Is this good???


Well-Known Member
Okay so I have an old and big t.v. cabinet that I am using to start my first grow. I have a 250w HPS light that is hanging from the top of it about 1 foot from the pots. Walls are covered in white trash bags. have small 3 inch fan. how have been misting heavily. should i leave doors open or closed? water more or less? need another fan?very small plants and much light? right now they are 24/0


Well-Known Member
ur gonna need way more ventilation then this 3 in fan man!
Yeah heat will be your enemy (same as me) in a small area...I'd also veg a bit with something a little less severe then an HPS.. they are usually hung about 15"+ away, and a small plant may have a rough time... also be careful misting under that light, or you may get burn spots on your leaves, maybe do it during dark cycle...... Luck.


Well-Known Member
like should i leave the doors open and get a fan like in front of the door?
Thats what I do now..I've got an old stereo cabinet w/cfl's for vegging and I keep a fan 22" outside...2 reasons... heat & to strengthen stems....
+rep for growing..


Well-Known Member
Get some basic 20-20-20 $7.00 (good 2 years) for veg.. a 10-25-20 (sort of ratio) for flow.(wait till you HAVE a plant).. a small plant I water once every 3-4 days... no nutes till 3-4 weeks old..start 1/4 strength.. happy growing.


Well-Known Member
sweet i just went to the store and got each of them separate pots and I also got a 16" fan that is now blowing in there. I just replanted them and watered them in. I got a thermometer and it is 79 degrees F and 58% Humidity


Well-Known Member
I have a 250w HPS light that is hanging from the top of it about 1 foot from the pots.
is this as far as your light goes up? its not much grow space for your plants, having them so close will force them to stay short and stocky but will probably yield less. or they could grow to close and start burning. hopefully you can raise it or screen it off