Is this nute burn?


I've been told this is nute burn but I haven't been giving it very many nutes at all, what do you think?20200526_121928.jpg


Well-Known Member
Not sure which bag of Whitney's Organic but they're all relatively similar... You gotta start ph'ing your water. The soil is peat based and isn't treated with a buffer. Next go around add some dolomite lime to your mix. Peat turns acidic after a few months. That "aged forest product" is also going to keep delivering Nitrogen long past harvest. Your soil is almost identical to the organic soil I am using. Organic soil should be prepared ahead of time, and rarely need fert. You will want to learn this method. I ran into the same thing with my current crop. I will use my soil as a base for super soil, and feed teas only. I suggest you do the same, as the soil you used is also a great foundation for it.