It's All Bullsh*t


Well-Known Member
I am with you on this fdd. I am newb, but adding all those chemicals just does not seem right. These plants have been growing on their own for thousands of years.

I grow inside in a box. My next grow will be african violet mix, straight H2O and fish tank water.


Well-Known Member
I am with you on this fdd. I am newb, but adding all those chemicals just does not seem right. These plants have been growing on their own for thousands of years.

I grow inside in a box. My next grow will be african violet mix, straight H2O and fish tank water.

you had me up to "fish tank water". :mrgreen: :peace:


New Member
Its good stuff, check it out. Full of phos and nitrogen.

How much nitrogen and phosphorous is in fish water? Also, what about calcium? Potassium? Zinc?

In everyday gardening, there are lots of competitions. Tomatoes are a good one. If you grow tomatoes with carboload you will grow fatter fruits. The difference may be negligible, but the overall quality of the fruit will be better.

There may be a few products that are not worth buying, but overall these products have been scientifically proven to work. Cannazym contains enzymes that increases the plants ability to uptake nutes, meaning your plants will drink more, meaning they will grow bigger, give better yields. This is not bullshit.

The world famous Voodoo Juice, scientifically proven to increase root mass much more quickly than the plant could do it itself.

Superthrive or B52, over 50 hormones and vitamins that plants love and thrive on.

If you grow hydro, there are no short-cuts. Particularly DWC. Your plant may grow (i doubt it) with fish water, but if it did it would be a pathetic looking thing with barely any bud.


Well-Known Member
How much nitrogen and phosphorous is in fish water? Also, what about calcium? Potassium? Zinc?

In everyday gardening, there are lots of competitions. Tomatoes are a good one. If you grow tomatoes with carboload you will grow fatter fruits. The difference may be negligible, but the overall quality of the fruit will be better.

There may be a few products that are not worth buying, but overall these products have been scientifically proven to work. Cannazym contains enzymes that increases the plants ability to uptake nutes, meaning your plants will drink more, meaning they will grow bigger, give better yields. This is not bullshit.

The world famous Voodoo Juice, scientifically proven to increase root mass much more quickly than the plant could do it itself.

Superthrive or B52, over 50 hormones and vitamins that plants love and thrive on.

If you grow hydro, there are no short-cuts. Particularly DWC. Your plant may grow (i doubt it) with fish water, but if it did it would be a pathetic looking thing with barely any bud.

like i need more root mass. where would i put it?

pfffsssttttt!!!!!!!!! bullshit!!



New Member
You don't need it because you don't enter competitions. Try telling a guy who is trying to grow a prize-winning marrow to stop using his additives and he'd laugh at you.


New Member
have you seen my strains? you so high.:mrgreen:
I'm not a judge on the high times cannabis cup.

I've seen pic's of your strains, but never a plant up close. Would you consider your strains to be as good as White Widow, or AK47, or Ed Rosenthal Superbud?

Put your plants against plants like these and win, then you will be famous.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a judge on the high times cannabis cup.

I've seen pic's of your strains, but never a plant up close. Would you consider your strains to be as good as White Widow, or AK47, or Ed Rosenthal Superbud?

Put your plants against plants like these and win, then you will be famous.

if i knew the way to do it it would happen.:blsmoke: