Is this nute burn (pics included)


Active Member
I dont have a ppm meter so I am going by recomended feeding on the back of the bottle. Im using grow,micro,bloom 2ml 2ml .44ml per liter of water. My ph is 6.3-6.5 im growing in soil. My temp is 74-78 and RH is 55-60%. Sould I flush or just skip a week of feeding nutes? The person I spoke with from advanced said if its no on the tip of the leaf it's nutrient difiency not nute burn. Im still new at this any help would be great.....THANK YOUIMG_0105.jpgIMG_0106.jpgIMG_0104.jpg


Well-Known Member
I concur with the a deficiency. Go into the FAQ's and look through the pics/descriptions to find a pic of your deficiency. Your leaves are curling up so it might be magnesium and you may need to lower the PH.


Well-Known Member
I'd say no. Not nute burn. But I have a little of that going on as well so hopefully others will chime in soon.


Active Member
Are all the leaves like that, or just a few on the plant? If its just a few, i wouldn't worry about it. You'll get leaves that die throughout the plants life. Besides you never mentioned how old they were. For instance, that usually happens to my plants when i switch from vegging stage to the flowering stage and after 2 or 3 weeks their fine again. Also make sure if your spraying your plants for bugs to try and dry off what ever spray your using right away. Cause that may be whats causing the little brown spots in the middle parts of the leaves. I spray my plants with a neem oil spray and noticed if i don't turn on a fan to air dry them right away i get those little brown spots too.

The spray droplets create a magnified glass effect and the lights burn those little brown spots into your leaves. If RH stands for Room Humidity, then you may want to consider an exhaust fan in your grow area to reduce the humidity when your lights are off and to prevent water droplets from forming.

One more thing i suggest. If your only growing a few plants like 3-6. I suggest buying bottled drinking water by the gallon. I use wal-marts drinking water brand with the white label and light green lid. Its ph and ppm level's is perfect and its like 80 or 90 cents a gallon. I grow between 3-6 plants myself at a given time and using 1 to 2 gallons a week at that price is dirt cheap and i don't have to waste my time with correcting ph levels.

This is just from my experience, so you should see what others say also. Good Luck


Active Member
Cool good feedback my plants are in veg. week 5 and only some of the leaves look like this I dont spray my plants im thinking about flushing but some leaves on my plant look wrinkley almost like lack of nutes so im stuck not knowing what to do


Well-Known Member
Nute burn starts at the tips and yellows working it's way back. Curling up usually means magnesium deficiency which is caused by too high a Ph. It could be burning from lights and spraying with water as well. I've seen that as burning burnign from spraying the leaves as well. Are you misting them with water?


Active Member
no misting heat wise im using a 400 wat hps with a 4 inch inline fan 170 cfm and air cooloed reflector my hand above the plants feels nice I see alot of upward curling leaves but my ph is always 6.3-6.5 but im going to test the run off after my next watering what should I do if its high or low of 6.3-6.5


Well-Known Member
Cool good feedback my plants are in veg. week 5 and only some of the leaves look like this I dont spray my plants im thinking about flushing but some leaves on my plant look wrinkley almost like lack of nutes so im stuck not knowing what to do
what kind of soil are you in


Active Member
im using a soil from a local nursurie no time released nutes just a mix of soil perlite and some very little pieces of wood chips good drainage and water retention


Well-Known Member
Where are things at for you now? I was having another thought that your soil from the farm might not have enough sources of magnesium or calcium in it. It would also be ok to bring your ph down a bit more if you find it's in the upper end of the 6's. Try to bring down to right around 6.0 to make sure your magnesium is getting absorbed.