It's All Bullsh*t

Well-Known Member
most growers overdo it included...I use earth juice stuff, and more importantly- biodynamic compost...I've cut WAY back on the e.j.... stopped foliar feeding (until my algae's ready)...was forced to resort to compost tea(miraculous!), due to lack of compost- and they're going balls to the wall! luckily for organic people- too much is usually just redundance- pretty much innocuous- as opposed to chemical fert's.


Well-Known Member
was it really necessary to close my thread over 2 people having a little disagreement?
Thats thier problem not mine so you close my thread...MY THREAD!?!?


Well-Known Member
Its All Bullsh*t

Ha! I love it.
I have only been growing for a year or two but I couldn't believe how many nutrient manufactures there are.
Not to mention additives.

Its all Bullshit!
I agree.

Anyway I thought I would share our outdoor grow with you guys.

We have a yard at the base of a hill so it slopes up to the fence. Fortunately the hill ends there and the neighbors yard is level.
We wanted to grow but didn't want it to go taller then the fence. We made an outdoor SCROG. The space in the backyard
behind a bunch of foliage and in front of the fence. We have five Super Silver Haze in 5 gallon buckets.
Attached a screen to the fence and kept them from the neighbors view.

Then there are 3 widows that we just tied down at the end of the screen.

All shots I took are from the side because of the foliage blocks the view from the front. So stealth outdoor grow. Check it out.

I know it looks like they are taller then the fence but here it is from a distance.

It seems to be working, I just thought I would share the idea with people who would grow but maybe afraid there neighbors would see it.

Every other day we alternate feed/water. Basic nutes.
They are about 5 months old now, about a month to go.



Well-Known Member
you know fdd, your completly right, i have spend alot of money on exspensive additives and nut's from a compony called canna, and really i didnt see that great of results, this yr i whent to my local plant shop and brought a organic worm fert called superfeed 100% organic for $4.95(i brought 4 ) (for 1L)and a bottle of boost for $20(500mL), i feed my mj once a week for superfeed, and feed boost once every 2 weeks, and water every 3rd-4th day, and in all truth i can see they are doing just as good if not better, then last yrs plant's, i believe organic's are the best way to go, there is no point going out and bying all this exspensive additives and stuff ( not sure about indoors ) when you can spend under 30 $ and get the same if not better results, i say better cos there is no harmful shit in your plant's, thats gotta be a plus.


Well-Known Member
By the way bro those plant's are looking so good man, ^^^^^^^^^ and fdd i bet u could get more weed from warlock in one branch then i can my whole plant, lol looking dam good


Well-Known Member
I'm in a similar situation, only stickier, my plants are visible to one neighbor, but he could care less, thankfully, and there is a 6 ft wood fence I grow up against, in amongst a walnut tree for camo.


Well-Known Member
Cool man, I got so many laughs off this thread I had to contribute.

By the way, Thanks.
Now I am gonna go ahead and take some clones when they finish.
I thought I was to late....Bullsh*t

Mr Dude

you say you think these companys talk crap about additives, but then your adding blooming and vegging additives? errrr..... yeah ok.

Mr Dude

also... i dont agree that buying just normal additives does just as good a job , i think the more expensive stuff gives a far superior high - id rather have one smoke and be smashed all day than several to get the same effect....
On top of that, surly if a company sells a product and markets it with specific sales information that is false... they would be in court practically everyday due to false promises???


Well-Known Member
you say you think these companys talk crap about additives, but then your adding blooming and vegging additives? errrr..... yeah ok.

i use the cheapest, liquid, rganic "food" that i can find. they do need the basics. they don't need boosters and swellers, and color changers and all the other crap. if so you are working with inferior genetics.

nothing but a little NP and K, ... IMG_3953.jpg

also... i dont agree that buying just normal additives does just as good a job , i think the more expensive stuff gives a far superior high - id rather have one smoke and be smashed all day than several to get the same effect....
On top of that, surly if a company sells a product and markets it with specific sales information that is false... they would be in court practically everyday due to false promises???

dude, the nutes don't get you high. :wall:

like i said, i buy the CHEAPEST organic nutes i can. IMG_3929.jpg

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Man, I wish I could grow outside like that.

I agree that all the stuff they try to sell ya is bullchit. All i use is Alaska brand fish emulsion (5-1-1) for veg and dry bar cave bat guano (3-10-1) for flower along with some molasses. Plants do great. cost of all my ferts is probably 20-25 dollars and lasts for many grows.