Its coming along


Well-Known Member
lol a funny boy,,,

and so.,,Please.. Lets hear these great ideas of why!
Lets hear why being part of this is a good thing when you will be able to grow with out it? (:


Well-Known Member
paying for a license only PUTS the onus on you !!!!...
seems a catch 22..
dammed if you do and dammed if you dont

which puts me back to what I asked
.. being part of a failed temp system is a good thing?
when you will never get caught in the first place?!?!?!
Soon it will be legal anyway...whats a few more plants!?!?!?!
Just a waste of everyone times and is only to slow everyone down a wee bit..
Sure isn't slowing Dispensary's now is it...
Why should patients be any different in that regard,