should be gettin pulled over!!!

Yea bro if I put another hole in there i'd cover it up with a light trap like the one I have over the inlet fan, just a shoe box modified and cut up. BTW what is a inline fan? I've seen several posts talking about those.

What you mean by injection? I was thinking of maybe a coke bottle with some yeast in it na mean? But then again, with the fans up top wouldn't the co2 just get sucked out right away?

Can't wait for your grow dude, I'll def be dropping in on that all the time, lol.


Active Member
Yea bro if I put another hole in there i'd cover it up with a light trap like the one I have over the inlet fan, just a shoe box modified and cut up. BTW what is a inline fan? I've seen several posts talking about those.

What you mean by injection? I was thinking of maybe a coke bottle with some yeast in it na mean? But then again, with the fans up top wouldn't the co2 just get sucked out right away?

Can't wait for your grow dude, I'll def be dropping in on that all the time, lol.

inline fan

Co2 system provides a main source of enrichment for the plan

yes your coke idea is right on track with your ventilation it might leave a little quick but it should still help and every bit counts
the tech route is a co2 tank and regulator spraying out in some sort of interval heres a link to the system its pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it from what ive heard im considering it for this cab during flowering ive had a few fellowers growers that praise it!

totally excited for mine hope it all goes smooth this my first attempt in such a in closed area usually got a closet but we took this to the drawing board instead ao really hope my efforts pay off
to give you an idea by flowering its gonna be a regular dresser on the outside but a 40,000 luminem cfl fixture on the inside with 500 cfm of exhaust on the air tight light and a air intake for cool air on the bottom for them plants!!

hope all that wasnt to much blabber little bit of kief gets me ramblin hardddd



Active Member
inline fan

Co2 system provides a main source of enrichment for the plan

yes your coke idea is right on track with your ventilation it might leave a little quick but it should still help and every bit counts
the tech route is a co2 tank and regulator spraying out in some sort of interval heres a link to the system its pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it from what ive heard im considering it for this cab during flowering ive had a few fellowers growers that praise it!

totally excited for mine hope it all goes smooth this my first attempt in such a in closed area usually got a closet but we took this to the drawing board instead ao really hope my efforts pay off
to give you an idea by flowering its gonna be a regular dresser on the outside but a 40,000 luminem cfl fixture on the inside with 500 cfm of exhaust on the air tight light and a air intake for cool air on the bottom for them plants!!

hope all that wasnt to much blabber little bit of kief gets me ramblin hardddd

I'm sure ur cab will go off just fine, with as much thought as u've put into it as well, can't wait to see the cab and ur set-up bro.

How do you power those inline fans, looks like a nice fan, it plug into the wall or you gotta splice it into someshit?

Those co2 injectors look damn nice, but they damn pricey looking too, lol.

Checked on the girls today, GODDAMN, I think they submissive masochists cause they fuckin loved that LST session yesterday! Wew, tons of growth from yesterday. Just watered them and fed them 1/2 strength nutes aswell. Went to the store and got another extension cord, plug in socket, and a y splitter, put all that together and put a 65k and 27k 26W on that then I noticed that I don't have anymore fucking screw in hooks! And I don't want to go all the way back to the store on these roads today, first thing in the morning I'll go and get another, then hang those over the left girl so she can get nice even light like the other 2. I'm also thinking that i'm gon get them veg for 1 more week then switch them to 12/12 on the 16th, that'll have let them veg for almost 5 weeks. That'll give me time to get these new lights hung, test the soil, and cut out a passive inlet hole and make a light trap to cover that.


Active Member
I'm sure ur cab will go off just fine, with as much thought as u've put into it as well, can't wait to see the cab and ur set-up bro.

How do you power those inline fans, looks like a nice fan, it plug into the wall or you gotta splice it into someshit?

Those co2 injectors look damn nice, but they damn pricey looking too, lol.

Checked on the girls today, GODDAMN, I think they submissive masochists cause they fuckin loved that LST session yesterday! Wew, tons of growth from yesterday. Just watered them and fed them 1/2 strength nutes aswell. Went to the store and got another extension cord, plug in socket, and a y splitter, put all that together and put a 65k and 27k 26W on that then I noticed that I don't have anymore fucking screw in hooks! And I don't want to go all the way back to the store on these roads today, first thing in the morning I'll go and get another, then hang those over the left girl so she can get nice even light like the other 2. I'm also thinking that i'm gon get them veg for 1 more week then switch them to 12/12 on the 16th, that'll have let them veg for almost 5 weeks. That'll give me time to get these new lights hung, test the soil, and cut out a passive inlet hole and make a light trap to cover that.

yeah i really hope my sprouts lookin green as can be really convinced about this seedling starter mg gots virtually now npk value at all then i put a bottom mix of mg's potting soil which as nice mid range of everything hopefully ill be happy with my choices usually dont use cheap soil but in this case i figured what the hell twenty a bag for fox farm is a little steep dont care how good it is lol

for the inline fans my favorite thing to do is grab an old vcr or some thing thats ragedy and sittin in the garage and cut the power cord the just splice them nut em together a little electric tape and your good black to black white to white

co2 prices are a little steep i considered a whip it bottle and some cartridges spray them every time i get a chance lol might help a bit wouldnt cost but forty bucks

sounds great on the veg time last pics looked like multiple bud sites were on it

so happy to hear your lsting is going perfect my favorite thing i think about lsting that a little people forget to mention is how large your stems get!!
its gotta to be great to have huge path for all those natural noots they need

and remember some bitches love to be tied down and bent back wards!

keep it up pics soon i hope!



Active Member
yeah i really hope my sprouts lookin green as can be really convinced about this seedling starter mg gots virtually now npk value at all then i put a bottom mix of mg's potting soil which as nice mid range of everything hopefully ill be happy with my choices usually dont use cheap soil but in this case i figured what the hell twenty a bag for fox farm is a little steep dont care how good it is lol

for the inline fans my favorite thing to do is grab an old vcr or some thing thats ragedy and sittin in the garage and cut the power cord the just splice them nut em together a little electric tape and your good black to black white to white

co2 prices are a little steep i considered a whip it bottle and some cartridges spray them every time i get a chance lol might help a bit wouldnt cost but forty bucks

sounds great on the veg time last pics looked like multiple bud sites were on it

so happy to hear your lsting is going perfect my favorite thing i think about lsting that a little people forget to mention is how large your stems get!!
its gotta to be great to have huge path for all those natural noots they need

and remember some bitches love to be tied down and bent back wards!

keep it up pics soon i hope!

Dude I wouldn't worry about the MG, lots of ppl use it and havn't had a prob (from what i've read lol) and 20$ a bag of soil is pretty steep, especially since you can get like 5 cfls from wally world for the same price lol.

So u've just used a VCR cord for the inline fan? Not sure what the amps and volts are to run it? I'm drunk as hell, otherwise I'd google it. any ppl reading this thread that have experience with inline fans that know whats up? Any info I'll +rep ya

Ya dude those prices are REALLY high, if I had money like that, I'd be using a HPS or even better a CMH lol

Hell yea they must like the tie down, i'll post more pix after I get up in the morning, I'll have the extra lights by then too, we should see the results of the extra wattege in a few days after I suspect. GTG tho bro, i'm fuckin drunk. This is starting to feel like less than a journal, and more of a convo tween you and me, lol, I don't care though i love ya homie.


Active Member
Shit forgot to say, that the girl on the right had a leaf grow into one of the bulbs, and the leaf tip got a lil burned, makes me feel sad, but I look in on them all the time. But between the time I got to sleep, the time I get up go to work (during their dark period) and get home, theres like 15 hours. It kills me, but honestly I don't think it could be avoided :(


Active Member
helllls yeah.
they're looking good! :)
getting me all excited to grow again.
how much have you spent on this so far?
Dude, kinda hard to say, upwards of 300 for sure, but it's all been spread out over months. Thankfully now that it's all said and down, i'll only have to worry about electricity bills, and many months from now new light bulbs. But I guess 3 or 4 hundred isn't really all that much, considering the fact that i'm probably going to get much more than that in dried weight after everything is said and done. lol. You should def get into growing again dude, especially considering i'll be up close to you very soon,and when I get another going i'll hook up some clones homie.


Active Member
Well I was looking at the girls earlier, and i realized that I do want to veg them longer, but I don't really think I should. Considering that they at least double, maybe triple in size during flowering, I need to start 12/12 right away. I'm going to start that tomorrow, and cut another hole, and set up those new lights as well. Big day tomorrow, I'll also be posting new pix tomorrow as well. Everyone wish me luck as I venture into BLOOM. HOLLER!!


Active Member
Well I was looking at the girls earlier, and i realized that I do want to veg them longer, but I don't really think I should. Considering that they at least double, maybe triple in size during flowering, I need to start 12/12 right away. I'm going to start that tomorrow, and cut another hole, and set up those new lights as well. Big day tomorrow, I'll also be posting new pix tomorrow as well. Everyone wish me luck as I venture into BLOOM. HOLLER!!

Cant wait to those bud sites stretch!!
Im sure your gonna be completly happy with your plants come two months when there nice and plump!

i feel ya on the $300-400 ive been slowly buying parts for this grow for a while it tallyed up but it didnt hurt my budget!
cuz we all know bills are a bitch!!

but be carefull with them temps when adding light!

anyways keep it all rollin



Active Member
Cant wait to those bud sites stretch!!
Im sure your gonna be completly happy with your plants come two months when there nice and plump!

i feel ya on the $300-400 ive been slowly buying parts for this grow for a while it tallyed up but it didnt hurt my budget!
cuz we all know bills are a bitch!!

but be carefull with them temps when adding light!

anyways keep it all rollin

Yes sir! I think I will be too, looking back on it, I coulda done alot better with the lst, but the training i've done has provided me with plenty of budsites.

And I feel you on the heat, but truth be told, i have less bulbs in there than I did a few days ago, the light set-up I had before wasn't working anymore cause the plants got taller and the light fixture wouldn't fit in the space between the bottom and top maid, so I had to remove bulbs so I could raise the lights. So really I'll just be bringing it back to what it was before. And i'm adding another inlet hole tomorrow as well. I should be good I think, maybe even better with the extra inlet. I'm VERY excited about 12/12. The only thing that has me worried is that i'm gon be gone for five days after tomorrow :( I have a friend that's going to be watching and taking care of the girls for me while i'm gone, and he has alot of practical growing experience, plus i'm not gon have him feed nutes while i'm gone, but still I worry. I'm sure it'll be good, but I still worry. Anyways, new lights, new inlet and new pix coming up, plus 12/12 comg up. stay tuned homie!


Active Member
Yes sir! I think I will be too, looking back on it, I coulda done alot better with the lst, but the training i've done has provided me with plenty of budsites.

And I feel you on the heat, but truth be told, i have less bulbs in there than I did a few days ago, the light set-up I had before wasn't working anymore cause the plants got taller and the light fixture wouldn't fit in the space between the bottom and top maid, so I had to remove bulbs so I could raise the lights. So really I'll just be bringing it back to what it was before. And i'm adding another inlet hole tomorrow as well. I should be good I think, maybe even better with the extra inlet. I'm VERY excited about 12/12. The only thing that has me worried is that i'm gon be gone for five days after tomorrow :( I have a friend that's going to be watching and taking care of the girls for me while i'm gone, and he has alot of practical growing experience, plus i'm not gon have him feed nutes while i'm gone, but still I worry. I'm sure it'll be good, but I still worry. Anyways, new lights, new inlet and new pix coming up, plus 12/12 comg up. stay tuned homie!

ya the cfl and fixture hing can get a bit crazy ive seen paople go nuts with y's and splitters and lamp cords hahaha butmy favorite is bathroom light holds 5 bulbs usually plus home depot sells a new cfl bulb that is just plain massive there are easy ways to get more light with a couple of bucks ill be using a 16 light fixture i found at a remodeling job with 16 23 watters but the bigger issue is always gonna be heat im sure your new inlet will help a bunch!!
cant wait to see all the result man!!!

plus tempssssss


sweeeeeeeeet toally stoked for the update