Is this true?

I read that taking clones from a select healthy mother and throwin them into 12/12 will grow with more vigor and produce more bud versus 12/12ing from seed can anyone vouch?


Well-Known Member
Fully rooted clones will have a head start on seeds. Lets say you take a cutting off of a 3 monthed vegged plant that cutting will be 3 months old + the time it took to root and so on. But it all factors in (health roots environment)
Currently setting up a 1000W Hps Sog flower room for my ladies Clones to shuffle on into when the time comes. it has a cooltube, will be vented and carbon scrubbed. also it is nicely COLD almost at the 5 degree mark as im going to be cloning my Cali purp here they are ATM at Day 5 with alotta vigor(dont mind the sand)11104113_714886911943001_399041129_n.jpg11096747_714886928609666_820435667_n.jpg

