Is this right??????


Active Member
Yo GC in 2 months my dads leaving and I shoud be able to start a grow just wanted tobe sure of a few things.

First off I watched a how to grow weed video by a dude named jorge cervantes.

He said for pot size shold be 1 gallon for every month the plant is alive. I got some 4.5 so I want to veg for 2 months then switch to flowering the 2 and half months left. Is that right.

Also I've always had trouble with soil. I want the plants to stay in the same pot from seedling to havest. I have bio bizz light soil. It says its ok for seedling and you can add your own ferts. will that work or is bio bizz light too strong? last time I tried all mix the plants died after a month. soif bio bizz light is not the answer then what is? (avalable in the UK)

How many plants can go under a standerd HPS light I'm thinking 6. is that correct?

Peace GC


New Member
3 gallon, tops,from seed.Plant does'nt really grow roots in "flower".How much watts is your hps?yeh biobizz light is good,no problem.