is this excessive?


Well-Known Member
oops forgot to add these...the little one nearly died from poor drainage, looked like it had phosphoruos def notice the purple branches it the same age as the big one but it has made a nice turn around



Active Member
Man i love your grow it shows you really care for your ladies!the only advice i can give is to clean the tops portion of your closet out before something falls and abuses your beautiful girls! And when your grow is over i would totally let your bro hock up that hps lamp and ballast! It seems like you have already out grown the cfl. Happy harvest!


Well-Known Member
so it took me and my friend all day and we accidently broke a branch at the node while moving it, but fixed it up hopefully it recovers, we are very proud of out new setup what do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
okay, so you guys suggested i work on getting more light on the bottom and make my lighting more first i put a ceiling on it, but it was a little my solution, go out and get another light stand and 6 more lights...yes i got 6 more lights, i'm up to 26 bulbs, 5 43 watt and 21 26 watt, also got a smoke detector, lol, good advice though, and a really good surge protector with a battery backup so if i lose power my lights won't go out right away...they are really starting to bud...i've come along way from trying to grow on my window sill



Active Member
You have tons of light at the top! so if you can get another one of those tall black light fixtures, the one i have is a three piece shaft. So take the middle portion of the stand off and splice the wires and remove it, then rewire it put it together and you will have some more light in the middle and maybe the bottom. By the looks of your photos the bottom and middle are the places that are not getting enough light so just focus on that. And by the way how is it smell? when i grew in my closet like that my hole house stunk to high heaven! :lol: And the little girl could be raise a lot higher so it can get more light. but besides that your doing an tremendous job! and Im looking forward to your harvest!
Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
yeah, i did that to the lefternmost light, took a section off, if my woman will let me i will get another one, but i don't know if i will i already have 26 bulbs, i don't know if i want to get another 6, i would definetly try it with one of the two i have but they are supporting the cardboard roof


Well-Known Member
well guys im going on the lam for a few months...
it took us about 20mins to break down the whole set up, we choped up the plant and got rid of it :tear:

Smoke a big fatty for me



Well-Known Member
aghhh...i have a search warranty possibility coming my way for something else, it's fading right now, but i didn't want to get caught red handed so honestly, it took me and my friend 20 minutes to be completly done and have a blunt rolled and soon as i know i'm in the clear i'm starting back up but for now i have 31CFLs and 8 light fixtures in my closet...believe me i will be back


Well-Known Member
i smoked like 4 blunts to get up the courage...the bud on the main cola was so big it finally completly opened up...i thought about cutting a foot of the top and planting it somewhere else but at the time i was to paranoid...i basically got home from an interrogation at the prosecutor's office, called my partner in crime and got to work "cleaning" my apartment...apparently they tapped my friends cell so i don't know to expect


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna kick myself if it turns out i didn't need to do this, but it's better than someone else kicking my ass in jail


Well-Known Member
god it pains me too even look into my second bedroom 3 1/2 months down the drain...on the plus side still a free man, may have caught a big break thanks to loyal friends


Well-Known Member
at least i learned a couple things from this...continue treating my friends like family and i now have some experience for taking clones for next time...and i built a good grow area with a closet and cardboard that can be completly dismantled in under 20 minutes and i managed not to break anything so i could be setup again tomorrrow


Well-Known Member
overall though this has been a scary experience, thought i was going to need thousands for a lawyer and get my home searched and getting locked up...DEFINETLY no more buying discount electronics from co workers