Is this recipe ok?? help!!


Active Member
Hi guys, I just joined today and I appreciate all of the welcoming vibes. I'm doing my 2nd outdoor organic grow this year. Last year I did a gorilla grow in northern Illinois that came out wonderful considering the climate.(Largest plant 9oz, smallest plant 21g) Though this year I am in western Colorado! Not worried as long as I stay at 6 plants. Well anyway, I decided to make a super soil this year based roughly off of Subcools recipe:

6 cu. ft. Earth Gro potting soil(sand,perlite,compost, forest products)
-6 cu. ft. mushroom compost(composted poultry and horse manure, hay, cottonseed hulls, and sphagnum peat)
-20 lbs worm castings(1-0-0)
-4 lbs bone meal(4-12-0)
-2.5 lbs blood meal(12-0-0)
-2.2 pounds Peruvian seabird guano(12-11-2)
-1/3+1/4 cup Epsom salts
-Slightly over 1/3 cup of azomite
-16 quarts of perlite(half small pieces half large pieces)
-8 quarts of vermiculite
-6 packs of mykos inoculant
-5 bricks of rinsed Coco coir
-3 tbls of Humate(humic acid)
-1/3+1/4 cup of dolomite lime

What do you think? Is this soil too hot to transplant 5 week old seedlings into and then just water from then out? Let me know thanks!! Btw this is my first post so sorry in advance for any mistakes


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I just joined today and I appreciate all of the welcoming vibes. I'm doing my 2nd outdoor organic grow this year. Last year I did a gorilla grow in northern Illinois that came out wonderful considering the climate.(Largest plant 9oz, smallest plant 21g) Though this year I am in western Colorado! Not worried as long as I stay at 6 plants. Well anyway, I decided to make a super soil this year based roughly off of Subcools recipe:

6 cu. ft. Earth Gro potting soil(sand,perlite,compost, forest products)
-6 cu. ft. mushroom compost(composted poultry and horse manure, hay, cottonseed hulls, and sphagnum peat)
-20 lbs worm castings(1-0-0)
-4 lbs bone meal(4-12-0)
-2.5 lbs blood meal(12-0-0)
-2.2 pounds Peruvian seabird guano(12-11-2)
-1/3+1/4 cup Epsom salts
-Slightly over 1/3 cup of azomite
-16 quarts of perlite(half small pieces half large pieces)
-8 quarts of vermiculite
-6 packs of mykos inoculant
-5 bricks of rinsed Coco coir
-3 tbls of Humate(humic acid)
-1/3+1/4 cup of dolomite lime

What do you think? Is this soil too hot to transplant 5 week old seedlings into and then just water from then out? Let me know thanks!! Btw this is my first post so sorry in advance for any mistakes
Looks great!
Did you let this mix "cook"?
I would let this "cook" for as long as possible before using. I ready my soil by March 1st for use in May.
Good luck,


Active Member
Looks great!
Did you let this mix "cook"?
I would let this "cook" for as long as possible before using. I ready my soil by March 1st for use in May.
Good luck,
Awesome! Yeah I'm going to let it cook for 5 weeks, will that be enough you think?


Active Member
I use what is called Humbolts Super Soil, with great results. Per 200 gal smart pot - 4 bales sunshine mix, 4 cuft chicken poop, 80lbs worm castings, 3cuft perlite, 27lbs steamed bone meal, 10lbs kelp, 10lbs oyster shell, 10lbs dolomite lime, and 10lbs gypsum. If anyone is wanting to try this mix, feel free to contact me. I tweek this recipe a little. I make some easy to make teas and sprays that I use along the way. No bottled anything. 100% organic makes for best quality!


Active Member
I use what is called Humbolts Super Soil, with great results. Per 200 gal smart pot - 4 bales sunshine mix, 4 cuft chicken poop, 80lbs worm castings, 3cuft perlite, 27lbs steamed bone meal, 10lbs kelp, 10lbs oyster shell, 10lbs dolomite lime, and 10lbs gypsum. If anyone is wanting to try this mix, feel free to contact me. I tweek this recipe a little. I make some easy to make teas and sprays that I use along the way. No bottled anything. 100% organic makes for best quality!
And you're up in Cali?


Active Member
We have a "RIU" BBQ every spring near Sacramento, if you were local I was going to say come on out. But that's a bit of a drive.
That's awesome. I wish I could make it out, there's always a chance! I appreciate you guys being so welcoming it's great,

jimmy slim big

Well-Known Member
i see!! nice, so my fiance has wanted to move back there for years but im from mass and we live in maine.... i never gave it another thought until it just hit me! thats where its all starting right?!? so idk im inlove with growing its really a passion and i know if i had the time and place to max potential i could! i take pride in being the best at anything i do ya know.... anyway i mean how can i get in with a good group of quality growers? and can i make a living to support my fAmily? how? im not looking for a get rich quick thing or even getting rich but if i can support my fam and do what im passionate about and what i love doing and being able to "work from home" and be with them all day!?! i want it!! where does one start??


Active Member
i see!! nice, so my fiance has wanted to move back there for years but im from mass and we live in maine.... i never gave it another thought until it just hit me! thats where its all starting right?!? so idk im inlove with growing its really a passion and i know if i had the time and place to max potential i could! i take pride in being the best at anything i do ya know.... anyway i mean how can i get in with a good group of quality growers? and can i make a living to support my fAmily? how? im not looking for a get rich quick thing or even getting rich but if i can support my fam and do what im passionate about and what i love doing and being able to "work from home" and be with them all day!?! i want it!! where does one start??
Honestly man, go for it. I love it down here, it's goregeous. PLUS it's a growers dream!! I only moved here a month ago!! Was born out here and lived here for a while but I moved out east as well to Illinois, just got back and got right on the bandwagon!! I'm starting school for botany soon at CMU they have a wonderful program. The best way you want to make money doing what we all love is to get licensed from the state to sell to the medical dispensaries, it's a much better route than trying to deal with the recreational so I've heard. As long as you produce QUALITY stuff I met a guy out here who's licensed and the shops buy his pounds for 3-4 grand... Do the math you can do good for yourself.. While making friends!

jimmy slim big

Well-Known Member
yea thats all i wanna do! ... i want to be able to take a few years to really take in and watch everything learning every little detail and be able to have the setup i need to bring them to max potential.... and not have to ever worry about what i can and cant do ... man idk ... plus my fiance is from and wants to go back to the only place i can do that!! idk i tiink its destiny! like i said after years of her asking to move with her it finaly clicked!! and ill be able to drive to cali or the grand canyon or lake tahoe omg dude!! i gotta do it!! plus my kids would be able to so much more then they would if we stayed in maine!! its way to far away !! omg me and my fiance could go to vegas for the weekend!!!! thats it!! we gotta do it!! we could build a good home for our children and have our own traditions.... grizwald shit you know ;) lol its done! her father lives in durango but i kinda wanna be more so in the woods then straight town with a house every 5 feet!


Active Member
yea thats all i wanna do! ... i want to be able to take a few years to really take in and watch everything learning every little detail and be able to have the setup i need to bring them to max potential.... and not have to ever worry about what i can and cant do ... man idk ... plus my fiance is from and wants to go back to the only place i can do that!! idk i tiink its destiny! like i said after years of her asking to move with her it finaly clicked!! and ill be able to drive to cali or the grand canyon or lake tahoe omg dude!! i gotta do it!! plus my kids would be able to so much more then they would if we stayed in maine!! its way to far away !! omg me and my fiance could go to vegas for the weekend!!!! thats it!! we gotta do it!! we could build a good home for our children and have our own traditions.... grizwald shit you know ;) lol its done! her father lives in durango but i kinda wanna be more so in the woods then straight town with a house every 5 feet!
It is destiny man the more the merrier, I'm stoked for you dude it all came together for me too I'm glad to be out here. I don't know exactly where you guys are lookin to move but the western slope has a lot of shops and opportunity! Man the Rockies are a completely different world. An. The people!! They've been so welcoming and friendly!! It's really different man I love it, I'm in a more desert climate you could say,about 20 mins from the Colorado national monument. I get a kick ass view of the grand mesa(biggest flat top mountain in the world) from my front yard man!! And goregeous and all alpine up there, only 40 or so minutes away! Goregeous full of alpine a and lakes and streams. It's phenomenol man truly breathtaking, I'd say get the hell out here!! Like you said when you get your indoor setup just how you like you're golden man it's all about finding your nitch and growing the best quality you can!! All you need is clean, QUALITY stuff to make it down here! Come out brother!

jimmy slim big

Well-Known Member
my fiance asked what if next year it passed and i could do it here in maine..... i said yea but there are still all the other + .... living in maine we might take the fam on a vaca to fl or maybe cali... 1 time! .... living in colorado ill drive us for a vaca every summer to cali!! you know? theres so many more options for us there i mean idk even if i didnt wanna grow there are still way to many things i can show and experience for my kids!! just a few..... grand canyon, vegas, anything in cali, shit mt rushmore! i mean cmon!!! haight ashbury!! i have wanted to go to san fran for ever!! o will never be able to do those things 3,000 miles away! but in colorado everything is like 10-15 hrs away any direction ya know? she spoke to her dad this morning and he is all about it!! idk man my kids might be going to school in colorado next fall!!! idk