I've got a male and I'm going to smoke it but


Active Member
I've confirmed it's a male. It's the only plant I have growing and rather than throw it out I know I'm going to smoke it at some point. The question is should I continue to let it grow, flower etc or stop wasting time. It just showed sex today and has been 12/12 for about a week. It's like 25 inches tall and I don't want to have wasted the last two months. Sad I know.

Any advice???


Active Member
the only real use i kno for a male plant is drying up the leaving and using them as a filler.... but i havent heard of smoking straight leaves... best of luck


Well-Known Member
yea i've never heard of smoking a male plant, you can save it and make some hash or oil from the leaves. you need lots but if u grow again and get some males just keep savin till u get a hp or a pound and learn how to make hash from leaves...not as good as female leaves for hash but mix it together for more!!@!@


Well-Known Member
yea i've never heard of smoking a male plant, you can save it and make some hash or oil from the leaves. you need lots but if u grow again and get some males just keep savin till u get a hp or a pound and learn how to make hash from leaves...not as good as female leaves for hash but mix it together for more!!@!@

You and him should be roomates ....... What Part of GARBAGE dont you understand ....?


Well-Known Member
Male plants have little to no thc... so making hash would also be completely useless. Throw that sucker away and plant a few so you don't waste two months again... good luck next time!


Well-Known Member
I've smoked plenty of leaf in my 42 years of use . . . only folks who never have are appalled at the thought, though I suspect more have than will admit to. Believe it or not, for this kind of smoke, the male can be the stronger. The top 3rd? of each branch will be the strongest, with the very top leaves being the best. I'd stress it by not watering it and grab it when it wilts for the strongest buzz.
Lighten up, RIUppers . . . I ain't smokin' it these days . . . but have and it truly is better than nothing. You shouldn't knock what you've never tried. It can provide an excellent buzz.


Active Member
male won't do anything in terms of getting you high. it's probably the lighter fluid than anything else your feeling if you do. you can't make hash either. the concept of hash is using leaves which are from females. the thc on the bud falls onto the leaves. the freezing process extracts the thc from the leaves. males don't produce thc which is the agent which causes you to feel high. in the garbage my man.


Well-Known Member
on top of that growing it out and letting the pollen spread in your grow room isnt the best idea


Well-Known Member
esso- Since your initial plan was to smoke this, why not roll a doob out of a few of the top-most leaves, smoke it and report back here as to whether it's possible to get a good buzz from pot leaves.
As long as the strain was decent, I'm certain it will. Even if you get smashed, many here will continue to tell you you can't.
Don't bother trying to separate out the male flower parts, unless you want to know what just male bud parts taste like. They're not appreciably stronger.


Well-Known Member
im growing first time. i will smoke all my males from top to bottom, while ill be waiting for females to bud. if it wont give any high, then it will just taste good.


Well-Known Member
Im with mr fishy,you can get a buzz from leaves but its not the same stone as smokin bud,i'd personally toss that puppy down the garbage disposal but you can get a buzz from it,even though it will taste like shit & might give you a head ache to boot.


Well-Known Member
The male leaves will get you very stoned. I've found about one to two weeks in flower is max thc. Lot of strains the males have a high thc.


Well-Known Member
korvette, its just my opinion. i would give them stress, by burning some leaves and no giving water.

whats so wrong about it?

i just want to taste my job! ;)