Island outdoor grow thread


Well-Known Member
whew! Its been a good 3 weeks sine ive visited my babies up in the mountains.

im waking up in the early morning hours tomorrow and I am going to go hiking up to my plants, this time with a CAMERA and some non-organic insecticide (I dont have anything else on hand! :[ )

So ill update you all in the morning.

Lets all pray for fat nuggies! but most of all pray they are still there >.<


Well-Known Member
:peace:BUD PORN TIME!!!:peace:

Alright! I kept to my word, hiked up this morning, I was quite pleased to see the sativas progress!

LUCKILY I didn't even have to use the insecticie, I saw a few grasshoppers and other bugs, but nothing serious, seems like the girls are pretty resiliant to insects and disease.

The buds are kinda skinny, but thats ok, they are about maybe 5-6 weeks into flowering now and they are sativas.

As far as the pictures go, I have my 3 sativa girls there, they are all about 4 foot tall. And I also have a picture of my one female Mazar-I-Sharif (3 weeks into flowering about).

Anyway the buds are kinda small right now, I hope they fatten up. They are nice and crystally though! :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Wow man, I think you underestimated the fertility of the soil or the Gaviota fert really did its job. They look amazing, sure surprised ya when you saw them bigger after boosting from the start of flowering huh?

Love the pics also. Got my 4 girls just a bit into flowering, maybe 2+ weeks if not more. Only one is flowering profusely, the other three have shown their hairs and are still stretching while they start to flower. They would have been bigger but they had limited root space from lack of repotting and not being watered for a few days a wilting from lack of water. Now I got them repotted and in better spots to catch more light during the day, so I hope to see some bud growth over the coming weeks. Sure has been cloudy alot here on Maui lately.

Congrats again on the plants, Should get a good amount of bud from those girls. :)

PS - That small plant the Autoflower?


Well-Known Member
Wow man, I think you underestimated the fertility of the soil or the Gaviota fert really did its job. They look amazing, sure surprised ya when you saw them bigger after boosting from the start of flowering huh?

Love the pics also. Got my 4 girls just a bit into flowering, maybe 2+ weeks if not more. Only one is flowering profusely, the other three have shown their hairs and are still stretching while they start to flower. They would have been bigger but they had limited root space from lack of repotting and not being watered for a few days a wilting from lack of water. Now I got them repotted and in better spots to catch more light during the day, so I hope to see some bud growth over the coming weeks. Sure has been cloudy alot here on Maui lately.

Congrats again on the plants, Should get a good amount of bud from those girls. :)

PS - That small plant the Autoflower?

oh yeah, I was really amazed to see them grow so much. They started showing hairs at im guessing about 4-6 inches of height! Now they are 4 feet tall!!!!! Freakin incredible I was mind blown. Now i just need them to fatten up for harvest.

They are at about 6 weeks of flowering or so I would say. The indica started flowring later, and is at about 3 weeks. BTW that small plant was my mazar-i-sharif, and yes, it looks like it has some dwarf/autoflower traits, seeing as it isnt growing very big, but who knows. My two REAL lowryder#2 autoflowerers turned out to be somewhat of a failure, they grew 2 inches tall a pieice and will yeild around 1 gram each. The very large picture in this thread is also a picture of that mazar. They came as freebies.


Well-Known Member
To tell you the truth I dont know if the gaviolta fert made my plants or the natural fertility of the soil/ the soil mix I made for my plants. Im prettysure it was a combination of all three, This is only my first grow with gaviolta so I couldent be sure, I would need a few more grows under my belt with it to come to a final conclusion of wether it is a good fert or not.


Well-Known Member
Yeh that didn't really look like an autoflower but I'd thought I'd ask anyway. Girls look great either way. Guess Autoflowers just aren't the way to go during short season.


hey grassified,
thanks for telling me to check out these pics nice work seems like your plants responded nicely