Is this rooted


Well-Known Member
I broke this lil branch offa one of my flowering girls by accident over 3 weeks ago,,put it in water first,then 15 days ago put some rooting liquid on it and stuck it in soil vermic and perlite,stem looks good,,think it has taken and is just stunted from going from flower back to veg??

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
like I said originally,,I broke it off a female by mistake,,it had hairs,,but you can put it back to veg,,and I tried rooting it,so my question again,,does this look like it's taken after more than 14 days in this soil mix

Keep on Growin



New Member
how long did u leave it in water before you put root hormone on it and put it in soil? it looks like it is dying....... did u mist it for the first 4days and are u using a dome.


Well-Known Member
how long did u leave it in water before you put root hormone on it and put it in soil? it looks like it is dying....... did u mist it for the first 4days and are u using a dome.
it was in water only a day or two till I got the rooting liquid,,I did mist at first and had a dome on it,,now it has been in this pot for 18 days,,wouldn't it be dead by now,the stem looks as green as the day I broke it off by accident

Keep on Growin



New Member
mkay so maybe it aint dead. i always have clones rooted in about a week after putting them into cloning.


Well-Known Member
Just keep some light on it, fuck it. If you start seeing new growth it has a chance, and has the possibility of rooting or is rooted.


Well-Known Member

It most probably has rooted and requires a slight nutrient solution to the soil to give it a boost. When my clones root, the leaves turn yellow/brown like yours, this is a sign they are taking up water via roots.

Give it a very mild solution to the soil and see if you notice an improvement.

You could also maybe slightly and VERY gently give it a tug, if you feel some resistance then it's rooted.


Well-Known Member

It most probably has rooted and requires a slight nutrient solution to the soil to give it a boost. When my clones root, the leaves turn yellow/brown like yours, this is a sign they are taking up water via roots.

Give it a very mild solution to the soil and see if you notice an improvement.

You could also maybe slightly and VERY gently give it a tug, if you feel some resistance then it's rooted.
thxs HomeGrown,,just the kind of positiveness I wanted to hear

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
19 days... I'd say that its probably rooted than... tug it just a little bit... if you feal an resistence whatsoever than its roted...


Well-Known Member
hahas... when I wrote it I said oh... fuck... than I said oh fuck it... just like I'm saying ohh fuck it about that s over there ... I'm so lazy id rather write a few sentences saying that than erasing it hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa hooo... pretty high... nice laughy high... haven;t hade one of thoes in a while... damn that... semicolon!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hahas... when I wrote it I said oh... fuck... than I said oh fuck it... just like I'm saying ohh fuck it about that s over there ... I'm so lazy id rather write a few sentences saying that than erasing it hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa hooo... pretty high... nice laughy high... haven;t hade one of thoes in a while... damn that... semicolon!!!!!
LOL,,should I consider you a Stalk er,,,or a Stem mer,,hehe

Keep on Growin
