It's Not a "Stimulus" Bill


New Member
It's Not a "Stimulus" Bill

February 4, 2009

Must we always fight Washington policy wars using preferred Democrat terms? Today’s example is the “stimulus package,” or as ABC touts on screen during its newscasts, the Obama “Rescue Plan,” as if the new president was donning Ronald Reagan’s lifeguard uniform and pulling the economy out of the surf. Despite the dominant media terms, liberals like those at the Huffington Post are complaining the Democrats aren’t effectively resisting “as Republicans seek to tar it as a ‘spending bill.’”

Only in the world of politics does one “tar” an issue by calling a spending bill a spending bill. But Republicans and conservative activists are doing more than that. They’re denouncing the bill’s enormous size – larger than the combined cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan up until now! They’re also focusing on how it’s light on actual “stimulus” items and heavy on grants pleasing traditional Democrat special interest groups.

Economist and blogger Robert Brusca estimated that only about 24 percent of the spending in the Senate plan can be categorized accurately as “stimulus,” and the rest is either “cushion” for the hard times, or categorized as “agenda” spending, advancing Democratic policy dreams. Even the stimulus is delayed, he quipped: “Does the administration go to Hallmark and buy us taxpayers a belated stimulus card?...This is no Muhammad Ali plan (float like a butterfly, sting like a bee). It's more like float like a lead balloon, bite like a flea.”

Bloggers at the Family Research Council have been organizing all the “stimulus” silliness in the bill, as are other detail-oriented conservatives. The silly items Obama pushed them to yank – subsidies for contraceptives and new sod patches for the National Mall – are not atypical.

Let’s start with $3 billion for “prevention and wellness programs, including $335 million for “education and prevention” of sexually transmitted diseases. FRC reports that
recent government expenditures in this area include a transgender beauty pageant in San Francisco that advertised available HIV testing. Then there was the event called "Got Love? -- Flirt/Date/Score" that taught how "to flirt with greater finesse." Does this strike anyone as a plan to jump-start the economy, instead of someone’s sex life?

The Senate (and the House) somehow think it’s a “stimulus” provision to give an additional $50 million to the National Endowment for the Arts. Kiff Gallagher, a former Clinton staffer, protested to the Los Angeles Times that the arts “get the shaft” in spending battles because their impact seems fuzzy. “But the new president shows that a higher social, empathic intelligence is required to solve hard-core issues.”

If we have enough “empathic intelligence,” we might imagine how we fix the mortgage-banking mess with more spending on the ballet.

On the tax-cut side, the Senate bill included a tax break worth up to $246 million over 11 years for outside investors in big-budget Hollywood movie projects. “Tax cuts for the wealthy” are okay – as long as the wealthy are making movies. But bad publicity and pork-busting Sen. Tom Coburn pressed the Senate (including 13 Democrats) to scrap the tax break.

The “green” lobby is thrown a pile of bones in the “stimulus” bill, including $10 million for bike and walking trails, $200 million for plug-in electric car stations, $400 million for climate change research by NASA scientists, $600 million to buy new “green” cars for government workers, $800 million for more cleanup of “Superfund” pollution sites, and $1.5 billion for the construction of new “green” school buildings.

Then there’s just plain self-dealing by the Democrats. The Washington Times reported on a $2.25 billion provision in the House bill for the National Parks – almost equal to the National Park Service’s total yearly budget, and a eyebrow-raising increase of almost three times the $802 million the Senate
Appropriations Committee put in its “stimulus” bill. The chief lobbyist for the National Parks Conservation Association is Craig Obey, the son of House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey.

There’s a reason why the Obama administration wanted to cram this massive spending bill through the Congress by Abe Lincoln’s birthday. Speed is of the essence: the longer it lingers, the more details emerge, proving this egg is rotten to the core. Republicans are now using those details to build skepticism about this freight train of partisan pork.

Standing in their way are TV news anchors, miffed that the GOP would “turn the cold shoulder” to Obama’s outreach, as Charles Gibson put it on ABC. His man on Capitol Hill, Jonathan Karl, added: “So much for the President's charm offensive. Today it was all partisan rancor and name-calling.”

The news media are supposed to be offering us information from Washington. In the case of this “stimulus” bill, it’s the last thing they want to do.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
The funny thing is this...if McCain had won the election you'd be here defending the exact same proposal that was being brought forth by the Republicans against the "lunatic liberals". You above all Vi ought to be able to see above all the partisan rhetoric.


New Member
The funny thing is this...if McCain had won the election you'd be here defending the exact same proposal that was being brought forth by the Republicans against the "lunatic liberals". You above all Vi ought to be able to see above all the partisan rhetoric.
With all due respect, wannabe ... you're incorrect. I wouldn't be cheering McCain. In my opinion, McCain threw the election when he voted for the first bailout package.



Well-Known Member
i agree..mccain would have been pres had he not voted for the bail out..democrats have their blinders on though...they voted in mass..and just worship obama jesus...who not only voted to fuck everyone out of trillions is about to pass trillion upon trillion of dollars worth of more bail out money..that will take at least two years two work into the economy and have limited results...the republicans proposal of immediate tax relief ..that would enter the economy right away..fuck that one gets a dollar of your money back from a democrat...they take the productive's ,money and hard work and give it to the non productive and incompetent ...and then just like in san fran..they wonder..why do we have so many homeless people."?and san fran is the only city that gives homeless people a check..they are just fucking retard's

the government has went socialist..the end of america as we know it is OVER..these fools that think europe is so wonderfull with all of the free medical ect ect ect..are about to find are about to get the most expensive roads and bridges and public projects ever seen..its not going to do any good to help the economy and you will get the worst service for the highest prices you have ever are going to wonder when they keep extending unemployment why no one is getting off of unemployment...they are going to wonder..not to far off in the distant future what the hell happened to the income they need to pay the debt's they have accumulated over the decades..

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
When you wake up and realize that the people who let millions borrow WAY above their means are the problem. And the same people who lent all that money are now giving themselves bonuses with the money given by the BUSH run government are the problem. Maybe OBAMA voted FOR it maybe, but there are 100 senators and 436 house reps that ALSO voted. He didn't do it alone. It's done! If you can develope a form of government that is truly of the people, by the people, and FOR the people I am in. It ain't that way and it hasn't been for a long time now. So unless you're ready to lead the next revolution in this country shut the fuck up and deal with it already!


Well-Known Member
When you wake up and realize that the people who let millions borrow WAY above their means are the problem. And the same people who lent all that money are now giving themselves bonuses with the money given by the BUSH run government are the problem. Maybe OBAMA voted FOR it maybe, but there are 100 senators and 436 house reps that ALSO voted. He didn't do it alone. It's done! If you can develope a form of government that is truly of the people, by the people, and FOR the people I am in. It ain't that way and it hasn't been for a long time now. So unless you're ready to lead the next revolution in this country shut the fuck up and deal with it already!
Sieg Heil!


You know, the problem with your attitude Wannabe is that it reeks of Naziesqeu/Stalinist attempts to shut the people up.

Fuck you. People are entitled to their opinions, and entitled to speak them.

Why don't you STFU, and go back to Sieg Heiling Obama whenever he appears on TV, like you want to?

And it's amazing, but twice Marijuana Legalization has been a major question to pop up on his little false "what do the people want" website, and twice it's been ignored.

You've been well and truly suckered.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
With all due respect, wannabe ... you're incorrect. I wouldn't be cheering McCain. In my opinion, McCain threw the election when he voted for the first bailout package.

McCain threw the election by having that dumb broad Palin as a VP.


Well-Known Member
McCain was a shill. McCain would never have won people were sick and tired of Republicans. They just need to be reminded now of what Democrats are all about. Republicans are one step from Fascist with their Corporatism. Democrats are one step from Communist with their class warfare and redistribution of wealth Schemes. Both Parties are State-ists, and want more Federal control more federal power.

I say bring on the Spending Bill spend all of that borrowed money before anyone realizes that we will never pay it back, Muahahaha. I mean what would they do nuke us LOL hell no they would go "damn-it!!! well we aren't loaning you any more." which is fine by me, then the Government would have to learn to live within its means.


Well-Known Member
too much reading. can someone pm me and give me the just of it in a couple of sentences? I am interested.


Well-Known Member
McCain was a shill. McCain would never have won people were sick and tired of Republicans. They just need to be reminded now of what Democrats are all about. Republicans are one step from Fascist with their Corporatism. Democrats are one step from Communist with their class warfare and redistribution of wealth Schemes. Both Parties are State-ists, and want more Federal control more federal power.

I say bring on the Spending Bill spend all of that borrowed money before anyone realizes that we will never pay it back, Muahahaha. I mean what would they do nuke us LOL hell no they would go "damn-it!!! well we aren't loaning you any more." which is fine by me, then the Government would have to learn to live within its means.
left - right, left - right, American voting history.