ISO extractions by The zacdes

If you can find my youtube page there is a clip of how to with ISO. The only difference is ive changed to a kitchen sieve and two frozen bowls, its faster, and keeps it cool longer, an improvement!! The curtain mesh drains faster too, allowing more pours! Experiment with your evapping and cooking process, it will surprise what can come out of ISO,shots are on my page in a couple of clips at least!
Oh dear, I forgot that you should crush up your bud in to bits about 3 mil square, bit of dust wont hurt, but aim for this, it allows good contact with the ISO for ALL the weed!!
Yo, I dont like to get it hot enough to evap water, even though in short doses it wont hurt, just decarb it for eating, i just like and need the lower temps to get the products i want! Know what ya mean about that rainbow sheen as the last bit of ISO is in a tiny layer on top. I just water bath it for 15 to 30 minutes to make sure all ISO is gone!! A sure sign theres still some in it, is a harshness in the throat on exhale...cook more:)