Its the end of the world as we know it


Well-Known Member
Because you DO NOT believe or have a different point of view does not make it UNtrue.:blsmoke:
While you normally don't "prove" a negative, I agree. I am saying my evidence is stronger and more reality based than yours therefore my position is more likely true than yours.

Have you ever heard of the celestial teapot?


Master of Mayhem

Here's what I mean by point of view.

Katun 11 Ahau. Niggard is the katun; scanty are its rains . . . misery.
Katun 9 Ahau. Drought, famine.
Katun 7 Ahau. Carnal sin. roguish rulers.
Katun 5 Ahau Harsh his face, harsh his tidings.
Katun 3 Ahau. Rains of little profit, locusts, fighting.
Katun 1 Ahau. The evil katun.
Katun 12 Ahau. The katun is good.
Katun 10 Ahau Drought is the charge of the katun.
Katun 8 Ahau. There is an end of greed; there is an end to causing vexation . . . much fighting
Katun 6 Ahau. Shameless is his speech.
Katun 4 Ahau. The Quetzal shall come . . . Kukulcan shall come.
Katun 2 Ahau. For half the katun there will be bread; for half the katun there will be water.
Katun 13 Ahau There is no lucky day for us.

Now, Katun 11-Ahau: Apparently food is scarce during this katun and invading foreigners arrive and disperse the population. There is an end to traditional rule, there are no successors. Since this is the first katun it always opens up a new era. It was during the span of this katun that the Spanish began their takeover of Yucatan and imposed Christianity on the natives.

Katun 13-Ahau: This is a time of total collapse where everything is lost. It is the time of the judgment of "God". There will be epidemics and plagues and then famine. Governments will be lost to foreigners and wise men, and prophets will be lost. So as you can see here, this applies to THIS period in time, in which this is the end of this Katun, and the whole damn thing is going to start over on December 21, 2012; the beginning of the new long count.

The Mayan prophecies were announced five years before the beginning of each katun. The Maya were a ceremonious people, and they lived their lives by the numbers, predicting their history and then living it, on the assumption that fate was dictated by cyclical repetition.

So now, we can look at this in two different ways. We can say that the Mayans predicted their future, and then lived it, or we can say that all of this is farce and hindsight is always 20/20. It all depends upon your point of view.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member

Here's what I mean by point of view.

Katun 11 Ahau. Niggard is the katun; scanty are its rains . . . misery.
Katun 9 Ahau. Drought, famine.
Katun 7 Ahau. Carnal sin. roguish rulers.
Katun 5 Ahau Harsh his face, harsh his tidings.
Katun 3 Ahau. Rains of little profit, locusts, fighting.
Katun 1 Ahau. The evil katun.
Katun 12 Ahau. The katun is good.
Katun 10 Ahau Drought is the charge of the katun.
Katun 8 Ahau. There is an end of greed; there is an end to causing vexation . . . much fighting
Katun 6 Ahau. Shameless is his speech.
Katun 4 Ahau. The Quetzal shall come . . . Kukulcan shall come.
Katun 2 Ahau. For half the katun there will be bread; for half the katun there will be water.
Katun 13 Ahau There is no lucky day for us.

Now, Katun 11-Ahau: Apparently food is scarce during this katun and invading foreigners arrive and disperse the population. There is an end to traditional rule, there are no successors. Since this is the first katun it always opens up a new era. It was during the span of this katun that the Spanish began their takeover of Yucatan and imposed Christianity on the natives.

Katun 13-Ahau: This is a time of total collapse where everything is lost. It is the time of the judgment of "God". There will be epidemics and plagues and then famine. Governments will be lost to foreigners and wise men, and prophets will be lost. So as you can see here, this applies to THIS period in time, in which this is the end of this Katun, and the whole damn thing is going to start over on December 21, 2012; the beginning of the new long count.

The Mayan prophecies were announced five years before the beginning of each katun. The Maya were a ceremonious people, and they lived their lives by the numbers, predicting their history and then living it, on the assumption that fate was dictated by cyclical repetition.

So now, we can look at this in two different ways. We can say that the Mayans predicted their future, and then lived it, or we can say that all of this is farce and hindsight is always 20/20. It all depends upon your point of view.:eyesmoke:
Ernie - i would normally continue this but when i present evidence you do not budge. I put forth a lot of effort to explain why these prophesies may not even be prophesies and all you do is cut and paste more baloney from that same tired website. I have to ask - do you want to find what is most likely true or would you prefer to just believe what you want?

Since you never did your homework - here it is ... debunk the Maya prophesies. You don't have to believe the debunking - just do it as a thought experiment. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I think it would be helpful to point out that the text Ernie is referring to was written after the arrival of the Spaniards, not before, and was written under the influence of the new European conquerors who were very interested in inserting themselves and Christian concepts into the traditional worldview of the native peoples they were now ruling. "Winning hearts and minds" if you will Certainly the Mayans, like many civilizations, saw time as cyclical in nature; seasons, years, epochs, etc. The 'Long Count' of the Mayans was simply the largest cycle of time in their cosmology. We, being immersed in a teleological worldview (time is an arrow, not a cycle) which dominates the religious traditions originating in the ancient middle east, are prone to interpret cyclical ends in other civilizations as equivalent to our own notions of a final apocalypse culminating in 'the end of time'. In Christianity, history ends with the return of Christ to rule as monarch over all the earth and sit in judgement over all the peoples of the earth. The earliest Christians thought this was imminent. There is no 'starting over' in our tradition. Every era in Western history, when faced with increasing political and social disorder, plague, famine, etc has had its prophets of approaching doom.

My point, if I have one, is that all prophecies can be viewed as cultural/historical phenomena which should be judged within the context of their contemporary circumstances. The power of these prophecies, viewed out of that context, can exert a strong fascination on our imaginations, distanced as we are by time and unfamiliarity with the full texture which might have been available had we been Mayans, or Hindus, or Athabascans, or whatever.



Master of Mayhem
Ernie - i would normally continue this but when i present evidence you do not budge. I put forth a lot of effort to explain why these prophesies may not even be prophesies and all you do is cut and paste more baloney from that same tired website. I have to ask - do you want to find what is most likely true or would you prefer to just believe what you want?

Since you never did your homework - here it is ... debunk the Maya prophesies. You don't have to believe the debunking - just do it as a thought experiment. :joint:
Cut and paste...I'm sorry, you want me to type the definitions of the Mayan katuns? I don't see the need for that as you will find they are all the same no matter where you look. Again, I do not need to do my homework on this subject as I have researched it for years. Why do you get so bent out of shape about this? You have your opinion and I have mine. Why do you feel the need to change my beliefs? All of this started when you said that the Mayans did not predict their own demise, there is evidence that says otherwise. The way a person interprets these things is all dependant on their point of view.

I have made my case and you have made yours; lets let others make theirs.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Cut and paste...I'm sorry, you want me to type the definitions of the Mayan katuns? I don't see the need for that as you will find they are all the same no matter where you look. Again, I do not need to do my homework on this subject as I have researched it for years. Why do you get so bent out of shape about this? You have your opinion and I have mine. Whay do you feel the need to change my beliefs? All of this started when you said that the Mayans did not predict their own demise, there is evidence that says otherwise. The way a person interprets these things is all dependant on their point of view.

I have made my case and you have made yours; lets let others make theirs.:peace:
I'm not upset at all. blowing off your homework... naughty! :mrgreen:


Master of Mayhem
I think it would be helpful to point out that the text Ernie is referring to was written after the arrival of the Spaniards, not before,
EXACTLY!!!!!! The Mayans did not say "Spaniards will come and enslave us and take our lands.", They simply stated that times were gonna change. So like I said before, you can say that the Mayans predicted their future with this very broad description, or you can say that we applied these events to their description, because looking back now, they fit! It's all about point of view.


Master of Mayhem
I'm not upset at all. blowing off your homework... naughty! :mrgreen:
Here is a FACT: The next Mayan long count begins on December 21, 2012, which is the beginning of the winter solstice, where also the Earth, Sun, and center of the galaxy will be lined up, and there will be violent sun storms during that period.

Now, will anything happen? Only time will tell. Your scientific approach to things tells you that nothing will happen. My interest in the supernatural makes me WANT to believe that something will happen. If that day comes and goes with no hitch, then I will be first to say that it was all bullshit, but until that day comes, NO ONE will truly know what is going to happen.

There is no homework to do.:mrgreen:


Master of Mayhem
Now heres a prediction that will come true, I'm going to go smoke a fatty and finish watching the race....:joint:


Well-Known Member
Here is a FACT: The next Mayan long count begins on December 21, 2012, which is the beginning of the winter solstice, where also the Earth, Sun, and center of the galaxy will be lined up, and there will be violent sun storms during that period.

Now, will anything happen? Only time will tell. Your scientific approach to things tells you that nothing will happen. My interest in the supernatural makes me WANT to believe that something will happen. If that day comes and goes with no hitch, then I will be first to say that it was all bullshit, but until that day comes, NO ONE will truly know what is going to happen.

There is no homework to do.:mrgreen:
wasnt there plenty of times where the Earth, Sun and center of the galaxy were lined up????


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY!!!!!! The Mayans did not say "Spaniards will come and enslave us and take our lands.", They simply stated that times were gonna change. So like I said before, you can say that the Mayans predicted their future with this very broad description, or you can say that we applied these events to their description, because looking back now, they fit! It's all about point of view.
That's not what I said. The TEXT you cite for authority was written well after the Spanish conquest, under Spanish control. The katun which refers to 'bearded men from the east' and the 'raised wooden standard' can easily be read as Spanish propaganda inserted for political purposes. Not that an age characterized by foreign invaders would be surprising. The Mayans lived in close proximity to many other American peoples, with whom they had frequently warring relations. Historical texts are often corrupted by conquerors. When Napoleon invaded Egypt, he had people work on a version of the Quran which he hoped would help him gain greater political control there. It didn't work, but anyhow. I am not a Mayan scholar but I know a bit about the methodology of history and I was trying to make a point about not judging texts at their face value.


Master of Mayhem
Fuck it, it's all bullshit. Nothing that has EVER been written in history can be believed unless you warp back through time and actually ask the people yourselves.

Anybody here watch Family Guy? There's a character on there called Buzz Killington. Alot of people here remind me of him.

:peace: out.


Well-Known Member
Anybody here watch Family Guy? There's a character on there called Buzz Killington. Alot of people here remind me of him.

:peace: out.[/quote]

I get that alot . . . .just playin here Ernie.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in predictions like that, if we knew the world would end then the whole world would just eat, drink, and be merry or descend into complete anarchy and, ironically, that would be the end of the world.

Nah, man is not meant to know.


Well-Known Member
well the planet earth will be around far longer then we will, if something doesnt happen like an asteroid hits the earth or disease breaks out or there is a nuclear war. the sun will eventually reach a certain size and the earth will become a desert