It die on last week of flowering!!!!


Hello, i had this plant flowering for 8 weeks and the last week all of the sudden it started dying after I fed it.
Formula was in:
water 1 gallon:-Age old Bloom:1 onza
-Best o Bloom:1 minispoon
I had to chop it.1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg


Active Member
looks just about ready anyways, may have just been a natural occurrence. I personally dont give my plants any nutes the last week, thats when I just flush with plain water.


Looks like you overfed it... it also looks ready to chop anyway. Happy trails!
3rd week Vegging. 3rd week Vegging.
Tuesday10-Sep Sunday15-Sep everything is good just one plant got some light and heat stress so I moved the lamp a little away.
1 gallon water :food3/4 once1 gallon water :food3/4 once
Hydrozen7 ml Hydrozen0 ml
super thrive1 ml super thrive0 ml
ph 8 to 6.8 with teaspoon formula. ph 8.2 to 6.8 with 1.15 teaspoon formula.
0 week Flowering
Tuesday17-Sep0 days Sunday22-Sep *Today before I water , everything look to be great!!
* Today I noticed that the same plant may be getting a mini water flush it to wash some nuts.1 gallon water :Age old Bloom1 once
Hydrozen0 ml
super thrive0 ml
Ph:6.8Open Sessame1 mini spoon
1 week Flowering
Tuesday25-Sep Sunday29-SepAge old Bloom1 once
ThursdayWater Only! Hydrozen2 ml
super thrive1 ml
Open Sessame0 mini spoon
2 weeks Flowering
Tuesday1-Oct Sunday6-OctAge old Bloom1 once
*Today everything still looking great. :) Hydrozen0 ml
Friday I broke the tip of that plant and gave her some water. super thrive0 ml
Saturday, they all look great. Best o Bloom1 mini spoon
Ph: 6.8
3 weeks Flowering
Tuesday8-Oct Sunday13-OctAge old Bloom3/4 once
Hydrozen0 ml
Thursday super thrive1 ml
* Water, just a cup to each plant. * the 818 OG seams to have P.mildow,I sprayed control spray .
Monday . The smallest seams to be getting soggy first then drying up, pos nut burn, not enough light or over water,
Half Way
4 weeks Flowering
Tuesday15-Oct Sunday20-Oct
Friday:Two cups of clear water to each.* very slow grow
the smalest one lost all the leaft. Dry Two of the Ace of Spade are growing very slow and leaft drying from the tips.
5 weeks Flowering
Tuesday22-Oct Sunday27-Oct water
Wednesday23-OctSWITCHED LIGHT TO 150 HPS
water 1 gallonAge old Bloom1/2 onza
Best o Bloom3/4 mini spoon
Ph 7
6 weeks Flowering
Tuesday29-Oct Sunday
today I switched to 250w hps
Friday 1st1 gallon waterAge of bloom 1 onza
400 hps light :) super thrive1 ml
7 weeks
Tuesday5-Nov Sundaywater with shop formula.
water 1 gallon:Age old Bloom1 onza the plants seam to be afected for last food.
Best o Bloom1 minispoon
Friday 8-NovCut two!!
8 weeks Flowering
*Tuesday12-Nov Sunday
Wednesday 11-13Water


No wonder you over fed it man. I think you can dial back the nute treatments, your not doing hydro so a good feed every two weeks should cover it.