It's the end of the world! now what?!


New Member
Seriously though, this is hogwash. stop letting yourself get brainwashed by freaks and weirdos, live life to its fullest, stay healthy and happy and forget this bs.

The World is ending???

How do you know?

I read it on the internet.

Oh it must be true....

Bada bing. Bada boom.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I've read what is available about and by some of these profits, with the exception of the christians, that don't say the world is going to end, just the world As we know it is going to change. Some of the prophets did seem to know their business as some of what they prophisized has come to pass. I don't mean ambiguously as some of Nostradamus,s have been. Check out Mother Shipton, there are futures that she nailed. Isn't it better to be prepared and not need it, than get caught with your pants down?


Well-Known Member
I know one thing. If you live like the world is ending you won't care about our planet and will help destroy it a little bit faster. I personally believe it will be around for a long time, but like others have said before, you don't know. . . no point in arguing about it.


New Member
I've read what is available about and by some of these profits, with the exception of the christians, that don't say the world is going to end, just the world As we know it is going to change. Some of the prophets did seem to know their business as some of what they prophisized has come to pass. I don't mean ambiguously as some of Nostradamus,s have been. Check out Mother Shipton, there are futures that she nailed. Isn't it better to be prepared and not need it, than get caught with your pants down?
I find i have the most fun happens when my pants are down. :clap:

Willie North

Well-Known Member
people have been sayin its the end of the world since the world was made
anyway I would rob people if the end of the world came :D


New Member
People will not last forever. Something will eventually wipe us out. It might be natural disasters, it might be plague, something may crash into this planet. We humans will eventually be extinct and we will be taking many species will us due to the things we have done to the earth.

It will take the earth a very long time to recover from the plague of humanity.


Active Member
u read wot i had 2 say and i sed it with all truth and meanin! if u dont belive that the world will end/change beond ur knowing in the next 4or 5 years then at lest
get closer to god coz without him all u have is wots on this earth and its means nout its all temp and will end u cant take it with u id rather have
Eternity with god then try all my life to keep up with the joanses.. get the best tv and playstation or xbox or fuck the girl next door and her mate and grow up greedy and ignorent. im not perfect and i fine it VERY hard to be a christian in this day and age i had a ruff upbringin drugs homelessnes but jesus was always there for me even wen i was on my own with nout no food or heat i had him hes shown me lots about the world and helps me be a better person theres nout like the feelin u get wen u no jesus has just spoken 2 u its better then any shrub u can smoke or drug u can take and blev me iv dun so much man! rember all humans r equal no1 is better then the other help ur felow man and look after ur family no matter wot bless u all man and happy tokein smoke one for me as my shurbs not ready for at lest anouther 2 weeks peace out :-)


New Member
People will not last forever. Something will eventually wipe us out. It might be natural disasters, it might be plague, something may crash into this planet. We humans will eventually be extinct and we will be taking many species will us due to the things we have done to the earth.

It will take the earth a very long time to recover from the plague of humanity.

(assumption)why do you hate people so much? :/ Plague of humanity? what happend to sanctity of life...whhhatever. :? i like people. i even love some people. but to say we're a plague? shit...thats just plain offensive to everyone on this forum, or fuckin...anyone ever...:shock:

im not about this plague of humanity, but im not for destroying earth..however if we(humans) are wiped out, oh well? who's left to care about whats left? not you not me not anyyyyyy peta or aspca or green party maufs are gunna give two shits. we'll all be dead. and as far as how long the earth will take to recooperate...well we wont be around to worry about it...see where im going with this?

anyways, i dont think 2012 is our expiration date..

wellllllll im off, its been fun :peace:


New Member
So since we won't be around to worry about the earths recovery, why worry about it? Let's just completely destroy it, we may as well, we won't be here. This is exactly why I call humanity a plague, if we don't want it, we destroy it, if we don't like it , we destroy it. If we've never seen it before we'd want to kill it.

When we're gone we will be leaving the planet in way worse shape than it was when we sprang up and became "of intelligent thought". It's a shame, I'm saddened by it. We really know how to take a good thing and trash it.


New Member
So since we won't be around to worry about the earths recovery, why worry about it? Let's just completely destroy it, we may as well, we won't be here. This is exactly why I call humanity a plague, if we don't want it, we destroy it, if we don't like it , we destroy it. If we've never seen it before we'd want to kill it.

When we're gone we will be leaving the planet in way worse shape than it was when we sprang up and became "of intelligent thought". It's a shame, I'm saddened by it. We really know how to take a good thing and trash it.
re-read my post instead of hitting reply so fast!

i already said im not "pro-blow-shit-up"

and if i dont want it, i find someone who does. if i dont like it, i fix it til i do...this "we" stuff your mixin me in with aint cool, im not plaguing anyone

anyhow, peace.


Well-Known Member
I hope that 2012 at least brings some change...I would really like to see humanity embrace their egos a little less.


New Member
This is why I call humanity a plague, the general attidtude of humans and you by your own admission is "I won't be here in 100 years, so who cares what damage I do".

By your logic, I won't be here in 50 years, so I may as well nuke the planet as I go. Who cares, I won't be here to worry about it, no big deal.

im not about this plague of humanity, but im not for destroying earth..however if we(humans) are wiped out, oh well? who's left to care about whats left? not you not me not anyyyyyy peta or aspca or green party maufs are gunna give two shits. we'll all be dead. and as far as how long the earth will take to recooperate...well we wont be around to worry about it...see where im going with this?


Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Man, I'm so stoked for the end of the world. One of my vehemently anti-pot friends has agreed: if Impending Doom is upon us, he and I will smoke a bowl and play guitar until we go out in a puff of smoke.


New Member
This is why I call humanity a plague, the general attidtude of humans and you by your own admission is "I won't be here in 100 years, so who cares what damage I do".

By your logic, I won't be here in 50 years, so I may as well nuke the planet as I go. Who cares, I won't be here to worry about it, no big deal.

you're misinterpretting everything i say.

i never said who cares what damage i do, i said, who's gunna be around to care about any of the damage in this weak scenario. no one.

the damage i do, small if at all, will not be any humans concern here, you said everyone'll be gone.

so if you wanna nuke the world i understand, your paranoia is getting to you. you are angry at the "plague of humanity". mommy didnt love you...i get it mate. but im done here, so...PEACE.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if it's gonna be 2012 but the world is ending. We've got piles of carcinogenic electronics lying around in dumps in China, toxic flame retardants in breast milk, bees disappearing mysteriously, melting ice caps, etc. Yo, we fucked ourselves with the industrial revolution.

I don't know how we survived through a bunch of retards with nukes. The atomic bomb was probably the human races biggest mistake, so far?

Nihilists got it easy. That's a stress free life style, in theory. I get what they're (nihilists) saying but part of being human is your moral compass, and I can't help but think that the general state of the world is a damn shame, and we need to try and fix it.

That's my .02
I think a lot when I'm baked.


New Member
When you saying it doesn't matter what damage is done because humans won't be here to assess it is a really egotistical thing to say. Since when are humans the only ones that count? Just because we have the ability to screw up the planet doesn't mean we should.

Your stance is, I don't care because I won't be here to see it.

Why can't you debate without personal attacks? What does parental love have to do with damage to the planet? I think a person who doesn't care if they wreak havoc or not would be the one lacking in love and compassion.


New Member
When you saying it doesn't matter what damage is done because humans won't be here to assess it is a really egotistical thing to say. Since when are humans the only ones that count? Just because we have the ability to screw up the planet doesn't mean we should.

Your stance is, I don't care because I won't be here to see it.

Why can't you debate without personal attacks? What does parental love have to do with damage to the planet? I think a person who doesn't care if they wreak havoc or not would be the one lacking in love and compassion.

already said peace. who ya talkin at love? you misinterpret my words every time. i was saying one might see it as "i dont care because nothing will be here to see it"
anyways. it has to do with your prespective miss nuke-the-world-as-we-know-it. and if im causing havoc, someone please stop me. jog onnnnnnnnnnnn.