is this early signs of male?


Well-Known Member
hey so if this is a male, its as early of a sign ive caught before, yesterday i did a good look at my plants, nothing, then today i looked at em, and this one had 2 pod looking things side by side, 4 total, 2 on each side on the fourth node. I know the pic is semi shitty, but there so small that if i got closer i lost my focus.


I'm only well read on these things..but yeah that looks male to me. In my first grow so I haven't actually seen one in real life haha. From what I've read, pollen sacks can fully develop in as little as a day. Just be carful with them.


Well-Known Member
its a seed from a good batch, its growing along side 2 others, 1 femmed blue widow, and another mystery seed from good batch that seems to be a female. Surefire male/hermie though?