I've Just Started Adding Nutes. Will She get Better?


Well-Known Member
Ive started adding Bio-Grow to the waterings but it doesnt seem to be making her better.
There are small flies in the soil, Im getting some sand to deal with them tomorrow.
Whats wrong with her? What can I do to make her better?

The purple light is from the LED in the tent. If you think more pics would help Ill take more.



Well-Known Member
show a pic of the whole plant incl. the pot, so we can see its size. how old is it? do you pH your water? is it tap water?

this looks like a mag deficiency, could be from shortage in the soil, but not sure, so lets see her before you rush into more feeding.

what's in the soil? and how much have you used the biogrow?


Well-Known Member
The grey bag is the soil, I wouldnt be suprised if it didnt have any nutes in it.
The second is my plant, on the BioGrow bottle its says use 2-4 ml per litre but I used about 1ml.
I did pH my water to 6, I bought bottled mineral water.
Thanks for helping.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it burned real good? When watering or feed in dirt ph your water to 6.5- 7.0 Cuz it going to go lower away. Does the dirt bag say if has nutes in it if does it will have numbers something like 15-15-15 or 10-15-20 you know what I mean? Maybe it won't have numbers cuz ffof don't! To check to see how much nutes are in the dirt, water and check the first cup of run off for ppm using your TDS or E.C. meters while your at it check the ph too!


Well-Known Member
that isn't burned, I would feed it and get your waters ph to 6.5... 6 is a little on the low side, also I would go like 3/4 strength on the food


Well-Known Member
the bag says it has organic fertilizers in it :)
and that it's ph-ed kinda low!
and yes, better 6.5 in soil. could be your problem, though i really don't know. it sounds weird that you would overfeed your plant with one feed of 1 ml/l grow. did the problems start before or after that?


Well-Known Member
but it says so. organische meststoffen
i also doubt it's over fed. i think ph


Well-Known Member
what the hell language is that? lol I think it might mean it's comprised of organic materials but i am probably wrong


Well-Known Member
Hell ya ron paul is 100% for the legalization of cannabis... FUCKIN RON PAUL WHOO HOOOOOOO and you think being dutch those guys would have growing in their dna lol


Well-Known Member
The LED is fine for what I need, when it blows ill think about getting another type.
The problem started before I started feeding, 2 leaves began to go brown so I began the feeding.
Should I up the nutes to 2ml per litre?


Well-Known Member
so basically your doin just under 1 ts per gallon, sounds a little light.. what is the recommended feeding ratio?


Well-Known Member
I just pH and EC tested the nute solution;
pH = 6.2
EC = 80
I do not understand the numbers i get from an EC meter though.

There's floaty bits in the bottle I keep the mixed solution in, are they bad?


Well-Known Member
I just pH and EC tested the nute solution;
pH = 6.2
EC = 80
I do not understand the numbers i get from an EC meter though.

There's floaty bits in the bottle I keep the mixed solution in, are they bad?
that's very very little, of a medium-aged RO machine with no nutes

that's no nutes at all