January 6th, 2021


Well-Known Member
So what’s the answer here?
Draw a line down the middle of the country n say pick a side...that's the answer...bc this country is fkd...and on a downward spiral to get way worse...I just learned that 35% of all $$ in circulation was printed in 2020...we're gettin sunk n sold out...Im not an economic genius or anything but that raise a red flag


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Tom Cotton calls on Trump to concede, 'quit misleading the American people'
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called on President Trump to concede his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden, saying he should "quit misleading" the American people.

“It’s past time for the president to accept the results of the election, quit misleading the American people, and repudiate mob violence,” Cotton said in a statement Wednesday evening.

“And the senators and representatives who fanned the flames by encouraging the president and leading their supporters to believe that their objections could reverse the election results should withdraw those objections,” he continued.

Cotton called the riot an “insurrection,” adding there’s “no quarter for insurrectionists.”

“Fortunately, the Capitol Police and other law-enforcement agencies restored order without the need for federal troops,” Cotton said. “But the principle remains the same: no quarter for insurrectionists. Those who attacked the Capitol today should face the full extent of federal law.”

Lawmakers reconvened shortly after 8 p.m. to resume counting the electoral votes, and some Republicans indicated they would reverse course and no longer lodge objections to the election results. Still, many lawmakers blamed Trump for the violence, with some calling for him to be removed from office before Jan. 20.



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Trump initially did not want to deploy the National Guard today, source says
From CNN's Kaitlan Collins, Pamela Brown and Jim Acosta
President Trump, who has proven over the past year to be eager to deploy the National Guard when violence breaks out, initially resisted doing so on Capitol Hill today as a mob of his supporters breached the building, according to a source familiar.

Vice President Mike Pence was on the phone with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, according to another source, and encouraged a much quicker deployment of the National Guard to the Capitol to help quell the rioters who were breaking through security barriers and overwhelming Capitol Police.

However, the source notes, Pence does not have authority over the National Guard.

As reported earlier, a White House adviser said some aides around Trump were furious that the President didn’t do more to stop the insurrection at the Capitol. The adviser said aides have been all but begging Trump to come out and make a statement to begin to calm the situation.

A White House official said aides to the President went to Trump to have him make the order to deploy the national guard to the US Capitol. The official said aides also asked that Trump record a video calling for an end to the siege on the Hill.

A source familiar with the situation said White House staffers are “horrified” by the violence at the Capitol and are worried there will be more trouble on the streets tonight.

“He doesn’t want to” to do more than what he is doing right now, the adviser said.

“If we could throw him to the angry mob, we’d throw him to the angry mob now,” the adviser said.


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Trump told people he banned Pence's chief of staff from the West Wing
President Trump told people he banned Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short from the West Wing today, according to multiple people.

Short was seen going into the Eisenhower Executive Office Building Wednesday, which is on the White House campus but is a separate building from the White House and where Pence has his Vice Presidential Office, but Short has otherwise spent the day on the Hill.


Well-Known Member
Rumor says they have privately invoked the 25th, Pence is AP.
Pence could not deploy the national guard, if the big four agree, no need for the cabinet, what is Trump gonna do? The constitution can be taken care of by some calls to cabinet members. We will see, if Donald even knows or realizes.


Well-Known Member
Rumor says they have privately invoked the 25th, Pence is AP.
It would be bad form to announce such a thing while the capital building is under siege by a hoard of heathen savages! :lol:

Wait until they all get back home, then let them spring another $100 for a bus back to DC!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Trump told people he banned Pence's chief of staff from the West Wing
President Trump told people he banned Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short from the West Wing today, according to multiple people.

Short was seen going into the Eisenhower Executive Office Building Wednesday, which is on the White House campus but is a separate building from the White House and where Pence has his Vice Presidential Office, but Short has otherwise spent the day on the Hill.
Someone like that, told a CNN reporter, that Trump lost his fucking mind today, I think I figured out the source of the report. :lol:


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Pentagon says all 1,100 DC National Guard members deployed to Capitol occupation

Supporters of President Donald Trump breached the U.S. Capitol.
Pentagon spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman said Wednesday afternoon that defense leaders have been in contact with the city and congressional leadership.

A defense official said all 1,100 of the D.C. Guard were being activated and sent to the city’s armory. The Guard forces will be used at checkpoints and for other similar duties and could also help in the enforcement of the 6 p.m. curfew being implemented tonight in the city.

The officials said the D.C. request for National Guard was not rejected earlier in the day.

Instead, according to officials, the Guard members have a very specific mission that does not include putting military in a law enforcement role at the Capitol. As a result, the Guard must be used to backfill law enforcement outside the Capitol complex, freeing up more law enforcement to respond to the Capitol.

Hoffman said the law enforcement response to the violence will be led by the Justice Department.

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said earlier Wednesday that he is sending more National Guard members to protests in Washington, D.C., as well as 200 Virginia State Troopers.

“My team and I are working closely with @MayorBowser, @SpeakerPelosi, and @SenSchumer to respond to the situation in Washington, D.C.,” he said in a tweet.


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House Judiciary Committee Democrats urge Pence to invoke 25th Amendment
From CNN’s Manu Raju

Members of the House Judiciary Committee are urging Vice President Mike Pence and members from President Trump’s Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution and remove Trump from office, according to a statement released Wednesday night by the committee members.
“Even in his video announcement this afternoon, President Trump revealed that he is not mentally sound and is still unable to process and accept the results of the 2020 election. President Trump’s willingness to incite violence and social unrest to overturn the election results by force clearly meet this standard. So too are his recent Tweets, which Twitter has since deleted, saying the election was ‘stolen’ and that today’s riots ‘are the things and events that happen,’” the members said in the statement.


Well-Known Member
Tom Cotton calls on Trump to concede, 'quit misleading the American people'
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) called on President Trump to concede his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden, saying he should "quit misleading" the American people.

“It’s past time for the president to accept the results of the election, quit misleading the American people, and repudiate mob violence,” Cotton said in a statement Wednesday evening.

“And the senators and representatives who fanned the flames by encouraging the president and leading their supporters to believe that their objections could reverse the election results should withdraw those objections,” he continued.

Cotton called the riot an “insurrection,” adding there’s “no quarter for insurrectionists.”

“Fortunately, the Capitol Police and other law-enforcement agencies restored order without the need for federal troops,” Cotton said. “But the principle remains the same: no quarter for insurrectionists. Those who attacked the Capitol today should face the full extent of federal law.”

Lawmakers reconvened shortly after 8 p.m. to resume counting the electoral votes, and some Republicans indicated they would reverse course and no longer lodge objections to the election results. Still, many lawmakers blamed Trump for the violence, with some calling for him to be removed from office before Jan. 20.

Fuck Tom Cotton
Too late