(issue)360 degree verticle solo cup grow - non cannabis related


so perpetually growing for leaf produce in my house I designed this compact system and im having some issues..

#1: huge water usage .. refilling every 3 days with 27 gallons of water with maybe 1 gallon left in system at the end of 3 days... temperature is 82 degrees constantly with 56% humidity. watering cycle is 15min on every 3 hours.

#2: Dense root growth which is great is also plugging drip holes at base of the cup causing the cup to flood and drown roots... media is hydroclay. holes at the base of the cup is 75% clayball size

#3: Dense root growth is expanding cup base through internal pressuring causing breaks in solo cup.

how can I fix these issues ..... The system is aquaponic in for nutrient use... growth is explosive but very restricted making multiple lettuce/spinach/milk thistle style harvest hard

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Id say bigger Res an a little stronger an bigger type cup/pot would fix all your problems. It's getting over grown an there wanting an needing a lot of H20...!!! Very healthy plants..!! IMHO✌


yeah I was thinking about upping the pot size but I was think that at some point the roots will jam anything so I should figure out the best time to reclone and just harvest it all when it gets near this point... 2-3 months out or so