Is this safe.


Well-Known Member
Is it safe to be posting pictures of your stuff on here. I mean its great that there is a place to get help, but the first rule i ever learned about all this is no matter how proud you are never show off your shit. Kinda freeks me out a little.

Illegal Smile

Anything illegal is unsafe. IMO, closeup pictures of a leaf or a brown spot are ok. Pics that show whole grows and are boastful could come back to bite you.


Well-Known Member
just dont post things that would give you away... like the front of your house or your face lol


Well-Known Member
yeah on top of that if federal agents were looking at all these websites i think they would look for someone showing off fields of this stuff not just a little bit. i dont think they will spend their resources to bust someone for one plant. especially considering each state law is different and for some people it not that harsh of a crime


Well-Known Member
Use A Proxy.... Info From Wiki : Type in proxy server

Anonymizing proxy server

An anonymous proxy server (sometimes called a web proxy) generally attempts to anonymize web surfing. There are different varieties of anonymizers. One of the more common variations is the open proxy. Because they are typically difficult to track, open proxies are especially useful to those seeking online anonymity, from political dissidents to computer criminals. Some users are merely interested in anonymity for added security, hiding their identities from potentially malicious websites for instance, or on principle, to facilitate constitutional human rights of freedom of speech, for instance. The server receives requests from the anonymizing proxy server, and thus does not receive information about the end user's address. However, the requests are not anonymous to the anonymizing proxy server, and so a degree of trust is present between that server and the user. Many of them are funded through a continued advertising link to the user.
Access control: Some proxy servers implement a logon requirement. In large organizations, authorized users must log on to gain access to the web. The organization can thereby track usage to individuals.
Some anonymizing proxy servers may forward data packets with header lines such as HTTP_VIA, HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, or HTTP_FORWARDED, which may reveal the IP address of the client. Other anonymizing proxy servers, known as elite or high anonymity proxies, only include the REMOTE_ADDR header with the IP address of the proxy server, making it appear that the proxy server is the client. A website could still suspect a proxy is being used if the client sends packets which include a cookie from a previous visit that did not use the high anonymity proxy server. Clearing cookies, and possibly the cache, would solve this problem.